If that is your vision for your family to be, more power to you, but what in my previous post was extreme??? This is not a time for ambiguity if you are going to critique what I say on this thread concerning security and a woman's need for it.
You implied that either a man takes on full financial responsibilry or his child suffers for it. God forbid both parents provide that. Btw the minute my finances are a requirement for your love then you don't love me you love what provide which can be provided by just about anyone.
Sam don't need her - He got Whoopi. But you def won't hear any stereotype arguments from some here about the hot sexy Sam hooking up with Whoopi....at least not 444 replies worth.
The bolded part should be under discussion in another thread: "How to define a good looking person?" Honestly, if he's with her, there has to be something about him she finds attractive or handsome. And besides, two people who never posted their images on here talking about others...really cannot talk. What can you do? We have the right to speak our minds, but consequences galore, we won't rest until someone speak on our imperfections or criticize us for "not looking up to standard."
You are right...the child does suffer for it, unless the mother brings up the rear as they often do if the father doesn't. No, God doesn't forbid that. I never said that finances was a requirement for love. I said that all women have a need for love, security and friendship. However, many women do not require money because they have their own. Yet, we still have need for love, friendship and security even though we many have money, friends and the love of our own personal family. A man's ability to provide security spans more planes than just having money as you have erroneously interpreted it.
Man, some of you women are really funny. You keep reaching to accuse people here of hypocrisy, but it ain't happening for you. There ain't no stereotype at play with Whoopi and Danson because the white man isn't forced to date subpar when he steps out of his race like black men are. Mediocre looking white men in the US will always have much better options than even the best looking black men.
How is it that a black man is forced to date subpar when he steps out of his race? I see black men with beautiful white women all of the time. Shit I'm not bad looking myself. You sound like a false prophet.
I'm as legit as the prophet Mohammed. There are about 2 or 3 decent looking WW who are down to date IR for every 10,000 brothers who are willing to do the same in the US. That's why we're forced to creep with the white man's rejects and leftovers if we want to date IR.
Wait, hold on. There are people here that still haven't realized Prophet Matthias is trolling I thought it was obvious after the 2nd or 3rd post.
You're not forced to do shit. You probably "settle" for less because you are not willing to step your game up for better. Step your game up and you will climb up.
Oh...shit. I hadn't looked over there to the left. I thought he was one of the ignorant oldies here because a few of them hold this same damn POV.
Ain't nobody forced to do a thing and the most mediocre wm will always win over the best looking bm is definitely a false doctrine. Maybe if the argument were two mediocre guys one black and the other white then I'd agree the white guy has a better shot with ww but like several of us preach as long as you keep your body on point and your bank account high you're good to go homie
So after 46 pages of discussion, it comes down to gym and bank, lol. You should coin that "GB", like the jersey shore "GTL". "Yo, what you doin' today?" "Well I gotta go to Gym then Bank." "How about tomorrow?" "Samething, GB, all day everyday, baby".
Or like girls in westchester say triple M baby. Money muscles and Mercedes everything else is secondary lol