A recent study was done at YourBlackWorld.com in regards to the NAACP nominating hip-hop artists like Jay Z and Nicki Minaj for awards, when they use derogatory terms toward women and the “N-word” in their raps. The survey sparked from The survey posed this question to participants: “The NAACP Image Awards recently nominated artists like Jay-Z and Nicki Minaj, both of whom have used the N-word and lyrics which degrade women. Does this make the NAACP hypocritical?” According to BlackVoices.com, over 83% of African Americans responded stating that the NAACP was contradicting it’s values and image for nominating these hip hop artists, while 5.8% of those surveyed stated that the NAACP might be contradicting themselves however, using these artists in their nominatins helps them to stay popular, while another 10% disagreed altogether and saw nothing wrong with the nominations. Of course, a lot of the disagreement had to do with age, while most of those surveyed under 30 stated that they saw nothing wrong with the nominations while those over 50 stated that they were being hypocritical. Typical. It’s funny to see how the times have changed and opinions vary in different generations! Tom Joyner also responded to the survey results stating that “giving awards to hip-hop artists is a way for the NAACP to remain prime time”. It seems as though the arguement is whether or not the nations prime civil rights organization should be involved in the entertainment business in the first place. Of course, times are very different now and the entertainment industry is definitely more advanced than what it used to be. It is understandable that the NAACP would want to stay relevant with this generation, but is the entertainment award show be the best way to do that, and is nominating vulgar hip-hop artists a contradiction of their image? What do you think?? here is the rest of the article . http://www.bvonmoney.com/2011/03/13/survey-blacks-feel-naacp-should-not-give-awards-to-negative-hip/
Well since you asked what I think...I think that the NAACP is giving out Popularity awards at their Image Awards event sometimes. There is a difference between the two. Some of the rappers may deserve the award, but it is very obvious to the public, who doesn't. People like Jesse Jackson are mostly about money and so is a large part of the NAACP. I can't stand Louis Farrakhan, but he is more in tune with the black community than some of the others and can't be hushed by foul mouthed rappers or racist whites with any amount of money. Maybe, I was not suppose to comment on this thread, but its too late now. What do you think about the NAACP image awards GL?
Funny you should say rack em. I am very good at playing pool. Once I even sunk the 8 ball on a break. It blew my man away. He didn't want to play anymore that night because I had beaten him every game that night.:smt036
GL is hilarious...I would entertain myself more along those lines with him, but I know he can get deeper (did I hang myself just then?) than I can. So I'm gonna leave that one alone. But yeah, Tasty, I have been playing pooling for 9 years. When I sunk that 8 ball that night, I felled to the floor and screamed. Then I ran around the table saying "Did you see that? Did you see that?":grin:
Rappers who give positive messages deserve one while others who don't are not deserving of that award.
I know but you know how peer pressure is. Look at hammer. he tried to switch and it wasnt him. others on the other hand stayed where they were like will smith and the like.
WELL WHAT do you expect? naacp is run by some real shuffling feet negroes, they pick the most corporately accepted niggas, pre-approved by whites to be a part of their show. this will be be their lineup: music award given to 50 cent music award given to nicki movie award to ignoramus tyler perry good politian award to shoe shiner/boot licker to corey booker lifetime achievement award to "miss i clean my teeth 4 times a day- so my dentures could look like my favorite set of ppl" oprah winfrey. tribute to bill cosby-hypocrite of the year with special appearances from bdr, al sharpton and sherri shepherd. and the quartet of cuba gooding,wanye brady, kerri washington and zoe saldana to host.
he's like another obama , kissing up to whites, he is to buddy buddy with christie. only toughness he shows is when he lectures blacks...
Corey did quite a bit of good work for Newark. I can't see anything bad about him. I got to admit for a black person, you sure do like to trash black leaders. Some deserve it but I wouldn't put corey or oprah there. There are plenty of black people who don't do anything for the community. Corey isn't one of them though.
i call it the way i see it....those ppl do little for their communties and love to push up on powerful whites, none of them is a marcus garvey or malcolm x.
Your perception is not as clear as you would like it to be. Oprah opened up a school for kids and cory opened up a free legal clinic for low income people. This is how you help the community out Marcus did not grow up in the usa. Malcolm(though I admire his change in the later days) was a pimp, robber and drug dealer. There is no telling how much damage Malcolm did to the black community by pimping women out and selling drugs to black people. so no corey or oprah are not a Malcolm X. You are tearing down the wrong people. The people that have put effort into the community.