Maybe its the unnecessary complaining and whining that makes it more annoying. This the "whole world hates me because i am fat" is annoying ,if maybe they stop eating at midnight and actually do something about their weight then they wouldn't have any problems. For the big guy with long legs he cant do shit about that but for an obese person he/she can.
APPIAH, for the last time- not everyone who is overweight/fat/obese is that way because of the way they eat. A lot of people ARE...but there are actually quite a few who are NOT. Sweeping generalizations don't do anyone any good.
Oh, FG, I'm not arguing that at all- I totally agree (and thanks for the compliment!!). But people are trying to put everyone who's considered 'obese' in a neat little box, and it's simply not the case. BUT...I have been insulted to my face for my size. It happened just yesterday (see my FB status...not gonna tell the story here). I guess my overall point was, I'm not even that BIG, and people still feel the need to be nasty to me. It's the nastiness that I can't stomach- it's not fair, and it's not right....and anyone could say something. Who knows what my experience would be on Southwest today? You know? If you smell or can't fit into a seat..get off the plane...but don't just single out one person, or one group for it. Know what I mean? Thanks LOL...thanks, MF.
YOu can use the words A LOT SOME MANY FEW to discount any reply on any topic for any reason. Of course we generalize. The constant "you can't say all" music chorus is silly. The reality is while are are "a lot" and "some" and "many" and "a few" are they way the are because of health issue, the vast majority are that way because bad eating habits no exercise.
And hormones in food that we allow.... And portion sizes in restaurants that seem normal but pack 300x the calories.... And school food options.... It's not just a personal thing. It's an everybody needs to say something to make it right thing.
Please stop spreading that misnomer DB. That might be your situation but what he said is far from a sweeping generalization. Its fact. Less than 1% of obese people are that way because of a medical problem.
You just proved his point. Bad eating habits and complete lack of responsibility on most people's part to realize they have ultimate control over what they put in their mouths. You don't have to choose a snickers over an apple, you know when you're full why the fuck are you trying to clean your plate at restaurant or why are you eating burgers and fries everytime you go out. It takes work but its very doable to lose weight but most people want nothing to do with it because they lack the patience and discipline to see it through. We've been talking since I started my own little project and I remember trying to make excuses as to why eating right was so hard but you and Tarshi made good points as to how changing your eating habits aren't necessarily hard but you have to be willing to change it and you've recently seen how well its paying off for me. I won't post a pic on here but you can back me up on that.
Do you even know how big NFL linebackers are??? You are definitely exaggerating there. Most of them are 5'11 to 6'3 220 to 250 lbs. They can absolutely fit into Southwest's seats. Now those two women being discussed in the OP...thats a whole different story lol In conclusion, obese people SHOULD buy two seats End of story.
from now on we need a scale...each person will be weighed and measured just like the bags...please step into the stink-o-meter and we will let you know if you must return home to shower before your flight as far as crying babies and people talking loud...might lippy suggest bose headphones in the future if topics on flying come up unless you have actually been on an airplane in the last couple of years...please don't respond if you don't know what you are talking about...people think because they have watched top gun they are fighter pilots around this place
you dont need frequent flier miles to know who needs two seats and who needs one go on with that bullshit
fucking Americans always passing the blame and claiming ignorance. maybe this country does lack adequate education after all.
Cosign. It's always the women I seriously wonder why. There has never been a discussion where we focus on just fat women we talk about fat people in general. I've had pounds on me and I don't go around crying about how unfair fat people are treated I knew enough to start eating better and working out more. It's that simple.
no one's making fun of fat people. we're just tired of being squished by them, that's all. they take up two seats on public transportation. why should flying be any different. for shits and giggles, the next time i run into that situation, im going to ask them if they can slide over so i can sit down.:smt037
Really? Where I live smokers are treated like shit and rightly so because they spread disease with their disgustig habit.
lmao i despise smokers also, especially when they decide to light one up next to me on the bus stop. these dumb bastards take it one step further and light up on the trains