Obama Begins 2012 Re-Election Bid

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Mikey, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Would you propose a flat tax rate across all income levels or divide them based on income? I would like to know your take on the matter.

    Ron Paul will basically cause this country to lose control altogether. (Conservative) Libertarian + Government is an oxymoron at best. He may have *some* good ideas, but for the most part, he'll cater to corporations rather than the people. Ron Paul supporters are way too dogmatic to see this.

  2. velkrum

    velkrum Restricted

    Please explain this in detail.

    ...again please explain what you mean by this statement.
  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Okay, here's how libertarianism works since your THIS addle-minded...

    Ideally, it's about allowing people to exercise their right to do what they please without government intervention and regulation. This idea only works in theory. Keyword: theory. Do you understand so far?

    Furthermore, when it comes to the likes of Ron Paul who feels that government shouldn't get involved with individual things, he's basically implying:

    1. Militias are better than federal run military personnel.

    2. Public libraries have no place in society.

    3. Public Hospitals have no place for states.

    4. No regulation for the businesses, and allow them to exercise their own laws.

    Now, all these ideas seem nice and dandy, BUT...again, it works in theory. In reality, it would cause more harm and knowing Paul's track record, he's more about being pro-business than pro-people despite his statements on being libertarian.

    1. He's against abortion, and yet fails to meet the libertarian criteria. One thing to be against it, but another thing to exercise your reasoning on a federal level. He voted for pretty much almost all laws to restrict abortions. He's a federal politician who gets paid by his constituents. If anything, that's more of an anti-woman, anti-individual right being infringed.

    2. He is for, yet against the Civil Rights Act if 1964. He, as well as his son, believes that businesses have the right to discriminate based on their sex, race, and/or gender. This in part is utterly contradictory to the basis of the Preamble. And yet, he believes in the Constitution. That's bullshit.

    3. He, like many misinformed peoples of this country, believes that the country is founded on Christian principles. Now, this is nonsense. It shows he doesn't quite understand the meaning of this country at all.

    Now bear in mind, there are some things in which I can agree with him on, notably legalizing prostitution, drugs, and also not intervene in wars and bring down the deficit and all that jazz. But, he's too much of an idealist who lacks the reality of our history and simply believe in the ideals of our history. He's not a bad person, but he'll never govern this nation properly with his ideas. It would be nice if the whole world acted on libertarian, peaceful measures. However, they are simply a mold of delusional people.

  4. velkrum

    velkrum Restricted

    How do you know this will only work in theory ?

    The only thing on that list worth concern is public hospitals...and since you know NOTHING about science or medicine, hospitals would not be AS necessary since Holistic doctors would probably become the norm. Holistic doctors are extremely cost effective and preferred over modern medicine.

    where is your evidence to back up your statement ?

    He believes abortion should be regulated on a state level NOT a federal level.

    p.s. If I start my my own business I should have the right to pick and choose whom ever I want to employ. Maybe you should educate yourself and start your own company instead of expecting free hand outs based on your skin color.
  5. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    If you bothered reading the four points in conjunction with this statement, then you'd understand that libertarianism frankly, is a contradiction since that philosophy will be IN the federal government in which that philosophy wants to practically get rid of. In other words, it simply means:

    1. Not everyone will get proper care nor can afford it. That also includes "Holistic health" in which can easily turn into a big money venture once it catches on in a strict capitalist society. It's worthless. It's merely "psychology" with the spiritual nonsense in tact. May as well stay home and order some "feel good" videos to help you. Plus, there's a good reason the U.S. doesn't have the best healthcare system to date. That title goes to Sweden, Switzerland and France and you know what else? They have a Socialistic-Capitalist system which works for people. And guess what? Government run companies help them and they keep the cost low for people.

    2. Militias would run rampant and basically kill who they see as an enemy. Case in point, deputizing local people in the Katrina incident which lead to a shit load of murders because one's skin color looks threatening.

    3. Deregulated businesses without any oversight would allow them to inflate prices in the market which will benefit them, but at the cost of people who just simply buy into that crap. Case in point, Dow Jones & Bhopal and in this country, the ridiculous performance enhancing drug non-intervention. Ah. Want another one? Well, that should be obvious, but then again...you're head's too far up your ass to realize that.

    See where I'm getting at? All this, due to the nature of your typical greedy, individualistic person would cater only to themselves as long as they can profit from it. And profiting doesn't always equate to helping the public. If anything, it's more destructive, you dumbass.

    P.S. It's funny how you think I don't know how the healthcare system works. :smt043 You need to learn from someone who's far more adversed in medicine and the healthcare business especially since I'm surrounded by medical personnel who educate me on the matters at hand?

