Why is it such a turn off when white girls "act black"?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    I can definitely say it doesn't appeal to me especially if its over the top, like they spent too much time watching hip-hop videos.

    I'm sure some grew up in certain surroundings that influenced them, but that is an underwhelming minority that would be applicable to if we keep shit 100.

    Most white girls have no clue of the ghetto next to what they see on TV in rap video parlance and crime shows.

    Isn't anything cute about that if you grew up in it. When I came to America at 12, I lived in the hood and there was nothing cool about graffiti on buildings, dudes running the street with guns in their hand, chasing another (I saw that the 2nd day I was in America), mofos hanging around the corner store all day and gunshots at night, every night.

    People don't know the half. I know what the hood is like nothing glamorous about it.

    I like my white women refined, cultured, well spoken, educated, goal oriented, respectful, world traveler and someone who I can build a respectable future with, kids, house, vacations, etc. That's what's up. Fuck the Hood, as Karma said the goal is to leave that shit behind, I'll always have the memories of my hood days. :D
  2. samwilson75

    samwilson75 Active Member

    I like my ww to have a little hood in them. Many black folks can switch from hood to refined seemlessly given a particular situation. I call it the Clark Kent/Superman effect. I don't want my ww to be too much of a Marsh Brady.

    I love women like Tamstrong, that sistah is elegant & hood.
  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You do know she's related to Lady T, yeah? Distant cousins to be more precise.

  4. samwilson75

    samwilson75 Active Member

    I did not. You really do learn something new everyday.
  5. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Hood [insert race] is a turn off for me. And the funny thing is people equate directness, boldness with being hood. I grew up in the hood...and I watched as my parents fought tooth an nail to ensure that as adults we didn't have to live in the hood.

    Dman that.

    ...but there are some BRUTHAZ, that feel they need change who they are to be with white women, and some WHITE WOMEN, who need to change who they are to be with black men.

    ...the picture of the "I'm a white chick with a black man" hair style just popped in my head.
  6. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I love men like you who appreciate that about me. :smt058

    LOL! That's news to me BBW. I love lady T (R.I.P.), but she's no relation. ;)

    I don't know if he's being serious or not, but if he is, I don't know where he got that. :smt102
  7. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I'll have to gather the information...that is IF this name matches yours and can be traced to Teena Marie. :)

  8. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    I hear what you are saying about that, I just don't want that over the top nonsense when they speak. Trying to talk ebonics.

    She wants to be or see the hood, I'll take her to see the hood, the real hood. :)

    I hear you about that other aspect as well about the switchup. I actually like that I can throw down in some ebonics if I need to, especially if I get heated, but moreover can also express myself like a U.N. diplomat when speaking.
  9. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Some folks use the word "hood" without the negative meaning behind it. I have a couple of male friends who call me gangsta & it's not because they see me as the typical negative connotation of the term. They base it on one of the ways I express myself, as everyone here has seen examples of, & it's not about some act I'm putting on...it's just part of who I am.

    I've known a few people who try to "act white" or "act black", but the truth is that many of the folks who are accused of doing that aren't doing it at all; they are just being themselves. Usually the people accusing them don't know them or any damn thing about them.

    I'm curious about the hairstyle you're referring to, Ymra. You should post a pic. It should be good for a laugh. ;)
  10. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, throw in the big ass hoop earrings for good measure along with the hairstyle.

    A lot of brothas are with white women to get away from that nonsense.

    I can fuck a white "ghetto acting" chick but long term relationship and wife, probably not.

    That sounds so wrong but keepin it real. :D
  11. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, probably something like this Tam

  12. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    LMAO! They even have the capped teeth going on, too! Yeah, I've known some girls like that. They should be embarrassed to walk around like that; they look like fools IMO. I can already hear in my mind how they'd sound, & it's not pleasant. LOL

    This topic reminds me of a guy at school who always pretended he was from the hood & he'd do every stereotypical black behavior one could think of. He was like Vanilla Ice times a thousand, lol. He called himself Turbo (I always called him Bobo, which he didn't like, lol) & he was always making a fool of himself. He was actually a rich white boy who'd never even been to the hood & his only perception of it was from movies, TV & music. It was sad & embarrassing for him to act the way he did. There were many occasions where I wanted to slap the shit out of him.
  13. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    It's a turn-off for me for same reason that I would be turned off by any woman who possessed certain characteristics, hair styles, poor language or social skills, etc.

    Personally, I have always spoken and written in the exactly the same way. Sure, I was a bit of an anomaly, and at times it was challenging, growing up in urban areas. Impressions generally changed though as people understood that I was being myself.

    I embrace my blackness and everything that it means, music, culture, history and politics. I just happen to be well educated and perhaps a bit more sophisticated as a result of my experiences. I'm not an elitist or a snob, I just prefer that the women I date have a certain amount of sophistication. That's is more comfortable for me, period.
  14. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, talk about overkill with the fronts on their grill. :smt080

    I understand some people are attracted to aspects of urban culture and all that but where's the line between reality and silliness.

    Oh well guess they aren't hurting anyone, just looking like a silly poser. :D
  15. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Well stated brotha, well said. That has always been my approach.

    I don't for a second forget that i'm a black and am under no illusions about the world out there and what that can mean in certain situations.

    But like you said, I'm an educated brotha that looks for certain values, morals and class in women I deal with.

    I put too much effort into making a better man of myself to allow foolishness around me in someone I have a relationship with.

    I love women that are balanced, humble and a lady, no caricatures.
  16. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Good luck with that. ;)
  17. celticboy04

    celticboy04 Member

    You and me both. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard from both black and white women that I speak as if I were white and that I act white.
  18. lightbrotha4u

    lightbrotha4u Member

    good post. i'm pretty much the same way
  19. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    People get really confused when I come around. I wear skirts and high heels most of the time and look basically artsy because that's who I am. Long hair and a very round curvy backside. I like ALL different kinds of music, but you won't find me buying a lot of hiphop (I'll listen to it on the radio sometimes). Most of my music is alternative, singer/songwriter stuff, and maybe a LITTLE bit of rap and a lot of soul/neo-soul type stuff.

    One black guy looked at me for one second (a new coworker) and asked me what kind of music I listen to. So I said, "Gangsta rap" and rolled my eyes. He got the message and we are friends to this day.

    People assume I must date black guys NOT because of any way that I dress, talk, or act, but ONLY because of my physical attributes. Black girls would pretend to friends with me, then bust my chops and try to embarrass me in front of their friends when they found out I wasn't someone they could categorize. Maybe they would be more comfortable with me if I "acted" like I want to be like them but I don't. Anything aside from staying true to my own authentic self gives me a headache.

    A black chick at work told me that they get confused because they think I'm going to be a certain way simply because of my body shape, like I'm going to be a little ghetto (negative stereotype of it, like the little white wannabe hoodrats), and then I start talking, and people find out who I am - a well-spoken, educated woman who is an artist and loves world culture. She actually said "proper" but whatever.

    People trying to masquerade as another culture are only fooling themselves. It's like a stupid person trying to "pretend" to be intelligent - the real article can spot a fake from a mile away and it only makes the poser look pathetic.
  20. Nico

    Nico Banned

    lol at this thread, what is it the 50s? Who the hell cares how someone chooses to act.....

    How can you possibly say a white girl who "acts black" isn't being their true self? Who the hell are you to say who they truly are?
    I don't know what's worst, the fact that you think there's a such thing as acting black/white. Or the fact that you even care how other people choose to act.

    Grow up.

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