Those troops are too predictable and far to easy to PIMP...You'd think us Black folks..considering all the tricks that have been played on us...would be onto this Obama SCAM. Rich white boys on Wall Street have a Black president...WE don't have shit.
I'm sorry UnChosen1.. I can't listen to FairyCON for one second...I don't care what that crook is talking about.
I don't think Obama is going to win this time, he's a lot less popular than he was in 2008. Hope I'm wrong though...
Things are going to be fine. We will make it through, although energy prices, gas prices, and food prices next year is going to be something that drags Obama down. He has other things to make up for the economic realities we will face next year.
I think people are undermining one big factor: It's the economy STUPID! I know that bin Laden's death is a significant event, but this is a short-lived celebration. If you can remember, George H.W. Bush and the Gulf War. He managed to end it and expected his reelection to be an easy thing. But, as usual, domestic issues reared its ugly head and that lead him to lose against the likes of Clinton. I'm not implying this scenario is exactly the same. Bush, Sr. couldn't articulate himself to an audience of people and didn't do much to help out the economy. Rather, just allow Reaganomics to take its course, all the while raise taxes (which was a promise breaker). All in all, while bin Laden's death helps improves his chances of getting reelected, the economy is still a big issue. Deficit Reduction Raising taxes on the wealthy Lowering Debt Job creation Health-care improvements Racism Sexism Education Same-sex marriage legalization across the country Immigration reform Energy reform
Agreed. We are a year and half away from election and American voters tend to have short memory when it comes to things like this. If the economy continue to stink, millions continue to be jobless, gas price continue to be 5 dollars per gallon etc..the voters won’t be saying yeah he is got Bin laden and he should get a 2nd term.
The Dow is up, gas prices are not as high as they were under Bush, unemployment is down, war in Iraq winding down, and Bin Laden is dead just in time for the 9/11 memorial Obama victory lap. All this with hostile Tea Party Republicans and 49% of the country against him. Fuck all you doom and gloom motherfuckers, Obama is killin' 'em dead. Slayin' 'em in the aisles. The Cons know, that's why not ONE of them has officially announced a presidential run. Not one. They'll be slaughtered. I can't think of one that's viable. Not only has BHO announced, he's set to raise ONE FUCKING BILLION. BHO in 2012 bitches, get used to it.
NEWS FLASH: 1. Mitt Romney 2. Rick Santorum 3. Tim Pawlenty They have officially confirmed that they are running for office. Also, reread my previous regarding the biggest issue: The Economy. This isn't a doom and gloom scenario. This is reality. If the economy hasn't picked up and gas prices continue to rise until the elections next year, then he'll have a hard time getting reelected at all. He's doing a remarkable job with all this baggage he has to clean up, but still...people will vote based on their wallets. Now, does that mean he's definitely going to lose? No. But odds are...he'll have a harder time getting the majority delegates.
Yeah, this is our best path. We have to re-elect Obama. The racists and the Republicans are the only ones that will have an emotional breakdown if he wins, again.
I've been surfing the old threads on the Politics section and I remembered good old tuckerreed. I know Amanda seldom returns and posts here, but where are the other reactionary neo-cons?
I'm sorry, guys. I don't see how Republicans going to win general election coming 2012. Our President Obama will be given another term, no matter what. Republicans..I only can wishes the best of luck to them, because they're going to need it.
The same mofos crying about how "hope" and "change" are unrealistic are hanging on to the unelectable Ron Paul, WTF