tyler perry and spike lee drama

Discussion in 'In the News' started by goodlove, Apr 25, 2011.

  1. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Well, as a black woman, you are the target demographic.
  2. hellified

    hellified Active Member

    an underserved one at that:smt083
  3. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Tyler is your stooge, so you'll love him.
  4. hellified

    hellified Active Member

    still waiting for someone to explain how perry's comedies are cooning exactly and how this is injurious to the black community as a whole..
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    you mean T.D. Snakes
  6. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    You left the part quoted below, it sums it up very nicely, and his comments above, while not applicable to all of Perry's work, it does apply to a LARGE portion of it.

    "And that's my problem with Tyler Perry movies... drop in that plot and then sprinkle in a large negro in drag and you've summed up the entire anthology of his work. It sucks. It perpetuates and amplifies stereotypes that promote riffs between black men and black women based on flimsy characters, poor plot development, and the type of circular logic that doesn't account for the complexity of black manhood and then justifies some of the flaws that are plaguing black women. But like Big Macs, Popeye's Chicken, pork, Kool-Aid, and all other sorts of products that are sold to the black community that are bad for us, we just can't get enough of it."
  7. hellified

    hellified Active Member

    i've seen plenty of "evil black female" characters in TP's films you guys are just focusing on what you want to see then complaining about that one thing.

    The one thing that detractors either ignore or overlook is that when TP shows a story involving abusive men (people in general really) the reason it resonates so well is because there are a lot and I mean A LOT of women and black women who are victims of abuse in some way and Perry himself was reportedly molested by 3 men as a child. because of that he's able to tap into something that victims of abuse/neglect can relate to.

    Again I'm not saying TP is the best storyteller out there or that he's some kind of black icon of truth but he tells his stories it appeals to an audience that likes it. Spike Lee as an elder statesmen in black cinema and a colleague should have went to Perry personally and told him what he thinks and feels and how to resolve any issue he has..otherwise he should SHUT THE FUCK UP.

    Again all Spike did was play into a situation that creates a schism in the black community. Didn't he do a movie about that very thing??
  8. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    I cant even hate on Tyler Perry. Sure his movies are pure shit but people (black people) continue to go see them in droves!!! He is laughing all the way to the bank.
  9. Prophet Matthias

    Prophet Matthias Restricted

    Brother Spike spit the God's honest truth on no talent Perry. That dude ain't nothing but a self-loathing closet case who demeans brethren to ingratiate himself with BW because he wishes he was one. I bet that Queen Perry's asshole has seen more black dick on the low low than the Dallas Cowboy's locker room.
  10. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Remove the skin from the chicken, but of course that would defeat the purpose. I remember you said Perry was the modern day Al Jolson.
  11. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Yea, that's the thing. It isn't tyler perry's fault. It really is the people going to see the movies that are the issue but no one wants to blame them. Part of the problem in any community is blaming the right people.

    edit: South park and Tyler lmao
    Last edited: May 5, 2011
  12. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    So he has "evil black female" characters as well as perpetuating the worst stereotypes about Black men, this is exactly what Spike and others are talking about when he says "we can do better". There is a never ending stream of negative portrayals of Black men in particular and Black people in general in every media form possible.

    In Dr. Earl Ofari Hutchinson's book "The Assassination of the Black Male Image" he does a brilliant job of detailing the root causes, historical genesis, and ongoing examples of the concerted, insidious, and institutional image destruction of the Black man by past and present media forms, both within and without of the Black community.

    His conclusion as to how to combat this reality, is nothing short of sheer brilliance in my opinion, from page 169;

    - "The first step in the racial stereotype self-clensing process is to be aware of what you say and do.
    - The second step is to become a talking, walking, thinking, and most importantly acting, anti-stereotype and role model around family, friends, in organizations, in your place of business, and at school.
    - The third step is to get involved in church, civic, political, PTA, fraternities, sororities, associations, rites-of-passage, and mentoring programs and anywhere else where you can set a positive example of excellence and achievement.

    These are only suggestions. But if we take one or more of them they will go a long way toward countering the self-hateful, self-destructive, and ultimately self-defeating images many Americans have of Black men and many Black people have of themselves."

    This is exactly how I live my life everyday, and why I cannot and will not support Tyler Perry.
  13. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    You will always find those who will focus on one thing and run with it. Most Tyler haters have only seen one or two movies and pass judgement on ALL of his work. The movie I saw at the theatre (Madea's Big Happy Family) depicts two things...the struggle for peace & unity among family members and one man's struggle to do the right thing...caring for his child while having to deal with a mean ass baby moma. (Byraaaaaaaaaaaaan!)

    Plus, the struggle of two black men whose wives are bossy mean ass bitches. Black men are not demonized in this movie at all. But if one is a Tyler Perry hater, he has already passed judgment on the work though he has never seen. Thus, he sits back in wonderment at why people love Tyler's work.
  14. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Negroes will never do those things, they're too much like "acting white."
  15. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Remember, they "gots to keep it real", "keep it 100".
  16. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Again, as a black woman, you're clearly biased.
  17. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    LOL (you are at that game again), does one have to be black to like Tyler Perry's work?:rolleyes: As an ignoramus you are clearly biased.
  18. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    South Park made fun of Tyler Perry last night. It was pretty funny.
  19. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    LOL. you have to remember who you are talking to.
  20. hellified

    hellified Active Member

    what do you mean "so"?? you just wanna dismiss any evil black female characters because it fucks up your complaint that TP ALWAYS features bad black men (which it doesn't)..

    We as a people have to stop being so freaking sensitive to the idea of black men as villains in stories...if you have a story that's majority or solely black cast SOME FUCKING BODY HAS TO BE THE BAD GUY. If you're going to trip every time you a black male villain then you can't tell a story that features black people at all.

    earl hutinchson is full of shit:roll: to be stereotyped is to have SOMEONE ELSE'S idea of what and who you are projected onto you. So no matter what you do you will not gain that persons respect.

    this is how blacks were VIEWED back in the day its NOT how they really were.

    Do you know what some people see when they look at President Obama, a highly educated, dignified man... they see a nigger and all the negative imagery that entails. And no matter what he does or how well he does it thats all those people are going to see.

    Hutchinson's notion of a "self-cleansing" already assumes that you must exhibit these behaviors in the FIRST PLACE. The whole thing is ridiculous.

    That whole article you posted is in line with what racist people say is the problem with the black community "if they just acted right in the first place they wouldn't have these problems" So I guess slavery, lynching, jim crow laws, job and housing discrimination etc.. all happened because black people just wasn't acting right. If they could just talk and walk in the most upright fashion then and only then will we treat them as regular american citizens..but NOT until then..fuck outta here:roll:

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