strange rituals...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by lippy, Apr 30, 2011.

  1. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I think in my mind I am exaggerating your color coordinating method. Some how I believe you are color coordinating your shirts with your pants as if you were going to go out and you had it altogether and not simply just red shirts go here blue pants go there. Now that I got some time to think about it, It is probably the latter and not the former.
    Last edited: May 1, 2011
  2. Kaname2000

    Kaname2000 New Member

    It doesn't seem like alot of effort to me unless I am in a hurry and got to get back to work or something like that and it depends on which friends, my very close friends know I take I off all my clothes but they don't know the other part, they'd probably kill me if they knew I was rearranging they bathroom!!!! LOL!!! Only my relatives know that and now ya'll of course!!! But for the most part I either try to only use the bathroom(when I have to do "that") at home or at a neutral place like a public bathroom but only the ones by itself that has no stalls, are bare, extremely clean, and have cool room temp. otherwise I will just hold it till I get home, a relative's house, or find a public one that's to my liking!!!!
  3. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    You're crazy as
  4. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Another insane individual.
  5. Kaname2000

    Kaname2000 New Member

    Why thank you for the compliment, but I passed the insane exit a long time ago!!! LOL!!!
  6. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Hm let us see

    While walking down the street, each stride should be a measured 1.1 meters with a velocity of atleast 2.2m/2 seconds.
    When standing outside, about to cross the street at an intersection, my body posture must be erect, and my arms crossed.
    The chairs in the dinner room must all be under the table with 30cm horizontal clearance between each chairs. Two chairs should be 0.9m away at a 60 degree angle from the inside of the table, so any visitor can think i just had visitors.
    I have to calculate all chairs and tables at a restaurant in less that 2 minutes because i can and its more entertaining than my date.
    I have a "my computer" in my brain, and everything i do goes in different "folders" which can be accessed at any time. Oh btw was restored from my "recycle bin" 3 minutes ago.
    I own a bunch of "magnum" condoms that i have to test for "flexibility" as well as its modulus of elasticity because i hate accidents
    When i look at a woman passing by- I have to check the booty.
    I have different flavored gums in my suitcase because, every occasion requires a different scented breath. Oh Btw, i eat strawberry gums when scheming "sweet talking" sessions
    I find myself looking for patterns on my ceiling. I usually find them as well, sometimes i see a sexy woman smiling at me, and other times, after a horrific nightmare, i swear i see the devil himself, smiling. lol
    Last edited: May 1, 2011
  7. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, hilarious reading these rituals.

    Bed must be made everyday

    No dirty dishes in the sink

    I fold my dirty laundry

    My clocks are set ahead of the actual time

    I turn off the TV at the same channel (National Geographic Wild HD)

  8. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Creepy..I do all the same except folding my dirty laundry :)
  9. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, I picked up that habit of folding my dirty laundry in college. My roomate would just throw his dirty boxers on the floor and me being a neat freak would kick it under his bed to get it out of the way. That shit used to get on my nerve, dude was nasty. :)
  10. Nico

    Nico Banned

    Must check every forum I post on for new post.
  11. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I fold my dirty laundry too.

    If I do have dirty dishes in the sink they are rinsed thoroughly and arranged a certain way. Like big flat ones (plates) on the bottom, bowls on top, then drinking glass in the bowl, then sliverware inside the glass. If I even have that many dishes in the sink, which I try not to, but I get lazy sometimes. But not lazy enough to not rinse them or organize them while they are in there, heh.
  12. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    I hope you Lysoled your shoes after kicking those drawers. LOL. My ex-husband was the same way AFTER I said I do. Yuck
  13. Kaname2000

    Kaname2000 New Member

    I second that!!!
  14. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I meet with members of the lodge twice a week and have been initiated into various degrees. :smt001
  15. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    :confused:what does that mean...explain please
  16. Kaname2000

    Kaname2000 New Member

    The brother is a travellin man, a freemason. Those aren't exactly the strange rituals I think they meant but I guess they would be strange to someone who knows nothing of freemasonry.
    Last edited: May 2, 2011
  17. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I've said these before on here in various threads, but strange (OCD) rituals I have:

    Things have to be parallel or perpendicular. I like things to look orderly.

    Whenever I pet an animal, I MUST wash my hands 3 times before I touch anything else.

    I stack books by height because it looks neater and is more pleasing to my eye.

    I keep wipes in my car and clean my hands after I pump gas and since someone else mentioned it to me, now whenever I touch a menu, I must wash my hands afterward.

    Strange rituals or OCD?? :smt043
  18. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member


    Also at work (I'm mostly a cashier) all the bills have to be the same side up and faces facing the same direction before I'll put the money in the drawer. Same with my own money before I put it in my wallet.

    TCFLORIDAGIRL Well-Known Member

    Not strange Bookie....we do the same thing, always washing our hands and if we have to touch something in public, we use a napkin or something, even when opening a many germs out there.....ish..!
  20. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    My first job was working at a retail store as a cashier and all of our money had to be facing the same way before we could put it in the bag at the end of the shift/night.

    To this day, I must have my money facing the same way. :smt023

    Yes, I agree, but you'd be surprised at how many people don't care. It's kind of scary, actually. LOL.

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