CNN supposedly promotes race mixing

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Mikey, May 9, 2011.

  1. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Very good point goodlove, its definitely something to take note of.

    I can see it now Modern Interracial America, A Changing Society?

    Whites in America have freely had relations with Native Americans, Hispanics (especially the white identified one's) and with Asians for generations.

    The issue comes into play when it is a black man however, because heck white men have had relations with black women and fathered many of the mixed heritage blacks in history. However black men would be killed for dealing with white women, but a white man could secretly be with black women and kept it hush from his familiar circle, he didn't have to worry about being lynched over it.
    Last edited: May 10, 2011
  2. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    I too would welcome white men embracing relations with black women in significant numbers compared to the paltry numbers we see today, because that would signal the beginning of the end of any white male privilege based simply on one's race.

    It would force the associates of such men to be more open minded and tolerant.

    For a white male to be with a black woman he has to take the risk of knowing he could have a mixed male child, who will more than likely be identified as black in America. How many white males are willing to accept that. Does he want that in his family legacy on purpose, leave his inheritances to said son, have him in his circle of acquaintances.

    Black women have been in America since the days of colonialism and yet white men when they do date interracially prefer Latina and Asian women in overwhelming numbers for marriages. It no doubt comes back to skin color. The family portrait looks much more tolerable for them with an Asian or Latina woman.

    I mentioned in another post for black women to marry more interracially would require a gigantic shift in their approach to dealing with men. Many white men who go for Asian women, say white women are too hard to deal with because of feminism, etc. If that is so picture them dealing with black women en masse :)

    I certainly would welcome it if it means black women would have a whole different value system as to what a real man is all about and not some wannabe, swagged out thug who simply make baby mamas of them and nothing worthwhile.
  3. RRoyce55

    RRoyce55 Active Member

    "you must spread more rep around before giving it to GQ_Brotha again..."
  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    there you go bro
  5. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Same here. However, people of older generations (such as people like my mother or father) for instance, are more socially conservative, however they are liberal politically.

    I think BW should simply date outside of their race and go for men of any race, just like we are, although some of us here specifically seek white women.

    There is a clash between the older generation and the younger generation when it comes to interracial relationships, with the most polarizing one being between black guys and white girls.
  6. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    GQ hit the nail on the head. Who cares what others think. You and your partner need to be strong to handle those issues though.
  7. vaudeville

    vaudeville New Member

    I know!

    Unless a motherfucker is stuffing dick in a pig, there ain't no "race mixing" popping off anywhere. Get your heads out of the past.

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