Kirstie Alley and her new boyfriend

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by Ray9968, May 3, 2011.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You cant be serious? Your green age is truly showing. 99% have the same standard of beauty? What country do you live in - no what WORLD do you live in? A woman that looks like Kirstie is SEXUALLY APPEALING to many, many men. They may not be your young age, but men find her attractive. I'm female and I can even recognize her sex appeal.

    Just because MADISON AVE tells you blonde, blue-eyed 120pd white females are the epitome of beauty to men, doesn't make it true. Just like Madison Ave tells you African features are not the epitome of beauty. Or curves are fat, but bones are sexy. Or small tits are less appealing than big ones.

    You look young, you can't POSSIBLY speak for what is the be all of attractiveness, you don't have the qualifications yet.
  2. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    100% truth. I'd rep you but I gotta spread it around. :smt038




    If they could admit to themselves that it truly serves no purpose to get hung up on these stereotypes except to make things worse for everyone, then they wouldn't keep spewing all the ignorant garbage.

    Evidently they don't think too highly of black men when they consistently insult them for the choices that they make. Basically, by perpetuating the stereotypes, they are accusing other black men of being weak & having low standards & of being unable to get the women they really want, etc. If they had any respect for other black men, they'd applaud them for having the balls to stand up & do what the hell they want to do without caring what anyone else thinks.

    The many strong, self-respecting/respectful to others, mature, secure, happy, well grounded, well adjusted black men I know & think very highly of wouldn't give a damn what people thought of who they were involved with nor would they give a damn who other black men involve themselves with. They would never disrespect themselves or any other black man the way some of the guys on this forum are doing. There is nothing that they let phase them when it comes to living their lives & giving others the respect to do the same. They don't allow the ignorant bullshit to have any bearing on their quality of lives because they know it only has an affect on them if they allow it to have an affect.
  3. z

    z Well-Known Member

  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Which was in reference to the Kirstie story. Take the L like a big girl JC lol
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So acknowleding stereotypes perpetuates them? If I acknowledge that black unemployment is higher than whites or that Asians find more gainful employment am I helping to keep the problem going? Should I just shut the fuck up and mind my business and be happy I'm employed? This topic has been talked to death but like anything with you women and some of your can do no wrong supporters you'd rather pretend people who say anything about it has a problem. How about we productive. How can we change the stereotypes or feelings about them?
  6. Exactly. Black men do have bad standards no matter what race of women. Yes, there white guys who date big/old women. But it's always the exception not the rule. You rarely see a good looking white man with a fat, old broad but i guarantee you'll see more good looking brothas with washed up white women. And thats sad. Step ya game up!

    This is tough love some of ya'll just don't wanna hear. You like chubby chasing? Do you but don't pretend that shit ain't true. And as for the white women here voicing their opinions, uhm, who would know better? Me, who grew up in a black community or you?

    I still love ya girls ;) but stop the bullshiting.
  7. You killing em with the truth, son!
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Again with ultimate extremes. It's like in your minds it's either media induced beauties that are 5'9 blonde and thin or just fat women. Have you ever been to a gym or a beach. There are a lot of beautiful great looking women who are in shape and great to look at that don't fit Hollywood ideals but more than enough guys want them. You should check out hot white girls real life edition thread. I never agree with empyorium but he's accurate when saying 60 year old Kirstie Alley would never be on any young guys top 100 list. Please stop trying to make her out to be hot for guys on their 20s she's not.
  9. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    You're supposed to be productive by working on moving past the shit holding you back. When you let it phase you, it deters you; when it deters you, you dwell on it; when you dwell on it, you perpetuate it; when you perpetuate it, you make it a bigger problem; when it becomes a bigger problem, it hinders you; when it hinders you, you're stuck spinning your wheels & making NO PROGRESS & when you make no progress (a.k.a fail), you give the assholes trying to hold you back in life exactly what they want.

    Personally, I refuse to give those assholes the satisfaction of keeping me down.
  10. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Ummm no. I am referring to guys like you. You don't date celebs nor do you know Kirstie Alley. She has no effect on your everyday life. Yet you agonize over who every normal bm is dating someone you deem not a model.
  11. Well i guess we shouldn't worry about alot of things brothas do because by your definition "it doesn't affect us". Okay...
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    See here's where I want you to use a little sensitivity Tam. No one is saying that we're going to let the stereotypes hold us back(bm prove themselves over and over) but from the stand point of many of the men it's just another illustration of how the world sees us. For the women who want identify with the female counterpart you see an older woman having fun finding her some nice looking young dick for the men here's another image supporting the bottom of the barrel theory. And even if you don't agree with it dismissing it as insecurity is insensitive. You marginalize our view of the world like it's all in our head and we need to get over it. Negative images hurt and it is negative because you never see pictures of fat women dating outside of their race with good looking men. It further supports the stereotype even if you're old and fat at least you can have hot bm ladies. It devalues us as desirable options. It illustrates that I can educate myself and keep my body on point but all that'll be available is the bottom of barrel. I'm not saying Kirstie Alley isn't someones ideal but the chance of a guy that young being attracted to a fat 60 something year old is slimmer than Kate Moss. No one is saying to dwell on it and let it hold you back but realize if you don't agree with it's still real for others.
  13. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    You all "talk" too much, now I'll never catch up. Geez!
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    JC who the fuck is agonizing? Knock off all the misdirecting talk. I called it an example racial hierarchy in America where white is on top because you rarely if ever see that kind of coupling else where. Even if one would argue white media won't depict white men like that you don't see Asians Arabs Latins and men of other races don't get straddled with that negative depiction. I care how bm are depicted because I AM BLACK. I'll continue to do me but it doesn't mean I turn a blind eye.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It's the usual someone said something about a fat chick and the world exploded lol
  16. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to MrFantastic again.
  17. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member


    You all really hate fat chics, huh?
  18. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    If Loki cosigns u, ur shit must be tight
  19. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I'm not being insensitive to the issue, Andrae. I just think it's sad that folks like yourself give more power to the stereotypes than they already have, which only results in more pain & lack of progress.

    FYI, a strong black man with strong values & character will always be beautiful, desirable & valuable & there's nothing that can take away from that. If he chooses to date someone you wouldn't, he's not disrespecting you or anyone else by doing so. He has every right to be happy & no one has the right to say otherwise.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Not me. The last girl I was head over heels for(the stalker) was overweight. I would have done anything for her. But like I said before it's not about hating fat chicks it's hating the stereotype about bm dating fat chicks and what it says about us

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