Leanne Dyer (didn't like this at all)

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Ymra, May 30, 2011.

  1. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    In fact, I only shot 15 - 20 frames before I told her I was tired of shooting with her. She said "Its been a long day" and I said "I understand but to keep shooting you would be a waste of my time, please choose another photog....you may have your money back"

    ...she called me a jerk. but you can look at her face, and the way she kept locking her arm (creates an unflattering bulge) ...she just wasn't into the shot, it was a waste of time.....but this is what I got out of it..





  2. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    This one is a dud. She looks bored & stiff & she has no life in her face or body. She doesn't seem interested in having her picture taken at all.

    I do like that purple dress though.

    Hahaha...I just showed the pics to my homeboy & he just said she looks like one of those women who just lay there doing nothing during sex. Then he just shook his head.
  3. Ymra

    Ymra New Member


    I thought I was the only one because o have no patience....but after talking to some of the other photogs.....she as this way with everyone. In her defense it was hot as hell. But everyone took it in stride. It was a waste, I didn't even edit these pics....

    ...it was such a waste.
  4. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Whether it was hot or not, she's evidently not model material. A good model takes it in stride no matter the situation. A good model is should be able to inspire the photographer.
  5. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I wasn't inspired.....and I wish she had brought it because my word doesn't have as much depth.

    ...I've only got the slim ladies, I was happy when she am up, get some women with a lil mo thickness....she didn't work it.
  6. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Well, you tried. Hopefully one will come along who can bring it. ;)

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