What Schultz said was obnoxious and uncalled for. He went over the line and apologized for it. Laura is milking this one way too much. So he called her a right wing slut, Oh grow up Laura, ppl have been called a lot worse than that. It is about time ppl on both side of the aisle to grow up and don't drag and make a scene out of every time a benign colorful langauge is used, especially after the individual made an honest mistake and apologized for it.
yeah I saw her on bill O last night stating "oh the liberals this and that. If this had been ....." Yeah yeah yeah shut the fuck up
You mean like Big Ed calling people sluts, Olbermann going on his hatefull rants that forced him to leave, Matthews wishing people were dead, or Maddow constantly talking in sarcasm to cover up here lack of intelligence and charisma. Yeah, because rational people love that, gimmie a break. Do I watch Fox news all day? Hell no! I watch O Reilly, and catch Greta when I can, thats about it. And I realize, NO news Channel is perfect. You guys are so easy to get whipped up in a frenzy,LOL. Relaaaaax! Its only TV.
More like Hannity calling gay mothers unfit because of their sexual orientation, O'Reilly distorting information to fit the Robert Ailes model, Megyn Kelly and the other women on there who supposedly acquired degrees when their actions don't fit their credentials, and above all, a news channel with a false tagline and represents an un-American standpoint. Rather, it's a channel fit for 1940s Germany. And regarding the commentators like Schultz, Olbermann, O'Donnell, and Maddow, they actually KNOW what they are talking about when it comes to political matters at hand, unlike a certain station promoting themselves to be "fair and balanced". And quite frankly, given that you pretty much watch a hate-mongering misinformed O'Reilly and the occasionally twist of logic Van Susteren, it's no wonder that you're willing to play coy. Since you never took the time to watch news that matter, it's no wonder you're the way you are. Conservatism has to be a mental disorder, eh? Oh wait...IT IS! Try and prove this wrong you blind-sighted neo-con.
Hahaha, then the right wingers should relaaaaaaaaax too. Like you said it's just TV no big deal. They should be able to shrug Schultz's comment and move on. Btw, Maddow can be annoying at times but she aint stupid, she is a lot smarter than that polarizing Trany Anne Coulter with a law degree.
Wow, you wrote all that for me, how sweet. Even got some name calling in on me to. You proved my point, thanks
Just like a right-winger, run in and yell about something totally unrelated, totally ignoring true facts, and then running out again... feeling awfully self-important, correct, and awesome. You and my mother should do lunch. Tell me, exactly what are you doing on this board? In my experience, I have yet to meet a white woman super-conservative who wasn't racist - which isn't to say that it can't happen, but knowing quite a few of them, it seems to be a trend. So, I gotta know...what's your deal?
I think she posted regarding this b4. She is a conservative woman who doesn't like Obama but she likes and dates blk guys. I had a WW co-worker who was a tea bagger and could not stand Obama but married to a blk guy and adopted a blk kid from Somalia, lol.
You're one to talk. Can't admit the truth, can ya, kiddo? When's the last time you even held an intellectual argument and said anything rational? Judging from your history, you all are essentially the same. Thank you for destroying America and it's meaning.
I hate conservatives politicians and their constituents. The world would be a better place without of them. There is no doubt in my mind that the right wing anti-black, anti-gay, anti-Muslim, anti-Medicare, anti-Social Security, anti-Public Schools, anti-unions, pro-war, and pro-tax cuts for the most wealthy in this country. Everything they touch is a disaster. I don't see how any sane person would ever support them.