Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Ymra, May 3, 2011.

  1. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    It's going great, TC! Thanks for asking. I'm in NYC right now, heading to London and Paris next before I'm back to the states to visit DB. I :smt049 America!

    TCFLORIDAGIRL Well-Known Member

    Wow, how wonderful for you....glad you are having fun, just stay safe girl and hope you share some of those experiences with us when you get time...!
    You'll have to have a whole thread just for yourself....with lots of pics!
  3. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    I didn't take many photos towards the start of my trip, but I have some GREAT shots from NY. Travelling with friends is soooo much more fun, Ima keep that in mind for next time ;)

  4. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    ahhh stop complaining... least you didn't get this.



    TCFLORIDAGIRL Well-Known Member

    That's disgusting and what a coward.....sure are a lot of them on here lately...too bad they can't find a life instead of talking trash on here...
  6. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    But CA was the best!!!!!! I demand it, HAHAHA:)
    Miss ya girl!
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Earth to Dreaming, they have been on the lookout for you since 9/11.

    Why are you telling me to calm down, you have no idea how my demeanor is - if you must know I'm very calm, and when I am not, you will know it by my use of expletive words. So far, you've seen none.
    What is it with you trying to quell people's emotions, anyhow? (Except when it comes to our safety, now then our "all asses" better get emotional, lol).

    Funny that you scoffed at my example of Jews celebrating Hitler's death, yet you ridiculously compare patriotic Americans chanting 'USA' to a "bunch of heathens before Moses came down from the mountain'. Pot meet Kettle.

    So no, I wasn't shocked at all by the reaction, and I do not judge those that did. STOP apologizing to the radical Islamic zealots, because no real Muslim has condoned the reactions (unlike you), let alone the killing. Why? Because they know he pissed all over Islam. Since I don't view Osama as my fellow human being, but rather a beastly monster devoid of soul, I can sleep easy and not fret over upsetting a few Islamic zealots and Osama sympathizers. You on the other hand can feel for him as your fellow human, but not me.
    Which is why I don't agree with you and your 215 N-word quoting literary star, Twain. I wished death upon Osama, and I hope he rots in hell.
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Blind pride? Remember, 3000 innocent Americans died into dust on Sept 11th.

    BTW, some of the 'idiots' that disgust and shame you to share your honorable presence with include...

    - MLB's San Diego Padres, who wore camouflage uniforms on game day to show US pride and celebrate our Seals.

    - The Seals brothers-in-arms, their fellow Navy Seals --

    The Celebration

    5/2/2011 3:12 PM PDT by TMZ Staff

    A bunch of Navy SEALs based in San Diego celebrated their faces off last night ... toasting the UNBELIEVABLE raid carried out by their fellow SEAL brothers by reveling at a S.D. bar ... a bar which happens to be owned by a retired SEAL.

    TMZ spoke with American bad ass Greg McPartlin -- owner of McP's pub -- who told us when the news broke, SEALs from the nearby Naval Base Coronado quickly packed the house ... many carrying American flags.

    We're told the soldiers went through 8 kegs, 15 cases of beer and TONS of cocktails in just four hours ... while leading the bar in several "USA!" chants.

    (FYI -- the Naval Base Coronado is the home of the USS Carl Vinson ... the ship from which Osama's body was dumped into the North Arabian Sea.)

    A media relations spokeswoman at the base tells TMZ there are currently no celebrations taking place at N.B.C., in part because, "Our boys had a lot of fun over at the Irish pub last night!"

    So all around you, all you see is Ugly Americansim?? [​IMG] Nothing wonderful about this culture and its people stands out to you?
    At the risk of sounding patriotic, why are you here? Canada isn't a 3rd World country. I love my home country of Australia, so to leave it meant I surely had to LOVE the country I now call home, even more. If you are clinging to your citizenship only because you find America and its culture ugly, why stay? Never get snobby ingrats who whine about a country they live in, while bragging about their own they wont live in. This is an incredible country and so are its people. Your loss, man.
  9. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    turns a little green :(
  10. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    what on earth is wrong with people...???
  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    No protest really, it was an Egyptian Cleric who mentioned that the burial protocol used "runs contrary to the principles of Islamic laws, religious values and humanitarian customs." However in emergency circumstances, any Islamic law can be overlooked. Another cleric pointed out, "Because the United States appears to have been unable to find a country to take bin Laden's body within 24 hours, this might have qualified as an emergency."
    Ironically, the Egyptian Cleric never points out that murdering innocent Muslims, Christians and Jews is contrary to Islamic laws, when applied to Osama's actions in the name of Allah. Curious if blowing one's self up is a proper burial...Anyway he got a better burial than the 3000 + Americans he murdered.

