You may not understand this...(military shit)

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Ymra, May 15, 2011.

  1. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    that's where all of that discipline and attention to detail comes into play

    why shine your boots (the old woodland BDU ones anyway) if they're going to get dirty and muddy anyway?

    there's a method to the madness..once that breaks down, other things will follow

    you best believe that motherfucker with the spit shine on his blacks, will have the cleanest, primed guns around
  2. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Man, it's a tedious as hell cleaning your weapon sometimes cause you work on it for an hour then you run your finger over it and you just get black. It's an artform getting a weapon actually clean.
  3. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I chaulk it up to two things
    1. cowardice
    2. a lack of military respect.

    We talk about this in class, there are a few more reasons.

    And I'm diggin' or dissin' but not being a bother starts off small. Today its it a crooked ribbon here, a scuff there. And then it slowly builds lil higher, lil higher, till you get to the point where young warriors are so used to not being corrected on the small thing....that when you correct them on the big things, NOW its a problem.

    Then you should correct them.

    "Excuse me Sergeant, you know we aren't supposed to be walking and talking on the phone" and be done with it. Anyone can make an on the spot correction, and should.

    I don't put my hands on my pockets....I buy gloves.
  4. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    You know the Jessica Lynch story. The reason why the got captured was because their weapons jammed. And why did their weapons jamm? The didn't clean them....

    ...something so simple.
  5. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I was hoping that saintaugusta would come in and explain her Nigger comment, but I guess she was too busy wondering about my children, and being embarrassed about me being from Louisville.
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member



    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    my feeling was that you did more than a whisper...
  8. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Well can't change your "feeling"

    But the reality is I give every Soldier "ONE" his one was me pulling him to the side whispering in his ear and telling him to correct himself.

    ...he didn't

    ...everything after that point he asked for.
    Last edited: May 17, 2011
  9. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I mean she's every place else, every damn topic making it about her...every damn thread, all up in the locker room.

    Po into her emotions. Got lil tooooooooooo comfortable. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe their are white chick out there just WAITING for the right time when they can throw it out here..


    I blame yall, gassin' up these fat chicks callin' em' thick. Nigger. word? She threw that bitch on the table like.....


    ...LOL...ain't nobody said shit. She must be passin' out that e-pussy to summa yall. SUNSHINE!

    this is where someone reminds me that nigga/nigger are two different words. or, or, or, or, "yall say it I can say it too" I call out everyone who says it, so you know I'm gonna call her out too
  10. trew

    trew New Member


    I have but one thing to say to you. I know your type. As a senior NCO myself, I do understand what you were trying to do. However, you are a bully. You can hide behind all the "military regs" all you want, you are a bully. You can summon all your UCMJ articles and pride in service arguments, you are a bully. The fact that you even decided that you just HAD to correct young PVT (who was with his family) for his excruciating and blatant disregard for policy by wearing headphones in uniform INSIDE the store tells me... yep. You're a bully. And there is nothing saintauggie or anyone else can say to make you see any other way. You are just a bully. Hiding behind chevrons. I know your type well.

    You're a principled man. Yes. I give you that. Anally so. Definitely. You will likely respond to my post citing dicipline and order as defense. But at some time my brother, headphones are just headphones. Let it slide sometimes. Relax your self-inflated mind some and let it slide. What exactly hurt you? The fact that he didn't listen to you the first time right? Yep. A bully. Now I ask you this Mr. man of principle. And be honest to our fellow readers.

    Would you have corrected young PVT if he were an Admiral walking with his family???

    I know your answer already. Because I know your type. Your answer would be a dishonest "Yes".

    Now, I ask this.

    Would you have again corrected him should said Admiral told you to piss off..?

    Knowing you horseblinder wearing types, maybe another "Yes". No?

    And what if old two stars told you to get out of his face and maybe walked pass you giving you a bump of sorts?

    See where I'm going?