    Wow, you obviously forgot that libertarianism doesn't want the federal government get involved with state affairs. Hell, they don't even want the state to delve into personal affairs. Classic form of Conservatism believes in state's rights, which is a classic definition of libertarianism. You must be one stupid motherfucker if you forgot that.

    In other words and this shouldn't take too long for you to figure it out: He's a staunch pro-life advocate who thinks that, as a federal employee, have the right to restrict the rights of women. Are you that fucking dumb and have your head so far up your ass, you forget the basics of Civics?! Damn kid. Stop while you're ahead.

    The right based on discrimination? Then you're infringing on the rights of people and thus impeding on their right to succeed, which further proves my point how much of a selfish jackass you really are and how knock-kneed you really are. You're contradicting your own philosophy here, kiddo. It simply won't work under these circumstances and never will. Thank you for proving my point.

  6. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    And President Obama's forthcoming Vvsit to Ireland, the U.K. and France are part of this re-election campaign.
  7. velkrum

    velkrum Restricted

    Sarah, how do people in those regions view O'Bomber ?
  8. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I thought you were well adversed with politics. But since you've proven (again) you're not too smart under these circumstances, here's the simple answer...

    Europe have good relations with the U.S., far better than the previous administration.

    Now is that clear enough for you?

  9. z

    z Well-Known Member

    What is Obama being the favorite US leader in France or Germany has to do with his re-election? This election is about economy, jobs, gas price, health care, possibly immigration refrom, so who cares if the French or germans are waving Obama's picture and marching in Berlin or Marseille.

    By the way Ron Paul and his son both physicians, their view of the wrold is way backward. Ron senior a former OB/Gyn vehemently oppose abortion even almost in rape case & mother's health condition, and his son who was a practicing OPtho wants to oppose civil rights.

    They're not gonna win shit, he is not even gonna raise enough money to be taken as a serious contender.
  10. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You also forgot that Rand Paul isn't really a certified dentist. He never gotten accredited at the actual practice. Rather, he created his own so he can practice dentistry.

  11. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I thought he was an eye doctor (Optho). Didn't he go to legit medical school and did residency and became an Optho? (I could be wrong here) I heard about the dentist thing a while back ago but I thought it was a mix up or something. So was he practicing Optho and dentistry in Kentucky, did he go to dental school as well?
  12. velkrum

    velkrum Restricted

    Right...and who do you think has the MOST LOGICAL approach to fix these issues ?

    How so ??
    Ron Paul believes STATES should have their own regulations regarding abortion NOT the Feds. As for Rand Paul opposing civil rights, I have never heard of that do you have any links or evidence I can see ?
  13. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Oh! You're right! My mistake! Yes, he's an opthalmologist, but he created his own because he didn't like the fact that it was too cumbersome to get an issued license from the national level. He's state certified, thus he can only work within the state of Kentucky.

  14. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Certainly not him.
    Didn't BBW give you a thesis on this like 2 pages ago, reading is fundamental, go back and read his response.
  15. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    He won't listen at all. The guy is one of those hardcore libertarians who basically like to think that philosophy isn't a contradiction if those people are part of the federal government.

    There's even a thesis written relating to the flaws of libertarianism. As I stated before, it works only in theory. But in practice, it's a disaster. To be frank, for that system to work on a federal level, 100% of the populace would have to act as rational human beings. But that cannot be the case at all.

  16. velkrum

    velkrum Restricted

    BBW gave a poorly OPINIONATED response and he still hasn't answered many of my earlier questions. It doesn't matter anymore as I've decided to ignore him. In your case UnChosen1 are you unable to use logic to explain your answers or do you just whine complain ?
  17. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Hey dickhead...I have provided FACTUAL statements and logical statements. You're a prime example of what I'm talking about, you stupid bastard. You say this because you're incapable of refuting any of my statements at all because you know damn well you cannot find a retort to it whatsoever.

  18. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Romney says he will kill Obama care, isn’t Romney care the “blue print” for Obama care? Also Romney says he is really a pro life but he had to be pro choice when he was running for a governor of Massachusetts coz that was the opinion of majority.
    To me it sounds like “Hey I wasn’t gonna win in Massachusetts unless I told the voters that I was a pro choice even tho I am not”
    That sounds like a man with no internal moral compass, no internal set of ideals that he/she live by, just a wind sock, ah politicians, lol
  19. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Do you think that he'll actually find effective ways to boost the economy at a quicker pace? Or will he allow it all to lag?

  20. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Everything will be fine, as Karma reiterated earlier. Think of it this way. It took 8 years for Bush to sink us down, it should take the same amount of time for Obama to uplift the country, afterwards.

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