Obama Begins 2012 Re-Election Bid

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Mikey, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. velkrum

    velkrum Restricted

    Ron Paul is a good guy and has had consistent views for over a decade
  2. Nico

    Nico Banned

    Great 1st post.
  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    These Ron Paul Cultists don't see too far from the tree. His idea of a perfect government simply won't work because....

    ....libertarianism sounds too good to be true on paper, but in reality...it's a disaster. Plus, Ron Paul tends to favor big businesses as singular entities rather than people themselves. People often overlook that part. Sure, some thoughts of his are good (i.e. legalizing marijuana, decriminalizing drugs and prostitution), but he'll be another politician for the businesses to feed on.

    Plus, he's a bit of a conspiracy nut.

  4. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Nah, he'll only get 5% of the vote.
  5. velkrum

    velkrum Restricted

    Big Brother Wise, what do you know about politics, economy and trade ?? I think if your going to make claims you had better back them up with LOGICAL facts.

    Besides...there is no such thing as conspiracy theories...Everything a so called conspiracy theorist say's is backed up with fact. The problem is no one takes the time to research the information.

    These movies were made in 2004 and 2006 respectively...and we are NOW seeing everything unfold exactly as was told to us in these films. You can bury your head in the sand and choose to be ignorant but the truth is all here.


    Last edited: May 8, 2011
  6. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    1. Regarding politics, I know a lot more than you will ever know in your lifetime for this simple reason: I exercise rational judgment, whereas people like you still put on aluminum foil over your head and carry a spatula, accusing every product produced has a nano-chip built-in to control our every step. You call it logic, I say you're a fool.

    2. These documentaries tend to exaggerate the truth on so many levels. If anything, they are merely there to cater to the woefully misinformed audience who want to believe that they are in a police state. Here's a reality check, anyone with a brain will know that freedom is a concept which is acted upon, but not to be taken too literally. Furthermore, the "research" is exaggerated, botched, or even horrendously flawed because some twits like to play with numbers.

    3. The Zeitgeist movies (while there's a small inkling of truth to this series) and the Alex Jones movies with the theme of a New World Order is purely broken. It caters to a fear-induced libertarian audience who likes to believe in their little lies. You see, media plurality has taken root in this day and age and people like to speak their own truths. However, they are not entitled to their own facts. Do you know why? It's because you all merely puppets to these people who will feed off of your fears so they can generate money. Alex Jones is laughing himself to the bank because he realizes that you idiots are so easy to manipulate.

  7. velkrum

    velkrum Restricted

    I see alot of name calling and aggression, but no intelligent facts...typical.

    Also...you haven't refuted any of the information, you agree that the info is real but should simply be looked at as "just the way things are."...again typical.

    This guy has his own company and also sells products but I guess that should be a reason not to listen to him or anyone that warns the public of truth.

    Last edited: May 8, 2011
  8. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    There's no name calling. Truth is truth and that's how I see it. Plus you haven't provided any examples for me to delve into at all. All I see here is paranoia and your response was as pitiful as the next person who want to think everything is a conspiracy.

    I actually agreed with Peter Schiff relating to economic problems. This was a no brainer. However, it more so to do with the fact that we've wasted a lot of money funding two wars and not so much on the housing bubble. Without the two wars, we would more likely have to worry about a financial collapse in the billions, which would easily be taken care of through Clinton-esque New Deal economics.

    But it's 2011 and we've gotten out of the recession and now we're merely on a rocky upswing, albeit in slow growth. The only uncertainty would be the debt ceiling and if we can still sustain our position as the leader of the economic market in the world.

    Last edited: May 8, 2011
  9. velkrum

    velkrum Restricted

    I do believe you just insulted Mr. Jones and I would like to see your evidence of this botched research.
    the examples are in the films

    so your saying the information in the movies is WRONG ?
  10. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Yes I do see Alex Jones as a lunatic who are fear-mongering financial leechers. The biggest example would be the New World Order nonsense, which is overblown beyond reason. AND the Bilderberg conspiracy theory is as nonsensical as anything else he concocted. You haven't done any research of your own at all. You just take their word as truth and no look into their "research" whatsoever.

    Again, they are merely feeding off media plurality (internet and outside sources with little credibility) and the fears of individuals.

  11. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

  12. velkrum

    velkrum Restricted

    But he gives away ALL his content for free. He asks for donations and support because the guy is taking his personal time to educate people. That doesn't seem like the actions of a financial leech to me.

