You know this is special, and it is historic when the first American president, and the current, who is referred to as a statesman, is given the honour to address the British parliament at Westminster Hall. In the background is history laid bare in the storied context of Westminster Hall. Obama might actually be a prophet without honour in his own home.This is history right here. [YOUTUBE]fp85zRg2cwg&feature=player_embedded#at=13[/YOUTUBE]
His European trip seems to be going well. Many unforgettable moments - like in Ireland where he made a very warm and inspiring speech to several thousand people in Dublin. Also he had his first beer in public. His relection campaing has commenced.
Who WROTE that warm and inspiring speech/script??? For all you know the same person that writes Obama's speeches writes for Palin.
Don't you know Naija, that his screwed up speech gets more shine than this great one? Go figure. The fact you mentioned of him being the only other PONTUS to address the BP, is remarkable. You're right, we don't truly appreciate it now, I think because we're living in it, but the astounding "firsts" and accomplishments this man has achieved in his life will be admired by many in the years to come.
The funny thing is the people who are going after him would all be completely clueless how to act and what to do at a State dinner with the Queen. The Youtube comments are some of the worst I have seen in awhile, pure Teabaggers.