Quick question for black guys.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Adolescent09, May 7, 2010.

  1. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    cept not all black men with ww talk about bw, infact bw aint the topic of conversation for the majority of bm ww couples, and some bw are against it, even when they are with wm, dunno how that works
  2. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    No one is pretending or ignoring anything, Mikey. The truth is MOST IR are NOT based off of hating or disrespecting anyone. Like all the other stereotypes thrown at BM/WW, they only drag us down if we allow them to. There isn't an point in worrying about how IR look in the eyes of others, because haters are going to hate regardless. Why waste time trying to convince someone, who isn't going to change their warped mind, that their thinking is wrong, when that time could be better spent living a positive life & setting a good example to others by doing so?

    Other than the OP (& the trolls like him) & a few random idiots, the majority of the members of this site do not set out to promote disrespect, bashing & hatred. Folks may vent from time to time, but venting is not hating.
  3. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    So let it die instead of bringing it back up. Just a thought.
  4. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    It could be self-hate between BM and BW. There was a thread on here about skin bleaching, and Beyonce did it in February. I think it does make sense to say that some BW don't like themselves either and prefer to date WM for that reason. I bet there are comments from some users on those kinds of sites where they bash BM hard in their replies/posts they make.

    I think really in the US, this is a problem within the confines of the African American community, not really any other group.
    Last edited: May 8, 2011
  5. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

  6. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    Mikey, the majority of black women are some stank ass hoes. My opinion of them is based solely on their behavior, not skintone. The comments I made about black women is what I believe to be the truth based on everything I've seen through out my whole life.

    Based on what I've seen black women are loud, masculine, confrontational, ignorant, and superficial. They lack character and sense of moral values. They are very loose women who have no respect for themselves and their bodies. They make the worse girlfriends/wives and mothers out of all races of women. Now even though I believe all this to be true I wouldn't say shit about black women if they didn't provoke it.

    When black women open their mouths to say that they are the backbones of the black community I'm puzzled. With all the poor decisions black women make they're not even the backbone of their lives let alone the community. When black women say that black men ain't shit it's like the pot calling the kettle black. But what really gets under my skin is when black women go on a rampage to convince the entire world that black men are the lowest of the low then turn around wonder why more and more black men are choosing to date none black women.

    All races and genders in general hate black men. Whoever we date it's going to be people who have something negative to say about our relationships. The reason people don't say negative things about wm/aw couples is because most people really don't care. It's really no stigma around white men and non white woman relationships. For the people who look at bm/ww couples in a negative light uses people like me as an excuse to hate relationships that they hated from the very beginning.

    Please don't come at me with that "a black woman gave birth to you" bullshit. Do you stress to black women who hate on black males that their fathers are black men? Do you demand that they show respect toward black men? I love and respect my mother but I have no love or respect for black women in general because of their ways. To be honest I don't care enough about black women to hate them.

    As far as people believing that bm/ww relationships are based on hate for black women? I never really cared about what people thought about me and my relationship. When I approach a woman I'm interested in I don't concern myself with what other people think about it. I never allowed what other people think effect how I live my life. I suggest you live your life for you and nobody else.
  7. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    this. remember mikey when i said you were annoying...??? tammy & geeks response to your posts is one of the main reasons why you grate on my and i'm sure other peoples nerves. you're stirring up shit that doesn't need to be stirred.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    He's annoying to everyone. The kid has a lot of growing up to do.
  9. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Ok, I agree with your last paragraph. My biggest concern is when physical harm is done to you or when you get into a verbal altercation with someone, just because their skin color is different from yours. What do you do when you find yourself in that kind of situation? I understand that you can ignore/turn a blind eye to folks that don't like the union between BM/WW, but again, if an object is thrown at you over it or physical harm occurs, what are you supposed to do?

    Trey, I live in your region, I live probably 45 minutes away from your location, and here in Columbia, it's not that bad with BW. I can get along fine with most of them. I would probably agree with you and say Prince George's County isn't that great (with your experience with BW), but I think you are evaluating things about BW only from DC and Prince George's County. I highly doubt that it's a global perception of black women.

    To the point about all races hating black men, how do you think Obama won the election in 2008? I think that contradicts what you are saying, because if what you're saying is true, McCain probably would have won with over 270 EVs in the election.

    And even if you say you love your mom, don't you think your mom would still have an issue with your views about black women (in general)?

    I don't care. That's the way I am and not everyone has a problem with it. People on here have said things that are a lot worse than I have, and yet they get a pass for it like nothing happened. That's a double standard, isn't it? So self-hate or bashing BW is something should never be addressed. I think you're upset about it because the thread is created here. If it was moved to the Stereotypes section, there wouldn't be a problem with it. I replied because I actually CARE about it, unlike others who want to just brush it aside.

    Andre, you're not perfect either. I can't walk on water and do everything to satisfy every poster on the forum. No one can do that.
  10. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    First of all, Columbia is majority white and Latino. Most of the black women who live out there are African, not AA. African women are completely different from AA women so my comments don't apply to them. Anyway, I grew up around 21st and Maryland Ave in NE Washington DC, which is a majority black area. Also I been to New York, Cleveland, Philly, Delaware, Baltimore, Memphis, Columbia SC, Hampton VA, Houston TX, Florida, Chicago, California, and Georgia. One thing that all these areas have in common is most of the black women are trifling.