    It's not right to TAKE things from others who invest their time and effort into things without giving back. (that goes for anything not just Alex Jones)
    How did he screw over his clients and become "more rich" if EVERYONE LOST money ?
    well...I guess your right...gas, food, silver and gold are RISING in prices but I guess your definition of a rocky upswing means things become more expensive instead of gradually becoming cheaper.

    You must know more than Alex Jones, Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, Max Keiser and every other economist that says our economy is doomed.

    Is there something you know that these people don't ? or are you just smarter than all of them ?

    I am also still waiting for your proof of Alex Jones "exaggerated, botched, or even horrendously flawed," research. and I'm still waiting for your evidence that the information in the films is wrong.
    Last edited: May 8, 2011
  13. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Damn, it's mother's day BBW, calm down, get dozen roses for your mother & enjoy the day, lol.
  14. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    If he's practically wealthy, why bother asking for donations in the first place? The guy is worth millions, so it makes absolutely no sense for him to ask for donations. You're stepping on hot rocks here kiddo.

    Clients, as in people who TOOK HIS ADVICE on what to invest and how to build on their dividends, LOST money under his advising. Now what do you call that? A deceiver or a real financial genius who's very careful not to be labeled another Madoff?

    And secondly, your examples are inconsistent and mixed in with the negatives and the positives. Gas rises due to some troubles overseas and we're too gas-heavy to find alternate means of energy. And gas corporations are aware of that. This also affects the price of food too. And when I saw rocky, one major factor would be getting the unemployment down to respectable numbers.

    Jones and Paul aren't economists, kiddo. Jones is a radio talk show conspiracy theorist who believes that there's a globalization agenda and a one world government is among us, which is nonsense. It shouldn't require that much proof given that we still have nations under a multitude of unions.

    Paul is simply a politician who may seem like he have the best solutions. But in the end, he caters to big businesses because of his ideology stating that businesses should have the right to maximize their capital without regulation. We've seen that happen in Bhopal, India with Dow Industrial and look what happened? The Yes Men pretty much covered it in their documentaries.

    Schiff is an investor and financial commentator, not an economist. Here's the definition of what an economist is:

    Furthermore. Saying the economy is doomed is just plain short-sighted. We've been through these situations before. While not in the same magnitude as the Great Depression regarding our financial capita, it's important to note that the country felt the same way as people like you do now. Again, we've been through worse and we can get out of it. It'll just take time. There are no short term solutions to economic woes. In fact, there are no clear solutions at all. Different models can work, but it takes a nation's unified effort to pull through. That's the beauty of being a stubborn American - you still exercise pragmatism and still look at the glass being half-full.

  15. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I gave her my gift already. And now...it's back to my usual routine. Hahaha. I never really rest my laurels in this case.

  16. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    UPDATE: Approval Rating at 60% and Economy Approval Rating Up at 52%

    Overall Approval: 60%

    It seems like he's definitely going to be a shoe in now to be re-elected. And unlike the previous bump, in which he was at fifty-two percent, the biggest factor was the economy. Well, we remembered that it was low, yes? Here's the good news.

    This is almost certainly a temporary boost. But it'll keep itself consistent if everything runs smoothly as possible. Plus with the recent news relating to House Democrats are more preferred than Republicans this coming election cycle shows that perhaps what the big D have been doing really helped gained some confidence. But the Senate race still looms.
  17. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Of course he would most likely be re-elected, aint nobody electable running against him.
    Last edited: May 11, 2011
  18. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    There are some names to consider to be frank. After all, jobs and the economy are still heavy hitters. So between now and the elections of 2012, there's still time to have someone emerge from the GOP ranks.

  19. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    It really doesn't matter who wins in 2012, black unemployment will still remain alarmingly high, inflation isn't going away and the Lost Decade we have been in since the early 2000s will probably continue, with jobs continuing to be shipped off to China and India. Taxes are going to have to go up if we don't want to go bankrupt in like 4 years, there is simply no way we can close the holes in the intragovernmental holdings (aka Social Security and Medicare) which together cost more than $52 trillion dollars without increasing revenues across the board.

    I do this thing for a living and am merely telling you my opinion. You don't have to take my word for it, all you need to do is do your own homework.
  20. velkrum

    velkrum Restricted

    well..If Ron Paul gets elected and Americans back him up by physically standing up to corruption then everything would improve quite drastically.

    p.s. What is it with someone of you O'Bomber Lies-a-Lot supporters....I've met some pretty vapid people in my life but you folks take the cake.

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