It's tucked in. Not cut or removed. The penis is really an over-sized clitoris by all accounts. So when they have sex, penetration is pretty much standard except you're feeling the penis tucked inside. And yes, this also means high orgasms. Quick Answer: What sex they are. Even in transition they will check off what gender/sex they want to become.
for who? her? her partner? or both? are you saying that through the surgery that the doctors can create a vaginal opening so that he/she can have normal penetration with a man?
Tsk, tsk, Lippy...I assumed you to be a worldly woman who understood all these common matters. Seriously, the genital re-econstructive surgery involves creating a vaginal opening and using a portion of the penis area with nerve ending to create a "clitoris", as well as labias. Reportedly, the techniques have been so perfected that it's difficult to discern the surgical remake from the real thing. So, yes, the "new woman" can have regular sex just like any other woman.
i know huh? except how would a man turning into a woman ever cross my path...i'm not a lesbian...i have never actually known a man who wanted to be a woman...really this falls under the men need to know section... so a few men have said that they insist on checking under the hood...but you are saying that a man if having received the proper surgery could look like a woman under the hood as how would a man know? unless he/she told you... this brings up an interesting question about men that are on the you think that because some men are so close to being female and take on the outward appearance of being female that the attraction is undeniable...perhaps it is almost more accesptable to be with a man that looks like a woman (passable tranny) than for a man to be with another man...
Precisely, they wouldn't know the difference. I don't claim to be an expert, but I can share with what I have read and seen on documentaries. The people who typically undergo sex change operations believe that they were born in the wrong bodies. They have never considered themselves the sex they are genetically. Their desire is not to have a homosexual relationship because they see themselves as the opposite sex. They want a normal heterosexual relationship. I assume that if a guy is on the DL that he wants a homosexual experience and that's not what these people want in their lives.
Oh, Libby!! Men are attracted to femininity FIRST. If it was just about the parts, a dude would get with a dude and end the drama. Transgendered WOMEN are individuals who feel they were born in the wrong body, not gay men in drag. Emotionally, psychologically, they are FEMALE except for the accident of a few misplaced chromosomes. Nothing DL about a man thinking this chick is hot, all the cues she's sending out are screaming 'woman'. A lot of woman love to throw out there that men into tgirls are trying to get with some dick without the stigma of being with a man. IMO that's insane. Guys strictly into dick.i.e., homosexuals, don't step to TGs. If you're attracted to tgirls ONLY because of their 'hardware', you're probably queer and would fuck with anything wearing lipstick and a wig. If the last thing that initially attracts you to a female is what's between her legs, you understand the dilemma most str8 men have with transgendered women. People are confusing sex acts/genitals with gender IMO. This chick below used to be preop. image uploading Nothing DL at all in finding her attractive IMO. And she was just as popular BEFORE she cut it off!!
wow...i would have never guessed that was a man previous to being a woman...i can usually tell in the hands, feet and if an adam's apple is present so to the men here...would you engage in a relationship with a transgendered person?
There is an entire segment of cosmetic surgery, facial feminization, that's dedicated to ensure that you can't tell the difference, at least facially. They modify the person's face based on the ideal feminine face, shaving the forehead bone, the brow bone, adding cheek implants, creating a triangular chin, removing signs of an adam's apple, and of course the usual rhinoplasty and lip enhancements. I would not knowingly engage in a relationship with a transgendered person, but that's my preference.
I doubt Mia's had that level of plastic surgery. Some, but it all depends when a transgirl begins her transition and goes on hormone replacement therapy(HRT). If the transition starts before or during puberty, much of the transitioning is done through hormone therapy. Mia Fever I believe started transitioning in her early teens.
SOB!!!! So this is fucking Janet, all "professional" and regal now. Don't be fooled guys, this bitch is/was a whore and did hardcore scenes on dirty sites before she cut it off. It ain't hard to find the video and her softcore's all around, you just have to look for them. As a matter of fact I could post them here....if you don't believe me.
LOL, this bitch is acting like she's all regal and shit, while at one time she ain't no better than escorts on Craiglists.
On another board I belong to they had a post about a female to male and someone posted a link to a Dr's website who did that type of surgery. There was a picture story following one of the surgerys and when I looked at it I was amazed at the realness. It was interesting to see. I think this is a specialty where they have refined it to where you could be fooled. I wish I could find the link again. The Dr was either in Thailand or England but was quite well known apparently.
Mia Fever is the name, turning dudes out is, or was, her game!!!:smt118 She's prolly in full stealth mode nowadays looking for some dude to wife her up, which I could see happening no problem.
I can't imagine that hormone therapy will change the fullness of your lips, the shape of your nose, or the shape of the face? I agree that it will change the fat deposits in your face so that the person might appear a bit softer, but nothing compared to what surgery can accomplish, or what you were born with, in the case of this lady who had the high cheek bones and feminine face at the outset.