As a black man

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by BlackMasterJay, May 7, 2011.

  1. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Do you feel disrespected when a non-black girl/woman/lady is hyper-sexual around you? For example, imagine youre standing on the subway and a girl proceeds to rub herself(grinding) on you.

    Or better yet, you see a girl licking her lips, while looking in your eyes.

    some of them even spank their booty, about in public, what are they thinking?.

    wold you consider that disrespect or compliment? Are they just teasing the young black male? i mean, they hardly exhibit such behaviors towards men of other racial make up, in fact, when a white woman likes an asian/or indian guy she is more often than not, totally respectful.
  2. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    That type of shit really don't offend me. All I'm going to do is treat them according to how they behave. If a non black woman carry herself in a respectful manner then all she'll get is respect from me. If she carry herself like a hoe then that is how I will treat her.
  3. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    some women get a kick out of dick teasing. It is fun to them to make a man's dick hard and then give him nothing but a "see ya" type look...leaving the guy in a miserable. They want you to look but you are not able to touch and they know that and that's the fun part to them. Some women really have an oversized ego.
  4. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Well, when I read "Black Like Me", I was particularly stunned at the the description of how supposedly "dignified" white men's behavior would immediately
    degrade into lascivious and lewd (suddenly talking about sex and asking inappropriate questions) to the author while he was disguised as a black man, so I am not surprised that women, even nowadays, would behave this way.

    It's just a sad perpetuation of the stereotype of black men as a hypersexual beast, that somehow encourages ignorant whites to think they automatically have license to reveal the basest aspects of their characters when nobody is looking.
  5. Nico

    Nico Banned

    1. Girls randomly grind on guys on subways?

    2. Why would I be offended by that?
  6. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

  7. Neostumptowner

    Neostumptowner New Member

    Um 2 words, Hell Nah!!
  8. Neostumptowner

    Neostumptowner New Member

    that described is what has been going on here since the beginning, slavery was all about white men doing that sort of t hing to bw and ww did it to black slaves
  9. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Ok then. I understand this, I've studied it. So why are we all here?
  10. z

    z Well-Known Member

    To fuck, reproduce and die
  11. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    What if reproducing is not the motive? I just want to die happy. A baby is not going to make or break that for me.

    I want to be a pretty old lady who looks back on her life and smiles with satisfaction, knowing she gave it her all.
  12. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Lady you need to make an appointment to your local Shirnk sometime soon, lol.
  13. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    If it wasn't the motive then no one would be here!
  14. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    I don't get it. Since when does wanting an orgasm and the closeness of another human being mean that you want a baby?

    Or maybe there's something else I'm missing - do tell. I want to know. Not making fun either.
  15. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Who said that SA? I hope we don't have that kinda ignorance on this thread.:smt101
  16. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    This, Open Heart. Hopefully he was just being sarcastic. Not everyone wants babies from their own womb. Some people adopt and are just as fulfilled, if not moreso, for embracing another life that needs them without having to recreate their own genetic makeup for egocentric reasons (not all parents do this, but some/the majority want to have a "Mini-Me").

    Reproduction is not the main motivation for sex, I think. Nobody brings their kids to the local bar. God made sex pleasurable so we would keep on DOING IT - and kids pop out along the way. Just a neat way of making sure the circle of life goes on...

    If someone were cumming inside of me ON PURPOSE just to make sure he made another version of himself, I would feel used and horrible. I am nobody's brood mare or egg factory.
  17. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    LOL! Men of this forum actually have interactions with women period?

    Rarely these things happen to me and when it does it's a compliment...
    Last edited: May 7, 2011
  18. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    You're such a romantic, UnChosen 1. :mrgreen:
  19. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Seriously if a white woman did that in public while looking at me and licking her lips i would burst out laughing cuz its hilarious but if she is fine with a nice booty i have a feeling i will be thinking with my dick and would not be offended.:cool:
  20. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Men don't get offended by shit like this, women do.

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