Are White Women Winning?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by karmacoma., May 5, 2011.

  1. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

  2. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Get ya popcorn ready.

  3. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    interesting read. i especially found the 'simple ways to make your man smile' bit quite amusing...shouldn't this just be common sense...???
  4. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member


    This is so hilarious...had to interject it here.​
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I was totally with the article until she said her money doesn't have to pay bills follow your dreams. Bad message in my opinion but otherwise on point. Now who will listen? Should be interesting.
  6. Nico

    Nico Banned

    Wow that website is annoying, every 5 seconds Rihanna was popping up and singing Happy Birthday.
  7. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Check these out. :p
  8. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    lol well its true, no matter how ass hurt the same people who say it get
  9. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    this subject is a snore:smt015quite frankly i don't care...i come here to talk about ww/bm...lippy can't be concerned with the bw plight
  10. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    I don't get it with black women who sit around complain about not having a BM. There are better things to do besides whine about the shortage of good BM. Thus, I do take note of the alarming number of BW who are now dating and marrying outside of their race with WM, Hispanics and Asian. I'm happy for them. Race mixing is so beautiful. The more the better as seen in this commercial below...

  11. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    It doesn't work that well, if you consider a low number to be alarming. BW are the only group of people that prefer (majority) to stick with their own race, meaning we have to be attracted to BW (instinctively). This comment is from a BW who is against what you are saying.

  12. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Well Sandalwood does have a point. Most BW do not find white to be more attractive than black. To them there is simply no comparision. However, most who crossover will do so if the WM makes up for it in terms of security and how they are treated. Still there is a large number of BW who just plain don't even want to be married and are enjoying their single life. They are not bitching about BM being with WW. In fact, many of them defend BM who date WW. That's a good thing. I know some personally, who defend a BM's right to date WW. It was one of them who actually hooked me up with the BM I'm with now. But still most black women DO bitch about it and that is not going to change no time soon.
  13. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Yes, it should be common sense. 8)
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Youre a mess Tony...

    :smt005 ^^

    Wrong site though. Not too many BW here...maybe on hater site, BV or MTO. :p
  15. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Charlie Sheen is winning...
  16. Athena

    Athena New Member

    That's what crossed my mind when I read the title of this thread lol :smt005
  17. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    That's great to hear, since that's the way things are based on where you live.

    The more important thing is the comment of the BW "SMH". She makes a point:
    1. Some BM could end up having serious issues and not getting rewarded in life.

    2. You have the BM that prefer to date only BW and thats okay.

    3. And then you have the BM like myself (and others) who see what the problem is (we don't fit in) and we have a preference for WW.

    The thing is, for BM, regardless of how things turn out (specifically for scenario #1 or #3) we will still get attacked in some way or some form for our livelihood.
  18. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    I agree with you. I face this everyday with my wife with the black women in my world. They bitch and complain about this so-called shortage of black men which is a crock of shit yet they themselves have available to them every race of men on the planet. I see here in my region of the country the hispanic men and black women will be the new power couple in IR which is increasing rapidly. It seems the black women are the source for sex for the invasion from the south. A hispanic men/black women paradigm will become like it is in Latin America, the bleaching to tan of the black race. it will be a beautiful thing. Right JOSE and KAREN?
  19. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I'm winning and didn't even know I was playing games. Go me!!
  20. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    You ladies have a power in how you treat a man. You know how to please a man, to challenge him, and to be a woman if that makes any sense.

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