On the safe delievery of their twins. http://www.news.com.au/entertainmen...y-to-nick-cannon/story-e6frfn09-1226048150288
That is absolutely wonderful. I'm sure that the twins are beautiful because their parents are good looking. Moreover, you would never think that Mariah was 41 and her husband is 30. She looks damn good. BW carry their age so well.
Yeah, it's getting ridiculous. No one thinks about the kids who have to wear the name. Poor things, get lumbered with the most stupid names possible. Apparently Nick named his boy Morrocan after the Morrocan room in the hotel where he proposed to Mariah. :neutral: Welcome to the world Monroe and Morrocan Cannon.
Well it's bad enough these kids are gonna have 2 major dorks for parents, now they gotta have these names?
Didn't read the names when I posted the congrats..I kind of like unusaul names, but some I don't LIKE-Egypt(Alicia Keyes) DON"T LIKE- Knox, Apple Coco