You would never have even imagined this back in the day. I catch those Cheers reruns at work on my break.
It's about damn time!! She's too hot to be alone!!! And I bet the brother appreciates them curves she keeps battlin too!!!
Yeah I can't applaud this but I hope they keep doing them. It's just sad when you someone supporting the bs stereotype we try to fight but again I hope they keep doing them.
what stereotype is that? i bet you money that if kirstie alley gave you the time of would be here in 5 minutes flat telling us about it...don't be such a hater...
First off I never brag about women I hook up with. And the stereotype is that a lot(not all cry baby police) of women are quick to hook up with a brotha long after her good years are used up. The stereotype a lot of black guys settle for older fatter ww when they wouldn't do that with women of other races. She definitely had it back in the day but she's very fat and old now and I don't understand why guy with options under 50 would mess with her so like I said before good for them it's not for me to understand.