To be honest, I am not sure. I got to pay more attention and hear his ideas as time goes by. A lot of conservatives think he is the best guy for fiscal responsibility but they don't trust him on social issues. In fact, some conservative pundits think his run for white house is already over because of his inability to explain his MA healthcare to their base. I am not even sure if most Americans are ready to vote for a mormon candidate.
How old are you? Before Bush got in (got in, not elected) there was a balanced budget and 8 previous years of record economic growth a.k.a. the Clinton Administration.
There was a lot of talk of about his positions on social issues. Since he was Governor in a liberal state, he basically gave the green light on certain measures, which gave people the impression that he's liberal on them. Truth be told, he retained his conservative positions, but didn't veto any of the bills in hopes to keep himself in the governorship. And you're fairly correct regarding people considering on voting for him. There's always a litmus test of sorts for these kinds of candidates. I can recall a Texas congressman who was conservative all the way through. However, the difference between him and his opponent (another Republican) was that he's Jewish and the other is Christian. I didn't keep up with the results, but I'm certain the Christian conservative took his seat.
The national debt was still there even during the Clinton Adminstraion. The issue was with Greenberg and not so much Clinton. He heavily believed in a "the market will guide it self" philosphy during the Clinton adminstration that led on into the Bush era.
Taken from a comment board on Yahoo: People who voted for these apparently Extremist Right Wing Nut Republicans, DESERVES these Idiots for voting them into office, and you would be a BIGGER FOOL if you vote for them again. If possible, Recall ALL of these Republicans. Many people voting for Republicans are now victims of your OWN votes, and protesting against the very officials you voted for in 2010, because you NOW realize the Republicans in office betrayed you. DON’T VOTE for a Republican, and here are FIVE reasons (of many) why you should NOT vote for them: 1. It appears that Republicans will try to take your Medicare, Healthcare, Social Security, Collective Bargaining Rights, Equal Rights, etc etc. etc., ALL while giving Tax Breaks to the Rich (ie. 250k and above) and Corporations, outsourcing jobs and enriching themselves with benefits and bonuses, etc. And YES, they will often LIE in an attempt to fool you into thinking that they are doing this for your best interest. 2. ANY middle class, or working class, or fair-minded person VOTING for a Republican (including the Tea Party) would seem to be more pathetic than a chicken following Colonel Sanders around. If you are not Rich (ie. 250K or more) or a Corporation, the odds are your interests will be at the BOTTOM of their list. This entire situation reminds me of another time in American history where the aristocracy in the South convinced the poor and lower middle class whites that if slavery was abolished, they would all end up poor, when in reality the main reason for poverty in the South was that the aristocracy owned everything - let me repeat EVERYTHING, and they stayed rich by keeping the lower classes poor. No competition = no threat to their wealth. So poor and middle class white folks VOTED with the aristocrats, even though they were economically cutting their own throat - not to mention perpetuating an economic system that was fundamentally WRONG. Anytime anyone convinces you that the wealthy need MORE wealth and tax breaks just so you can have a job and not end up poor - you've just been had. 3. Question: Which political party has blocked (FILIBUSTERED) a historical record of over 200 bills (including JOB BILLS) in the US Senate since 2008? Answer: Republicans. Question: Why? Answer: According to reports, "Our single and most important priority, is to make sure that the president is just a one term president"- Republican Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell It appears that Republicans are willing to sabotage employment efforts, etc., and sacrifice U.S. taxpaying citizens at ANY COST, just so that they can hopefully get back into office and, AGAIN (like in the Bush years), screw up our country. 5. Many Republicans routinely put SELF INTEREST and their PERSONAL quest for POWER AND WEALTH over the best interests of Americans, showing that their end game is about ‘winning elections’ and NOT effective and fair governance. They say NO for 2 yrs to proposed Dems AND Repubs legislation that could produce JOBS, reduce deficits, and improve healthcare and economy. They seem to FEED on Greed, Bigotry, Hatred, Ignorance, and denying others Equal Rights. They deny 911 heroes healthcare, they want to extend tax cuts to the top 2%, adding BILLIONS to the deficit, tax cuts for Corporations, outsourcing of jobs, etc. If it's not CLEAR that they don’t seem to have YOUR and YOUR FAMILY’S BEST INTEREST at the forefront of their minds, and that you should STOP VOTING Republicans into office, then I think you will never GET IT . . . Keep voting for your Wealthy Masters, as they continue to LAUGH at you on their way to the BANK . . .
Polls are showing Obama with a lead against Romney in Florida at The official poll is here.
This will be historic for obama even if he wasn't african american. The odds on a person getting elected with such high unemployment isn't good from What I remember.I recall seeing a poll where romney was a point of two higher. We will see. See you folks at the polls.
Mitt Romney with an attack ad against Obama about manufacturing jobs in Allentown, Pennsylvania. [Youtube]-44o5Dn6V98[/Youtube]
Remember that Bush has caused the economic problems, not Obama. President Bush's speech on the financial crisis 9/24/08 (Part 1) [youtube]T6bmEv2-rFA[/youtube] President Bush's speech on the financial crisis 9/24/08 (Part 2) [youtube]hT8Nzvm_pp0[/youtube]