“I think my dear brother Barack Obama has a certain fear of free black men,’’ West said. “It’s understandable. As a young brother who grows up in a white context, brilliant African father, he’s always had to fear being a white man with black skin. All he has known culturally is white . . . When he meets an independent black brother, it is frightening.’’ ========================================================= Really ? I saw on MSNBC and it is believed cornel is upset he got snubbed for an event by the president.
Cornel West along with his boys Michael Eric Dyson and Tavis Smiley (who wants to be intellectually equal to those two men) co-signs and adds intellectual weight to ghetto/hip-hop coonery to sell books/remain relevant, while firing broadsides at our first black President. Even among so-called "black thinkers" you'll find typical negro crabs-in-a-barrel behavior. How ironic the light-skinned elite Ivy Leaguer West calling out another's (Barack's) blackness. I am as smart as all those guys except Obama and I'm just a guy on a WWBM message board. Shameful.
exactly. its one thing to call him out on his policies and shit but to say he is not a real black man. hey C.W. look in the mirror your momma was ass was tapped by a white man so go check yourself.
Though I agree with some of Dr. West’s sentiments. Dr. West has to realize that Obama is the prez for whites, blks, blues and browns alike, so he can’t choose to only uptake blk issues. Additionally, Obama is a slick fast talking Chicago politician. Politician gonna do what they got to do for reason of electability. Didn’t Rev. Wright say the same thing in ‘08? Anyhoo, if Dr. West continues to have beef with Obama, he should settle it behind close door than continuing to air dirty laundry like this.
Thank God for black men like Obama. Black men who believes in themselves and stay focused on what they want to do when everyone else have left them. Cornell West, Tavis, Eric Dyson and many of those other black "intellectuals" could never achieve the type of success like a Barack Obama. The black men in this country that knock the doors down so that others can follow are a true rare breed. Thurgood Marshall, the Tuskegee Airman, etc. the true pioneers who are in the front and goes against all kinds of odds. Those are the kinds of black men that inspire other blacks to push to excel. Lets be honest, what Obama did and the confidence that he had in himself to strive to become the first black president will be studied long after all of us are dead. Cornell West and many of the black "intellectuals" won't even be a footnote in history. Obama is on the level of a General Benjamin O. Davis, a black general during world war II, or a Thurgood Marshall, the pioneers. Cornell and crew are not even on his level.
I wont' go into detail, but I truly believe Obama is afraid of being black. a point I understand.
Dr. West is a well known Ivy league professor, blks who know the movers and shakers of this country know him. He writes books and even mingles with hip-hop community. Heck even Africans and Caribbeans are familiar with him. Even the Wachowski brothers who happen to be polish Americans knew his work and put him in their movie The Matrix. But Obama was not known to black Americans till way after his speech of '04 democratic convention. He was known around chicago blacks with money but not nation wide. Heck Blk Americans were questioning his blackness. Even some black writers who happen to be democrat wanted a "blk American" prez with history of slavery than Obama as late as '07 before they joined the Bama coalition.
I didnt hear about him until I caught him on Real Time With Bill Maher. Incredibly informative and unbiased. Definitely for the politically minded.
Damn, a poli sci major, a New yorker, a hip hopper, a Caribbean desent didn't hear about Dr. West? bruh, get out more to borders and barnes and nobles, lol. If you have heard Dr. West speak, he wants to carry Dr. King's msg, he is like a freedom fighter but Obama is a politician. I see Obama's & Dr. West's view, it is a compelx and complicated issue. I support both brothers, it is what it is.
with all due respect, that is a condescending and simplistic view of the man. a google search will give you a better understand of him.
Wrong, it's valid. Harvard intellectual, published scholar and crabs in a barrel is what it boils down to. Just like Skip Gates diva fit in '09. The rise of Obama upset a lot of people's apple carts. The racial assumptions so-called hip-hop intellectuals and old-school civil rights guys used to get paid were upended by the black president. There's a reason why Jesse Jackson wanted to "rip his balls off" and Tavis Smiley is the so-called "critical thinker" when it comes to the president, yet lets rap motherfuckers off the hook. Check this book out: Shelby Steele said Obama couldn't win. Obama won and now you can buy his book for ONE CENT. Obama killed this man's book sales. Obama killed a lot of race pimps' bullshit. Lotta black motherfuckers are salty at Obama.
I like your take. Thanks for shinning the light where I think it matters. A guy that marries a black woman, and has the attitudes like dusting the dirt of his shoulders to invoke an urban rap artist. A man that does at every turn showcases his basketball skills to reinforce the game most associated with most black people. I would never understand this idea that you need to self identify at each opportunity with the notion that you are typically black.This seems naive and does not factor the changing face and culture of the seasons. Blacks are better off with universal programs that benefit the poor, and that translates to a huge impact on the disadvantaged blacks. The times demand a more subtle political maneuvering not the poster of angry black president splashed all over the headlines and beaming on news cables. West has never been regarded as a serious intellectual in my opinion, maybe a rabble rouser , yes. I remember he was once advised to start writing serious academic papers or be tactically kicked out of Harvard by Lawrence Summers when he was not doing any serious intellectual production.
No offense, but I don't know too many people of any color on Cornel West's level intellectually. I heard him give a lecture as an undergrad, he doesn't use notes yet has an encyclopedic level of knowledge on a host of sociological and political issues. West doesn't speak in sentences, he talks in paragraphs. All of which makes it even more sad that he came at BHO publicly the way he did. Too many so called 'Black leaders' act as if BHO personally owes them something, and if he hasn't picked up the phone to 'friend' them, the next thing you hear is one of these cats trying to cut the man's throat. Remember Jesse Jackson was recorded saying he wanted to cut Obama's balls off during the 2008 election?? I've always had a great deal of respect for where Mr. West's heart and head were at, at his core he's a true revolutionary, but what he said about BHO IMO is inexcusable. If a White person couldn't say the same thing about BHO without being called a racist, another Black man shouldn't be saying it about the President either.
Exellent. Could not have said it better. Cornel West and all of those 1960's so-called intellectuals can talk the talk, but when it comes down to substance in getting something done they are failures as far as I'm concern. Look what the so-called black nationalist movements from where West and others have come from have done to black america in general. Still have the poverty, the ignorance, the crime, the hopelessness while West and his kind makes a good living on the poor as poverty pimps.
At least West isn't a shit-eating politician/corporate owned PUPPET.:smt039 You still have the poverty,ignorance,the crime,and the hopelessness with Obama...the ULTIMATE poverty pimp. Obama is OWNED by the same Wall Street forces that OWNED Bush...Clinton....and ALL the rest of those fake-ass Corporate clowns. The President is a CEREMONIAL office...with no REAL power. All that talk about the "commander in chief" and "the most powerful man in the free world" is just propaganda for chumps. If you can't see that by now,you might as well go to the nearest zoo and get yourself a room between the gorilla and the chimpanzee.:smt081
that is a cop out....while the nation as a whole needs a recovery, you must recognize the severe inequalities that happen dispurportionaley to the black community. so a general recovery wouldn't close the gap. dr. west is doing more than airing dirty laundry. he has talked about these issues before obama and will long after him as well.