    President Obama got elected for a lot of reasons that had nothing to do with him as a candidate, but I'm not going to get into that right now. When it comes to racism and hatred toward black men, I have experienced it first hand, from every single race and gender including my own. Non black men in general have a negative perception of black men. Most of America has never been exposed to black men. However, they hate black men based on the history of racism in this country. They do not want you dating women from their race even though in their minds is perfectly alright for them to date or fuck black women. These men feel like they are above us.

    When I look at non black women I see the same type of resentment. For example; it's a many average to attractive looking non black women who will date the average non black man, however, when it comes to black man they set their standards extremely high. Like if these women go black he must be tall, attractive, and more successful than your average man. They won't even think about fuckin with an average black man. Also most non black women appear to believe that all black men want them. You got a lot of these women who think that every black man finds them appealing no matter how ugly, fat, old, or skanky they are. Before you assume that my opinion of black women is somehow connected to my love for white women I want you to understand one thing. I think white women has shown more shade and hatred toward black men than any other group in this country. My love for white women is based solely on my preference and it has nothing to do with black women or anyone else. If my love for white women was based on their treatment of black men in general I wouldn't love them all.

    Black men in this country have been shut out of the American dream for the most part. You got non black felons in this country that has a better chance of landing a job than a black men with their master degrees. You have the police in this country targeting black men. You law makers making laws that target black men. You have judges give black men much harsher sentences than whites for the same charges.

    My mother actually agree with my opinion of black women. You see she comes from a time when black women were actually decent women. She's disgusted by what she's seen from black women over the last 3 decades. My mother don't support trifling bitches no matter what their race might be. One thing me and my mother got in common is we both call it how we see it.

    You got a lot to learn about the world Mike. Based on this naive bullshit you posted to me tell me that you really haven't been exposed to the real world. Just the fact that you believe that the election of Obama somehow proves that black men are not the most hated group of people in this country is evidence that you don't know what the fuck you talking about. In reality, racism has gotten worse since Obama has been in office.
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    stop hangin out in the ghetto with the homies and go to some nice places, and you'll find good bw:p
  12. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    First of all, I live in a nice place and I have been exposed to nice black women. But they are definitely the minority.
  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    LOL. I dont think they heard you. LOL

  14. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Okay, I'm gonna respond to this piece by piece.

    You are right to an extent, that African women are different from African-American women, which are the kinds of BW that you are referring to. Thanks for the clarifications, because I didn't have as big of a problem with black women as you claim to have had in DC and in other metropolitan areas across the country. Probably because of where I'm located and where I've been raised, I have more tolerance for black women, although I have a higher level preference for white women and women of other ethnicities.

    Do you think part of the concern, perhaps is the fact that HBCUs exist in the country and it perpetuates the kind of behavior you get from African American black women? Obviously, I wouldn't be going to one, I'd be going to a predominantly white school in an environment where I would fit into the customs of the place.

    The recession (created by Bush) started at the end of 2007. When Obama announced his candidacy at the start of the next year, everyone learned about Reverend Wright's rhetoric and Obama's family lineage. His Mom was from Kansas and his Dad was from Kenya. I'm pretty sure almost everyone in the United States knows that about Obama. racist site's servers did crash on election day, so race and family lineage was an undercurrent, within the election. With regards to hatred (from all other races, as you say) I don't really agree with you. I would say that the hatred (for me at least) isn't as bad as you experienced. We just have different opinions about it because we haven't experienced the same things. You mentioned that you visited Tennessee and South Carolina, which are places where race relations (for all races) are worse, and interracial dating is frowned upon more frequently in those kinds of environments.

    I think I've already talked about what's deemed as "average" or whatever in several other threads recently, I don't believe it, because not everyone has a universal appeal. 10 women can say that you and I appear to look attractive. 5 can say that we aren't attractive. That's why I avoid judging people by saying "you look average", or "you are ugly". Other people on here do it, and I don't criticize them. Belittling someone's appearance is worse than being perceived as being an annoyance based on a few posts I've made, so that's why I don't take what Tarshi says seriously. What you said about halfway through your paragraph would probably appeal to conservative white women such as Sarah Palin and the people who support her. I would say (and you would probably agree) that older white women don't like to see younger white women date outside of their race.

    Ok, then. I can't say something against that. You're right. There are double standards (based on the employee's race) in the workforce, in some parts of the United States.

    I'm assuming your telling the truth about what you're saying. If so, I find it hard to believe, but I understand. I guess she's fully OK with you dating white women. I would advise you though, that your relationships with white women/women of other races would be more successful if they aren't based off of not liking women of a darker skin complexion.

    I've been exposed to the world through the microcosm of where I live. I'm really not familiar with how things are in the south or other regions of the country since I have never been out there. That's why we have differing opinions about what people think of black men. I still think you need to remember that it doesn't make sense for BW to be upset at this kind of IR. The only people that should really complaining are some WM. Perhaps some BW will never really accept this kind of relationship in society and it's a lost cause to change them, but whatever we can do, we should do it, and not make the dating dynamics for blacks in America worse in the future.
  15. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Hell If Im gonna read that
  16. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    if the shit was written by JK Rowling or some guy working on his dissertation, i might reconsider
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You read JK Rowling? Ain't none of the brothas on here typical at all lol
  19. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    shiiiiiit I dont know that mofo either so they go into the hell naw basket.

    fuck harry potter
  20. Nico

    Nico Banned


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