No pictures please

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Ymra, Apr 27, 2011.

  1. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Civilians and boots LOVE LOVE LOVE to service bash. LOL....she really couldn't think of anything else. Use my service as a diss?

    Oh shit...NOW that's new?


    I'm not worried about this damn sea-lawyer and her [I someone who served] Talking about "Oh they wouldn't have served with you"

    ..if not...doesn't say too much about the honor pops and gramps are supposed to represent.


    Only civilians and boots service bash.........and everytime they do I laugh my ass off.
  2. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    who said worship me? Is imply replied in kind. I know I didn't wound you? I mean with your years of Military Observation experience...

    ...shit, instead of me training my Soldiers maybe I should send them to you so you can wow them with your endless military customs and courtesies.....


    So you would have hauled me off to jail? Halarious

    you pretend to know what a cop can do...though you weren't one
    you pretend to know what a Soldier is, though you have never served.

    ...what else you got?

    Now simpleton you called my service into question because the dude that dropped sperm in your mother wore one...don't act the victim now.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2011
  3. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    That sucks, man. It seems like many cops have this inherent need to inflict themselves on people, just to exercise their power. Not all, but many of them I have encountered do this.
  4. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    lippy might just have to handcuff you until you simmer down:smt112
  5. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    A lot of times people don't know the law if an officer says do [A]. even if they THINK the cop might be wrong, they have to KNOW IT. And understand they law and how it applies.

    The other thing is you can be direct, forward...down right an utter asshole, but you have to do it in such a way as you don't become a threat. can tell a cop to kiss your narrow black ass.....and ain't shit they can do about it.

    Trust me dude, a lot of them feel this way. "How dare you, don't you know I'm a Police Officer"

    BAH! tell him to kiss your narrow black ass, yelling at the top of you lungs, making hand gesture (etc). You've changed the game.
  6. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    A lot of them feel this way. "How dare you, don't you know I'm a Police Officer".....

    For some reason you peasants thought I was irate or something.

    Lippy how about I handcuff you and have my way with you. Which I'd lock you in my closet until you stopped screaming.
  7. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    what makes you think that you have what it takes to make lippy scream:p

    TCFLORIDAGIRL Well-Known Member have a great eye, nicely put all together..thanks for sharing...
  9. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    ......woooooooooooooooo it wold make this thread X-rated.

    But I can make you scream, either by pleasure or pain.
  10. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    TY sis,

    but this was not was I was looking at in my minds eye. I couldn't seem to capture what I set out to get. And then the cop screwed up my mojo.

    ...a lot of time I will just walk around and take photos, trying to get out side of my comfort zone, push myself a little. Its the only way I will learn.
  11. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    no pain please...unless it is followed by pleasure:smt112
  12. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    LOL...truth be know, I'm a big ass wuss when it comes to women. Now go away you are screwing up my well established asshole persona.
  13. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    trust me not even lippy can mess with your larger than life asshole persona...that would take alot of work and i already have a FT job...i say this with much love:smt057
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    as you can see, he doesnt like cuffs
  15. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    I didn't question you were a soldier- your reading comprehension off? I questioned your WORTH as a soldier and a man. Understand?

    No? OK, then how's this...

    No wonder you can't keep a woman around... no decent woman can stand a man like you. You're everything people resent about a man in uniform. You smear the very image of a Marine that decent Marines work hard to fight. Respectful, honest, hard-working, decent human beings...

    I see none of that in you. You behave like a first class jackass of the lowest common denominator.

    And no, you don't wound me. Please. You really are no match for me; I am bored by how simple YOU are (unfortunately, also seems to be a trend of late with soldiers who came after Vietnam... knuckle-draggers, many of 'em- particularly Marines).

    My grandfathers might have been racist - THAT was a different time, or are YOU slow?- but they still believed that the worth of a man was in how he carried himself, not how big he could make himself feel by talking down to people. My grandfathers treated every man, woman, and child they met with respect- regardless of color, their private lives notwithstanding- because they felt they should do the uniform they wore honor by representing themselves with honor. Every decent soldier I know NOW does the same.

    Unless, of course, you do want me to question your service, and ask if you were, in fact, a decent soldier? No, don't bother to answer. I'm done with you.
  16. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I don't do well with aggression.............

    ..actually I'm not really an asshole, i seemed to gotten the WWBM rep, but I can say I say whatever the hell is on my mind.

    ...I'm wuss when it comes to women, unless you piss me off.
  17. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Dude, that all you got?
  18. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    take your shirt off:smt051
  19. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    You aren't special because you're a soldier- I'm sorry to tell you. So, you can cut the peasant bullshit anytime- you're really NOT special enough to call anyone peasant. And right..what you've done? Any yokel can learn to shoot a gun. Any yokel can learn which way to point it. What you've earned? Please. You just aren't that fucking special, so stop acting like it and carry yourself with a shred of humility and honor.

    I said my grandfathers (plural, you do speak/read/write English, correct?) treated people they met with respect- their PRIVATE LIVES NOTWITHSTANDING- so even if they didn't share someone's table, they never shunned them on the street. They were friendly and kind. I saw it every day of my life when I was lucky enough to have them here. My father, in the Army, was the same- he treated everyone with respect, and HE ISN'T RACIST AT ALL.

    I also didn't say I hated all Marines- I said a good portion of all soldiers SINCE Vietnam are losers. I know quite a few Marines, Army, Navy, and Air Force.. and yes, dated a few. I don't hate Marines - I just dislike jackass people who tarnish the name of the U.S. Military acting like you do.
  20. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i dont think that'll put Ymra into a better mood

    after all, what do you think he is a sailor?

    get her to fill out a DD-4 or stop paying attention


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