mexico with their racist ways again ?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by goodlove, May 10, 2011.

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  1. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    If those illegals where WHITE you'd be singing a different tune.:smt081

    Blacks do more damage to themselves...
    Mexicans do more damage to themselves..
    Whites do more damage to themselves.
    Asians do more damamge to themselves.

    That doesn't change the FACT that:

    Letting in millions of uneducated illegals hurts our education system.

    Letting in millions of unemployed illegals hurts our job market.

    Letting in millions of uninsured illegals hurts our health care system.

    This ain't boogey-man shit...this is REAL.
  2. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member


    Juarez is the murder capitol of the world.

    They kill for a lot less than pumas.

    Bitch-ass dude.
  3. empyrium

    empyrium New Member

    White Americans can use this same logic against African Americans, let's get real here, can you really deny the US would be much better and richer than it is today if it was 100% white?, property values would probably go up, crime rates would be reduced drastically, STD's would cease to be a problem.
    I know the logic you're gonna use, you're gonna say African Americans belong in the US because they habe been there since its inauguration. Well, I'm sure many white Americans beg to differ.
  4. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    I agree with the points you and Petty and making. It's amazing to hear people talking about Mexicans "taking" the jobs of black people. That's the same rhetoric that blue collar white people offer up when they aren't willing or prepared to work at jobs. Personally, I admire their work ethic, it's the same work ethic of most immigrants, white or black, and the work ethic that most black Americans had back in the day, when we had the first opportunities.

    Now, I see a vastly different population of young black Americans, not completing high school at record numbers, far worst than in the past. The lack of preparation means that fewer are attending institutes of higher learning. They are disgruntled and put in half-hearted efforts in labor and service jobs because they buy into the notion that they deserve better though they aren't prepared to do the work to do better.

    Mexicans and other immigrants don't mind the work and are happy to have their foot in the door, period. The guy who does lawn care in my neighborhood is a brother, a great guy with a thriving business. He and I were talking and he shared with me that he has always tried to keep a workforce of brothers, but they didn't want to work consistently. He then hired one Mexican guy to see if things improved. Short story, his crew is all Mexican now.

    I was recently approached by a young Mexican guy, 33 yrs. old, in my local gym. He had seen me working out and asked how much I would charge him and two friends to train them. I told him that they could just work out with me, that I wouldn't charge them anything. That was a month ago. Now, he refers to me as "Mr." and every weekend he takes me out to lunch with his friends at different restaurants. I also found out that this young guy runs a crew of guys hanging sheet rock and drop ceilings. He has a company at his age and he's not totally fluent in English. He married another immigrant from Honduras and he encouraged her to set up her own beauty shop and not continue as an employee at a shop. They are both productive, tax paying young people living the dream, both owning businesses, and he's barely 30. What does that tell you...?
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Now you're just being plain stupid. Property values wouldn't go up because some other poor under class would take our place. Crime rates wouldn't go down and STDs are a bigger problem in your precious Brazil than it is here. Here's some real simple math for you, blacks are condensly populated so it takes fewer people in the population to make a statistic look bigger not to mention even though whites have a larger population of welfare single mothers and collect food stamps more often than any other group yet we're the faces of welfare.
    You're spewing nonsense. Knock it off fam.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It tells me we need to ignore the propoganda and start doing better for ourselves. Opportunities exist and if they don't we are smart enough to create them but too many of us would rather complain.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Ok so whats your SOLUTION. Quit whining and come up with SOLUTIONS. The way I see it we can either improve on ourselves now while we can or we'll be having the same conversations over and over. Unless your willing to lead a militia to keep them out what the fuck is your point? Don't worry I'll wait.
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    what the fuck !!!!!! I guess you will say next that the white folks did us a favor by making us slaves and taking us from africa AND making us civilized.

    its too late for that. you know Tirkah would sign off on some shit he just stated .
  9. empyrium

    empyrium New Member

    Maybe, I'll give you that
    You're the one being stupid if you wanna deny crime rates would go down if the country were entirely white.

