hello there, very glad to have come across this forum. i am happily single but actively involved in swinging and dating in the I-4/beachline corridor of central florida. throughout the years, white men are holding less and less interest for me. most of my dating and swinging nowadays are with black men. i find they know how to make me feel sexy, and they know they are MEN and know how to treat a woman like a WOMAN. i'm old fashioned in that way. i want the man to lead the dance. seems like most white men i date want to be submissive to the female. and most black men i date have self-confidence. that's a HUGE turn on to me. not judging, and not saying what's right or what's wrong...just saying my old patterns are not my thing anymore. so anyway, i hope to find like minded friends here and not feel like a freak for being this way! in this area, sometimes the civil war doesn't seem to have ended, especially in the rural places, and i still get raised eyebrows and heads turned when i walk into a public place with a black man. i don't care. i know what works for me and i'm very happy with that. those onlookers just don't know what they're missing! sammieSC2
Welcome i must say you have an interesting home page (wondering where WhiteWife46 is?) There sure are a lot of nice southern white women on that site
what the hell... ...man if you don't do some damn pushups and situps....you look too damn young to have a concaved chest.
welcome to the mad house. I am Ymra your tour guide. As a matter of business I am going to need for you to post an image of yourself (sorry that AV does not meet this requirement)... ...and you have already answered the first part of Ymra's standard new person question.
Pst...check out her homepage link on her profile. Plenty of pics there I'd think(didn't click beyond the warning myself).