mexico with their racist ways again ?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by goodlove, May 10, 2011.

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  1. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Damn, Petty...
  2. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    His opinions are facts. Or at least he believes they are...
    Last edited: May 21, 2011
  3. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    You're changing your own criteria, asshole.

    Major contribution to society now means, 'Nobel Prize'.

    Bill Gates will NEVER receive a Nobel Prize for scientific discovery. Neither do engineers, for the most part. The Nobel Prize in Science is basically a research award given to people whose 'discoveries' don't always have practical applications in everyday life.

    The gas mask is VERY practical. So is the guidance system for an ICBM.

    You sure you went to university?? Because your basic logic skills are lacking.
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    not all universities are created equal

    just like all majors don't have the same level of difficulty (some are butter, some arent)

    go easy on em, fam
  5. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Ouch. Nobel Prizes are not the single greatest standard of measure of the greatness of a scientific discovery. The awardees generally deserve recognition, but I think that the applicability of a given discovery/innovation to daily life is just as relevant.
  6. empyrium

    empyrium New Member

    For the most part, yes.

    For engineering you have the Draper Prize, guess what, we haven't won it either.

    The gas mask WAS NOT invented by a black man, get your facts straight, it was invented by James Bert Garner. Neither was the guidance system you're talking about important enough to warrant a wikipedia entry.

    Feeble attempt, try again.
  7. empyrium

    empyrium New Member

    I'm sure Utrecht or TU München, two universites I've been to, were "not created equal" and I'm sure Physics is not a difficult major, not trying to sound arrogant, man, but I doubt you could do or understand 0000.1% of the stuff I do.
    Last edited: May 21, 2011
  8. empyrium

    empyrium New Member

    It's not about my opinions being facts, but a contribution needs recognition, it isn't important if it hasn't received any.

    If we want to praise black scientists, we should praise people like Jelani Aliyu, he works for General Motors and he's considered a genius, or that internet Nigerian I mentioned earlier in this thread, Philip Emeagwali, we should give credit where credit is due, not go out of our way to make "our" contributions more important than they really are. There aren't enough black contributions, and we should face it.
  9. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Garrett Morgan invented a 'gas mask' and received a patent for it, but yes it seems he isn't the man considered the inventor of the modern gas mask. My mistake.

    Otis Boykin is credited with developing electronic components -precision resistors - used in guidance missile systems. He also invented a control system for the pacemaker.

    " The advances incorporated into Boykin's resistor meant many electronic devices could be made more cheaply, including consumer goods and military equipment, and with greater reliability than provided by earlier options.

    His resistor was quickly incorporated into a number of products, including guided missiles and IBM computers, in the United States and overseas. In addition, a version of his resistor made possible the precise regulation necessary for the success of the pacemaker, which has helped to save and lengthen the lives of thousands of men and women around the world.
  10. empyrium

    empyrium New Member

    Yes, he does have a wikipedia page, his invention, however, does not.
  11. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Proof positive that you spend entirely too much time "educating yourself" via the internet. Get a life and actually live and see somethings instead of relying on "information" posted online. As I said further up thread, ANYONE, especially on when it comes to wikipedia, can put any info they choose to put up even incorrect information based soley on their own biased opinions. You're supposedly college educated and don't even know this simple and widely reported fact? SMDH.
  12. Nico

    Nico Banned

    First Nobel Prize now WIkipedia has been added?

    This is great, what's's not important unless it's in the textbooks?
  13. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    No one likes black people, black people don't even like people, hance the black on black crime. As our world becomes more globalized, we as black people become more hated on, we fall more behind in every category of life almost, this won't stop until begin band together again like we used to...
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    LOL. classic
  15. z

    z Well-Known Member


    Blk plp dont even like themselves, self-hate-that is one of the biggest disease we suffer from.
  16. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    Lol, you thought I was gonna say they don't even like other black people didn't you lol? I had to take it a step further, cause that's how I see can you even like black people if your killing them AND YOUR BLACK! Shit you don't even like black if your killing them!
  17. z

    z Well-Known Member

    LoL, somebody better go hit the books.

    Anyhoo, empyrium, you got a point to certain degree and there is some truth to what you are saying. But I wouldn't make a sweeping generalization stating blk ppl have not contributed shit to a society. Also I would not use wikepidia as my reference and won't rely on noble prize either. Sometimes the Noble prize gets awarded based on abilty to network and politics. Obama got the Noble peace price and he certainly did not deserve it. The discoveries that get noble prize for science sometimes have very little applicability to the real world, I think folks already have pointed that out to you.
    God knows we got blk folks who are lazy, illiterate and no good for nothing but there are some who went out above and beyond & contributed to the world. I don't feel like listing them out here, you are smart enough to go to library and read up on history since Mali empire, Egypt, so on and on.....
    Last edited: May 21, 2011
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You know why this complete bullshit? Every so called race of people hates one another. There's white on white crime, there's hispanic on hispanic crime, there's Arabic on Arabic crime, there's Asian on Asian crime.
    Need me to be more specific? When a suicide bomber takes out dozens of people they generally look like the suicide bombers. In countries like Laos and Thailand where forced human trafficing is through the roof who's forcing them to do it? People who look like them. The cartel that's ravaging the streets of Mexico are murdering people who look like them or us? In this country when white people rob someone or kill someone its usually another white person. Why the fuck are we branded with the self hate nonsense. Human beings have a deep hatred for one another because are frantically fearful there won't be enough of anything to go around. It's not unique to people of African descent, its unfairly shown more with black people and a lot of our problems are the result of imperialistic powers raping the fuck out of our people and land more so than any other people. How can we prosper when there's been a boot on our necks since the 1400s? Wake the fuck up and realize this is just another example of the class war being masked by so call race. You guys are far smarter than this. Act like it.
  19. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member


    Speak for yourself Sambo.

    Black on Black crime???????

    Fuck outta' here with that monkey ass shit.

    ALL races commit crimes against one another.

    Mexico is the murder capitol of the world but you don't hear talk of brown on brown crime.

    Arabs blow one another up on the regular but you don't hear Arab on Arab crime.

    China is slaughtering other Asians like Tibetans but you don't hear yellow on yellow crime.

    Time to move away from the cliches and toward thinking.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You just repeated me lol
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