    As an ex navy seal put it...

    "Osama was expecting his 72 virgins, instead he got 24 Virginians!" :p
    (The Navy SEAL team that executed the mission is based in Virginia.)

    Some jokes...

    "Bin Laden's fate was SEAL'd!"


    "What went through Osama's mind when he saw our Navy Seals?

    - A Made in USA bullet"


    Letterman's Top 10 list of the Final Words of Osama Bin Laden went as follows --

    10. "My horoscope says 'big surprises are in store.'"

    9. "See, this is why I normally don't answer the door."

    8. "The one time I give my bodyguards a day off to go to the zoo..."

    7. "What on earth could be interrupting 'Celebrity Apprentice'?"

    6. "I hear Brian Williams is on Dave to discuss my imminent demise."

    5. "At least I'll be reunited with my dear departed friend Jack LaLanne."

    4. "I'm not sure I want to live in a world where 'Fast Five' is the No. 1 movie."

    3. "Any man with multiple wives welcomes death, am I right, fellas?"

    2. "I need a house full of Navy SEALs like I need a hole in the head."

    1. "Oh, crap!"


    Stay thirsty my friends.

    ...Speaking of booze, my military friend was creating cocktails to toast to. Here are my contributions...

    The Cranial Killer: Two shots and a splash of cranberry.

    Bloody OsaMary: Two shots and a splash of tomato juice.

  12. ThePrince

    ThePrince Active Member

    You're in my neck of the woods! :D

    I live pretty close to NYC. I'm not far at all. I live on Long Island, NY.
  13. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Much of this disappoints me.
  14. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    God Damn, who the hell has been putting the bitch in your coffee? You aren't normally like this, so I'm surprised to see these reactions from you!

    Nice dig at you can come up with? He was a prolific writer in an era of racism, and he wrote how those people spoke. Get over it. Lawd have mercy, chile!

    You can go around celebrating the man's death. Have fun.
  15. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    What I took from this is the US sent a clear message, no matter who you are, what your beliefs, if you kill Americans you will be hunted down and dealt with.

    People ask how come it took so long to get bin Laden, we fail to understand the environment and mentality of those who surrounded him.

    Pakistan itself is rife with terrorists, just ask India and they will tell you in no uncertain terms.

    If I am a terrorist Pakistan is the best and most logical place I would go to hide out, given the volatile political situation, shady intelligence agency and full of sympathizers.

    I don't know why some for political correctness keeps referring to Pakistan as an ally in the media. How the fuck is the world's most wanted terrorist living miles from a Pakistani Military Academy.

    Then they have the revolting nerve to speak about violation of their sovereignty, fuck them and their sovereignty, if they want sovereignty get rid of the terrorist scum on your soil yourself or S.T.F.U.

    But we know they can't do that because even their intelligence agencies have long been suspected of aiding terrorists attacks against India.

    I respect every fellow man and their cultures and beliefs, but at the same time, I am a no nonsense thinking person.

    I believe if you take the lives of innocent people and then boast about it, you deserve whatever faith has coming your way.

    Osama bin Laden got just what he deserved and I for one can care less if that affects the sensitivities of some.

    I would never partake in the wanton death of innocent people much less boast of it, unlike what he did.

    There will always be people like Osama bin Laden in this world, no matter how nice you are, they wouldn't hesitate to cut your neck because you are not them and therefore they don't respect your humanity.

    The least of the issue is any celebrations at his ultimate demise, he had that coming, the bigger picture is you perpetrate these kind of acts and you will be dealt with, however long it takes.

    What I like is Obama didn't need to speak about terrorism around the clock, he is taking care of things quietly, the way it should be done.
    Last edited: May 4, 2011
  16. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    It could be a WM that's on the site. Remember when you said, "I believe in giving everyone a go"? I think you should be more restrictive and assertive so things like this don't happen.

    Think about what Karmacoma said in another thread (I think in the Dating or Just Kicking it thread, or the one that stated Why white women love black men), "Plenty of people on here should be banned before MissFine". I think I know who he's referring to.
  17. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Lovely Mike, does "Rhetorical question" not mean anything to you?

    You really should fight those urges of yours to answer every question out there.
  18. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    the only regret I have is they didnt bury the fool so I can do this on his grave

  19. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Maybe some sharks got to him once overboard and had their own dinner party.
  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    hell yeah.

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