    WRONG, STD's are much more of a problem in the US, especially among African Americans, STD's are rampant in the African American community, you should read more, the rates there are comparable to the rates in Africa, compare the HIV rates among African Americans and you'll see what I'm talking about.
    If you wanna compare these statistics to anything, you should perhaps compare them to Africa, not my "Precious Brazil" or any South American country, because when it comes to STD's, we're pretty much on the same level as first world countries, do some research before you post.

    No offense but you don't know shit about statistics, if you did you wouldn't have posted this nonsense.
    Last edited: May 17, 2011
  10. Ray9968

    Ray9968 Active Member

    I've been living in Houston for about 5 years now and have never had any bad experiences with Mexicans.When I first moved here the guy who lived in the apartment above mine invited me over for a beer.I moved from that apt but we still hook up often on fight nights as we are both boxing fans and chip in on ppv fights

    Dated a few Mexican girls,always have gotten love from them.Never had any problems with any Mexicans I work with.

    Most Mexicans voted for Obama over Mccain.I've heard black and mexican relations were bad in California,but I have never seen it in Houston
  11. Nico

    Nico Banned

    Exactly. I love my Mexican peoples.

    Also I've found the girl are generally 10x more straight forward then girls from other races. Definitely comes in handy.
  12. Joseph00

    Joseph00 New Member

    He's regurgitating what he's read off of racist site.
  13. Joseph00

    Joseph00 New Member

    Eastern European countries are roughly 98% white, and they have the highest poverty rates and some of the highest crime rates in the world. If what you stated were accurate, then those nations would have the greatest quality of life on the planet, but they don't.

    "Almost one-third of all persons living with HIV/AIDS in Latin America reside in populous Brazil"

    "In 2007, an estimated 730,000 people were living with HIV."

    It seems that you Afro-Brazilians have plenty to worry about yourselves.
    If you're wise, you would put all of your energy and effort into educating your fellow Brazilians instead of focusing on Black Americans.
    Last edited: May 17, 2011
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thanks for saying this fam. You saved me the energy.
  15. empyrium

    empyrium New Member

    Are you really this dense?, of course one third of persons living with HIV in Latin America reside in Brazil, Brazil has nearly 200 000 000 people, what counts is the rate, there are about 6 00 000 people infected with HIV in Brazil (not 730 000) but EVEN IF THAT WERE THE CASE, that would be roughly 0.4% of the population, that's LOWER than the rate in the US and is comparable to the rate of European countries.

    All that compared to over 3% among African Americans, so how the hell can you compare these staggering numbers with Brazil or any other South American country?, the rate among African Americans is compared to the rate of African countries like Senegal etc. Not to the rate in South America.

    A word of caution, wake up before you catch up with South Africa in HIV rates.
    Last edited: May 17, 2011
  16. empyrium

    empyrium New Member

    Eastern European countries are roughly 98% white, and they have the highest poverty rates and some of the highest crime rates in the world. If what you stated were accurate, then those nations would have the greatest quality of life on the planet, but they don't.

    Now I'm gonna have to call bullshit on this one, there is NO WAY IN HELL Eastern Europe has some of the highest poverty rates in the world, they may not be as rich as Western Europe but you won't find starving children on the streets like you find in the third world, most of them are able to make a living.

    What I was trying to get at is that minorities DO commit more crimes than whites, that's indisputable, so of course white-majority countries have lower crime rates, reality is realiy, reality can never be biased, if we don't want this to be true what we have to do is work to change the situation, not reject the truth.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dude just bleech your skin and call it day. I'll be glad to call you white if it'll stop all that ranting. Jesus.
  18. empyrium

    empyrium New Member

    Not ranting, just the truth, the truth is the truth, we're never gonna change anything if we keep denying the truth, how can we better ourselves if we can't admit we're very flawed people and that we need to change?, we have more problems than any other race on the planet, can you honestly tell me this isn't true?, now be honest once in a while.
  19. Nico

    Nico Banned

    To most this is common sense.

    To others, they lack the brains and their only defense is to call you a white man.
  20. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure which population of minorities you mean. Typically, minorities, by virtue of being a small percentage of the population, can't be responsible for more crimes than the majority race, it's a simple as a matter of numbers. Here, in the U.S. this is certainly the case.
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