    I garauntee you were not going to take old admiral down on the ground with talk of uniform regulations and MP phone calls.

    Why would you? Then you would have a shitstorm up your arse.

    Which brings me back full circle to my original proclamation. You are a bully. If the sequence of actions you took with PVT isn't the very exact sequence you would take with the two star General, you were flaunting rank.

    I could have handled that situation like a breeze. Why? Because I'm not a... you guessed it. Here's how you do it. Don't be offended. Just learn:

    "Hey PVT. Come here for a second. Do you know you're not supposed to wear headphones in uniform? Ok. Take them off young warrior. The wrong person might catch you with them on and you know how anal that can be. Don't want you getting into trouble for something as silly as wearing headphones in uniform. Know what I mean? Yeah. You're lucky I'm one of the more cooler headed NCO's. How's the family? Good. Take care PVT. Remember. No headphones."

    Problem solved. His dignity intact. Yours intact. Headphones off. If he puts them on again (and I doubt that) he'll snatch em off if he sees you.

    But then again. Like I said. No one can change your mind. See... I know your type.
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    he was with his family like you said..i guess it was a little above and beyond if the story is indeed true. it's one thing to pull rank, but another thing to do it in front of a soldier's family at the PX. Wasn't like he was robbing the place or acting belligerent.
  12. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    doubtful....and if I'm wrong you are P.O.G. The one thing I really haven't gotten used to as of yet are you weak hearted POG. Soldiers. I'll admit there is a different mentality between the Army and Marines. I'm still trying to figure it out.

    No? Ya don't say?

    Unlikely. This being your first post on this board. Stick around, get your feet wet, introduce yourself. Post a pic.......if you wish to engage me in witty banter at a later date we will do so.

    Right now..

    ...sit the hell down.
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    you're getting warmer
  14. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    So let me ask you this one PO. you see a sailor in the PX....lets say he has a Dallas Cowboys hat on in uniform.

    You let him be because he's with his family? If you let it slide, then I say you are wrong brutha, even moreso than he is. You do what you are supposed to as a leader. You pull the young warrior to the side and you correct him. Maybe he simple didn't know.

    ....but do you let him go? Hope not.

    Or, as Petty Officer, do you walk up to said Sailor pull him to the side and say..

    Very simple...very easy...non-confrontational.

    I think that's the part many of you are missing. Yall actlin' I jumped out of the isle HEY GOD DAMMIT TAKE YOUR HEAD PHONES OFF (which on a Navy Base or Marine base could very well happen. I'm see it, and chances are you've see it as well)

    ...the young warrior then had a choice. Make the correction or not. He chose not, and he paid for it.

    I'm sure the same shit both you and I tried as young warriors. See what we can get away with.....and we paid for our mistakes. The chest bump; he's lucky, supremely lucky I didn't too upset about it all.
  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    id tell him to put on an Eagles ballcap and call it even
  16. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I can tell you this. It simply wouldn't happen on lejune, or For Benning, or...........Great Lakes. Or Fayettville, or Campbell, or Pendleton

    and we know way...

    As we as NCO wonder why this kids hit the fleet, or units after AIT with no discipline. Its because we let it happen.
  17. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Eagles...then he really would have been wrong.

  18. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i know what ur saying...don't blame the kids tho, blame the technology. everyone and their cousin has a cellphone or iphone or some other gizmo that we didn't see in the 90s. id be surprised if cells didnt go off in formation
  19. trew

    trew New Member

    POG? Haha

    FMF Corpsman. Combat action. Iraq x2. Afghanistanx2. Got more miles on these boots than I care to brag about. Been shot at enough and seen enough blood guts and hell to know that... headphones are tiny worries. I rest my case. And yes, marines are a bit different. But they still have bullies. Tsk. Again. I merely suggested you learn. I won't change that mind you have. It's stuck...
  20. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    WOO HOO...we are going to do the "I'll show mine if you show yours"


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