Would you be mad , relieved or happy?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by APPIAH, May 24, 2011.


    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    I was talking to a buddy of mine who was telling me that the reason that he broke with his ex was because he caught her in bed with a woman when he came home earlier than usual. He said he flipped and told her to leave immediately and threw her clothes out and told her never to call him again.
    Now that got me thinking, if i suspected my woman of cheating and i caught her with a female in my bed, i might actually be relieved it was not a man but a women because then at least i know its not because i'm not giving her what a man wants but she just wants to experience what a woman can do to her body. A friend of mine said he would be happy and ask if he could join in the fun which i found rather weird

    So, question is guys would you be mad,happy or relieved if this scenario happened to you and ladies if you found you man was in bed with another man would you be mad, relieved or happy(i would be shocked about the happy part but hey who knows)
  2. jnick57in

    jnick57in Member

    Ok, if I walked in and found my guy with another guy I'd be very hurt first and foremost. I would certainly feel betrayed too.
  3. 11eleven11

    11eleven11 New Member

    I'd be absolutely devastated. That's a lot of lies right there even aside from the cheating, then there's the cheating, the wondering if they're with you because you look like a man and the horror of knowing I'd been in a relationship with someone not remotely attracted to me(goodbye self esteem!).

    Assuming it was because they were actually gay.

    Cheating is a blow, catching them at it is another, someone of a different gender than myself would be another. Then the lies about sexual preferences, the worries caused by it, etc.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This is totally gender sensitive. Most guys want to see that

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    True cuz it would be pretty difficult to know any woman would be happy with her man in bed with another man but for some cats i am sure they would ask" may i join".This is more geared towards the guys but wanted to know females perspective as well:cool:
  6. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    In some ways, there are different standards pending on the spouse infidelity in this case. Generally, men would feel more "relieved" or "aroused" if they caught their lady love with another woman - as long as they are lip-stick/feminine looking. Women who have men who cheated on her with another man...it's like the world simply caved in.

    A friend of mine (white girl) dates black men exclusively and well, everything's a mess. She's a overly sexual person and would cheat on her boyfriend at the time with another guy. But it's always a no-no on the guy to cheat on her. Well, there's a common pattern: When she caught her exes cheating, it's almost always with another guy AND it tends to be someone SHE cheated on him with! Weird eh?

  7. Sweden

    Sweden New Member

    Cheating is cheating! It doesn't matter if it's the same gender or not. Just because it's girl on girl action and "every" guy's dream it doesn't make it right.

    But offcourse if I found my man with a man I probably would be happier then if he was with another woman...obvious resons. But it's still cheating and not ok in my book.
  8. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Me personally, it all depends on the scenario:

    1) Cheat on me with a butch-dyke lesbian = I will kick her ass to the curb.

    2) Cheat on me with a lipstick lesbian = Shocked, yet a bit aroused and excited.

    3) Cheat on me with a pre-op transsexual = I'll need my video camera.

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Hell naw on number 3 i will kick his pre-op ass
  10. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Awwww! Have a heart! It's just a chick with a dick!

  11. Nico

    Nico Banned

    I'd encourage it.
  12. z

    z Well-Known Member

    LMAO. I can possibly see myself do # 1 & 2, but 3 hell to the fucken NO.
    Last edited: May 24, 2011
  13. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Hahaha, tell me...would you be shocked if you saw your with another woman and assumed she was using a strap-on, but rather, a feminine dick...would you go through therapy.

  14. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Actually cheating is cheating, whether with a guy, a hot homosexual, a tranny, a butch dyke, a donkey, a horse or a mule.
    Knowing my dumb male brain, I might be excited for a minute or so if I saw her with hot feminine lesbian making out by accident/drunk, the others strap, tranny all that shit, hell to the fucken NO!
  15. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I would just have stood there and watched...no I can honestly say I wouldn't be upset...

    ...at all.
  16. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I agree that cheating is cheating, regardless of all that. Especially since you if you're with someone, it's a vow to be with that person and call them something more than a lover.

  17. samwilson75

    samwilson75 Active Member

  18. samwilson75

    samwilson75 Active Member

    Cheating is cheating to me. The depth of my pain would equal the depth of my feelings for her. If we were not too serious, I would laugh it off as I break things off with her. If I was serious about her, it would hurt me the same as if she was with a man.
  19. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    If I walked in on my man with another man, I'd whip his ass....unless I was married to him, then I'd kill him. I'd be pissed & hurt if a man cheated on me regardless of whether it was with a man or a woman.
  20. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Indeed. It's one hell of a "what the fuck" moment, and that's why I couldn't get involved with her. She don't need a relationship if she's all promiscuous.

    Now BEFORE you whip his ass, then kill him, be sure to say the following line in the name of Jesus:


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