You ain't new you know everything dealing with women and weight on this forum always explodes into a lame ass pity party. So damn sad. I am going to openly say I get losing weight is hard I have my issues with it too but I will and should never delude myself into believing its ok. It may be painfully slow but weight loss will happen just stick with it the benefits are so damn amazing. I seriously love some of the women on here and want to see them happy but LYING is not my choice of tools to help them get there.
I haven't read the thread, but you're right, I should know the deal. Well, weight is a sticky subject for women, so I can understand. Why are you always at the forefront of these threads? We can make bets that if a thread is a weight topic, your ass is front and center... Weight topic post attendance: Andrae: Yes [X] No [ ]
Doing my best to help fight a bad stereotype kid. Obesity is killing us quicker than anything else in this country and the ra ra girl you look beautiful movement is so damaging and yes I'll be on my soapbox about it until I'm blue in the face and you've seen how dark I am so that might be awhile lol
I agree with your first line. I think there's a difference that some people need to be aware of and it's not to bash obese people as opposed to being a cheerleader that being big is okay too. I think it goes along the lines of when you have someone who's big and you constantly berate them, they're going to get depressed and eat more. Instead, you have to encourage them in a respectful manner and show them that you support them in the fight against losing weight. BUT you have to walk the walk too. You can't be sitting up here talking shit when you're not all Tyson Beckford'ed out your damn self. When you start showing those results, then people will take you seriously and see you have a point. Till then, they'll write you off as being an asshole.
That's the biggest load of horseshit I've ever heard. 1. No believes that because Iggy, BMJ, and Petty have made comments about the subject and every time it always goes back to woman bashing, there's always a huge defensive position rather than an achknowledgement to change anything.(save the medical issues on lookers that counts for an incredibly small minority) 2. And since when do you have to be something in order to talk about it. I don't have to be a member of congress nor part of the wealthy elite to say that coroporations are bending us all over and fucking us without lube and we're willingly letting it happen because the American people are too damn lazy and stupid to do anything about it. Like my mom says you don't have to be a card dealer to call a spade a spade. 3. If you want to skype sometime you can privately see my body I'm just not with posting pics because I don't want things like that being copied or anything.
Hahaha this is funny... It's got to the stage where the guys are preempting and getting worked up over women's expected reactions when the women haven't even gone there...
Well, take it up with those women. I said that's how they'll view you (as an asshole). It's all about the approach. I personally think it's a little easier for men to lose weight than women and we're judged by our looks more harshly than men hence the sensitivity. With some folks, tough love works for them, but when someone is constantly berated, that won't work. See above. I understand....
the airlines would love your skinny ass...iggy 5 across on one side of the plane...bitching only wanting to pay for 1/2 a seat:smt115
For the record, I'm not a small girl and I fit just fine into Southwest's seats. In fact, I'm flying with them on Saturday when I go to Orlando. It makes me wonder who gets to make those judgement calls... I've seen some of the people they've kicked off the planes, and I'm curious about that. As far as I'm concerned, flying is no longer about being comfortable- it's about getting from Point A to Point B as inexpensively as possible. If you really are physically unable to fit into a seat, and it's obvious...then another seat. If you are able to fit into the seat, even if it's a little tight around the hips, then whatever.
Fucking hilarious you always get the same people getting overly sensitive smh you say "FAT" and they are here quicker that Usain Bolt insulting people and whining.