Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Ymra, May 3, 2011.

  1. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    To me, it doesn't mean much. I like answering questions anyway. We do it all the time in our daily lives.
  2. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    I think some folks underestimate or think you can play nice with these kind of individuals.

    These folks are murderers and criminals that is what they are, they would cut our throats if they got hold of a Westerner all in the name of their warped beliefs about martyrdom, holy war and for propoganda purposes.

    Look at what was done to Danilel Pearl the Jewish journalist who went to Pakistan a few years ago and was beheaded.

    They do these ghastly things for propoganda because they think Western society is weak and squeamish about death and will cower at the thought of them.

    When their most notable murderer is killed in bin Laden I say good riddance to filth.

    I keep hearing that groups like Al-Qaeda does not represent Muslims and the overall view, fair enough, but what is telling is the deafening silence from many in the Islamic World. Who speaks out against these folks, who is calling them what they are, who might I ask in the Islamic World.

    The first rule of order that some folks need to realize is terrorists see themselves as righteous believers vs the Western infidels.

    Doesn't matter how nice and appeasing you choose to be with them, if you are a Westerner you are an infidel and the only thing worse than that is a groveling, cowardly infidel.

    Frankly I am glad that each and everyone of them knows now that with the death of bin Laden, there is a bullet with their name on it as well.

    As long as they stay in Pakistan and blow each other up, fine by me.
    Last edited: May 5, 2011
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Maybe you disappoint them.

    I heard they threw him back. ;)
  4. z

    z Well-Known Member

    The white house keeps fumbling the story,
    "he was armed"
    "no he wasn't"
    "The order was to capture or kill him"
    "No the order was specific to kill him"

    Some politicians including Dianne Feinstein saying the Helicopter went down due to high temp/heat, all these bullshit story and spins, begs the question,

    Is Osama really dead?
    Did Obama specifically give orders to take him out rather than try to capture him if not then kill?
    Is Osama 100 % the only & main person for 911 massacre?
    As far as I am concerned I don't trust this white house as much as Bush's or Clinton's. They're all bunch of hot airs and Obama is a stone cold calculating politician, now he is going for photo op tomorrow with 911 families, jeez, leave the families alone, they have been thru hell already.
    Last edited: May 5, 2011
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    There you go again - telling people how you think they're 'acting'. So I'm a bitch now because I'm focused on the topic (as usual), instead of deflecting with ad hominems like you are?
    Why wasn't I a bitch when I defended you against Trey in his BBW thread? Or when I implored you to stay the time you threatened to leave the site? Those reactions you loved, of course. After Trey made comments about BBW's, didn't you call him out for his bull? His response was to call you a bitch. How did it feel to be called that? Put that ish in your coffee.

    You brought 'prolific' Twain into this.
    Excuse the 215-time-n-word-using author, since "it was how they spoke" in an "era of racism". Racism is alive and kicking and so is the n-word. (look at Ymra's 2011 n-word neg-rep comment on a site that's supposedly devoid of racists). Other books from that era don't contain the excessive use of the word. Twain was no fool - he knew n***r was a degrading term, which is why he peppered his tale with it. Not like the character didn't already have a name - Jimmy. Why the need to constantly call him n****r Jimmy throughout? In comparison, ignoramuses have called women 'BITCH" to derogate for centuries, but I don't see prolific writers naming female characters "bitch" in their books - do you? (bitch Scarlett, Bitch Cinderella"??)
    Sometime Blue, even an 18th Century author might not have had literary ingenuity in mind, but money instead. When critics trashed Twain's book, he gleefully surmised it would sell him "another 5,000 copies for sure!" Hmmm.....

    I sleep well.
    You on the other hand denounce rejoicing Americans, since it might piss off (already pissed off) terrorists. :rolleyes: Now you're scared to fly, even though its established there really hasn't ever been a safe time to do so. In fact, the most UNSAFEST time EVER to have flown was PRIOR to 9/12/2001. But back then, no Americans had ever celebrated anything in which to anger terrorists - yet look what they did to us anyway. Go figure that one out in your scary world. :smt039
    Last edited: May 5, 2011
  6. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    A rhetorical question is not a question, you seem to not get that, you don't answer them as they are not questions - and its not an invitation for unsolicited advice.
    You keep answering these Rhetorical questions all the time, they are not questions. Just fight the urge to answering such questions, you kinda look silly doing that.
    "We' dont answer questions all the time in our daily life - if its not directed to you or clearly to the general public, leave it alone.
    The faster you learn that, the better off you are.
    Just some advice for you my young fellow.
  7. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

  8. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    It appears more accurate planning went into finding and executing the murderous terrorist than in how to tell the press and the public a plausible story....what started out as a major victory for the president has become a mess for his administration........
    I can also see Ymra's point......although the S.O.B eluded his justice for 10 years, he had it coming, I don't however revel in his death.....the celebration shows how thoroughly bloodthirsty we have become as a generation and a world......
  9. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Well at least you didn't say "Its what we were taught in school"

    ha ha ha you crack me up dude.
  10. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Bin Laden has been wanted for more than 10 yrs, supposedly he was behind the attack of American embassy in Tanzania and Kenya. The question is why, when and how did Bin Laden turn his back on America? They're telling us his thirst for American blood began right at 1st gulf war, before that he was buddy buddy with the CIA while fighting the Soviets as a Mujahideen.
  11. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    ha ha ha, I don't care....but your rep comment wasn't HILARIOUS. Pitty you didn't sign it, it would have been fun.

    and this comment was just damn silly. (of course unsigned)...I love this site. Some of you peasants keep me in stitches...
    Last edited: May 5, 2011
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Here are close-up pics of the helicopter. I think it's a comanche, not a Blackhawk (its pretty awesome).

    PLEASE NOTE: there are gruesome photos of several dead men in this link. Only click if you can handle that. (I think he is dead)
  13. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Thanx, I have seen the pics. I heard this lady at work almost fainted when she saw the gruesome photos.
  14. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Like all things in life, once the Soviets were no longer the issue, he needed a new enemy to continue his "mujahideen" in his mind.

    These people are driven by religious fervor and zealotry. They think in terms of Allah, martyrdom, death to the infidels, holy wars and feel that what they are doing is 100% right.

    That is how you can kill thousands of innocent people and brag about it, while screaming the name of Allah.

    There is no grey area for reasoning with them, as far as they are concerned it is their way and no other way. How do you reason with someone who thinks God will bless them with virgins in heaven for such atrocities.
  15. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    You know what this mindset of some reminds me of the tourists on Safari in Africa that sees the lion killing a baby impala and they start crying over it, I have seen this on some nature shows in a few clips.

    Nature is a cruel S.O.B, I'm not the least bit naive about that. Human beings have been killing each other for thousands of years, it sadly isn't going to stop. I shed my sympathies for innocent people, not perpetrators of mass murders.

    No amount of niceties will stop terrorists from killing innocent people, they thrive on the chaos and bloodshed. I believe if you live by the sword, so you shall die by the sword.
  16. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    And I think many of you are missing the point entirely. No one is sad because of the death of Oasama. You will find no tears here or sadness that thhe man is gone. But the way in which we are celebrating out enemy is nothing short of shameful and hypocritical.
  17. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    How so, would not celebrating make them like us, alleviate their religious fervor and hatred of us as infidels, make them stop attempting to blow up innocent human beings, make them speak nicely about Western society.

    You served in the military and I respect that, because the guys who do have seen what death is like, nothing glamorous or glorious about it.

    As I have mentioned previously this Osama bin Laden situation is not the norm, the celebrations at his demise go to the heart of what he represented and spoke for and was the foundation of, Al-Qaeda, that perpetrated the worst terrorist attacks on U.S. soil.

    It sent a clear message to them that even in a place like Pakistan where they feel comfortable and have sympathizers they are not safe from death no matter how long it takes.

    I comprehend the crux of your focus is the celebrations, but why should bin Laden the man be afforded any moniker of decorum when he was an integral part of an ideology that beheaded, blew up and exalted the death of innocent human beings.

    The celebrations were not about bin Laden the man, but bin Laden the face of modern day terrorism.

    You can always say we should rise above that, however I am glad that we still live in a nation where one can choose to celebrate or choose not to, unlike other places around the world.
  18. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your enlightenment of how things work. I will take and apply your words of wisdom about understanding and not responding to rhetorical questions.:smt114
  19. z

    z Well-Known Member

    If that is the whole truth and nutin but the absolute truth then I agree, otherwise if it is a poltical propaganda sent out by elite spin machine to feed us the unwashed mass with BS, then meh.
  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    All I want to say is that Im glad the fool is gone. who is next to get popped

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