If that was my sister he beat up like that trust me i will wait for him for 5 years track him down and shoot him in the head and not wince one bit.
that is like the court granting her 5 years to live because guys like this will get out and she will be dead...end of story...then he goes back to prison for the rest of his life...both gone and the child has no parents:smt011
He was safe. I was not. Be clear arch. In Colorado the bailiffs go where the parties go. Judges chambers whatever. You are safe in any area of the courthouse and law building above all other places. It would be like saying someone could hit me in the living room but they can't hit me in the kitchen. The judges chambers isn't safe unless someone is there to make sure. These are voilitale situations. It is very shortsighted that their court did not protect the woman. Hopefully they learn from their mistake.
That's a bit over the top and if that is the case then why is it the case? Why aren't these guys going through some kind of counseling? And I don't understand why it can't be treated like any other assault where you get 1 year minimum and more if you have a rap sheet. Excessive jailing doesn't prevent a thing and here's something to think about. Many of the women who get abused and escape one abuser find another. It's a lot deeper than just one evil guy beating an innocent woman its a pattern of behavior rooted in years of low self esteem and minimal self worth.
. That's an awful lot like saying "she asked for it by wearing the mini skirt". Be careful. 5 years isn't enough. 10 years want enough. Those abusers are excellent manipulators... you'd never know In a million years what they were capable of until you were on the receiving end of their fist.
the courts first mistake was not giving her a restraining order...the second mistake was not protecting her during their divorce hearing...if he gets 5 years that is a gift to her provided he does find someone else to kill her...you think he will be sitting his ass in prison 5 years hoping to be a better man when he gets out...more like plotting every day about how he will fix her when he gets out...
10 years is more appropiate because he committed two crimes...aggravated assault and attempted murder. Had she not been rescued from this man, there is no doubt in my mind that he would have beaten her to death.
you aint lying. this goes hand and hand with the custody thread. people need to learn how to handle divorce...especially child visitations. no man (person) likes to be told when they can see their kid. how would you feel if you were told you can see your child once a week and then pay 500 amonth but have no say so on how your child will be raised and only see them at the whim of another person. that is not cool at all. Im not taking up for the dude. he need to take a laxative but...listen to the story again and see what they said about why he got mad. They need to allow a person to see their kids more than once a week. they had no problem when he fathered the child when they were married and allowing him to see the kid everyday. now because she or he decided to get a divorce he can only be regulated to once a week. why ? why should a person (man or woman) be regulated to once a week. is that best for the child ? I want to know where was the protection for the woman ?
naw he is not being mean...It is true. psychologists usually say that women attract men like this they say they she is lacking something in herself because she keeps attracting these type of guys. mary J blige stated she went thru the same shit....she went on to say she had to change herself and she was able to attract the rite type of dude
Marines are the worst ones. It really is brainwashing. I'm still a certain way and I got out in 2000. To tale a man and make him truly believe in his entire soul that he is the mostly deadly thing god ever created. Whether its true or not, because he believe it, this makes him the most dangerous creature on earth. Marines are attack dogs. Have you ever seen a police dog? It will follow directions to the letter, order it to attack and that is its single thought. attack. kill. destroy. Marines are the epitome of military bearing, discipline and control. Immediate obedience to orders and lethality. ..until you piss one off.
I agree, GL. This thread does go hand in hand with the other thread that I also feel very strongly about. There is a thin line between love and hate. Because of that, certain things can make a person snap and reveal the full wrath of hate. It wasn't said why she sought a restraining order and was turned down. Was she trying punish or get back at him? Was he beating her before? Regardless, the consequences of such uncontrollable anger must be paid. The courts here in Florida should take some responsible for the framework of such behavior because of the way they have set things up. For example, if a dad falls 3 months behind in his child support, they will not only put him in jail, no questions asked, but they also take his driver's license. Now one must ask the question, why take the father's license? If he should find a job, he will not be able to legally drive to work. So how does he correct this? He pays a fee to get it back. In other words, the child support system is a big money making thing here in Florida. Thus, it can actually help drive a father to do some insanely wicked things. Nonetheless, the person who loses control and beats or kills his children's mother has destroyed his own defense and annulled his right to freedom and should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
That's an interesting point of view...and by interesting I mean I'd like to hear more before I go ahead and get offended already. I'm sure you're not meaning to imply that in an abusive relationship, the abused is to blame and/or sometimes the abuser is a victim Haven't watched the video, so forgive me if it's all explained in there, but given that he couldn't control his temper in the Judge's chambers(where, frankly, you'd know you had to), I'd like to know why such restrictions were being placed and why they were getting divorced in the first place. In theory, I agree with you that just because a couple gets divorced a father shouldn't be kept from his kids though, just thinking there might be more to this particular story.
Not in every single case but I do notice a pattern with a lot of the women in my own life who have been abused. Some people are career victims or can't distinguish good love from abusive love, they've never had someone show them emotion without violence and as a result they gravitate to people who treat them badly. I'll never be one of those people who automatically side with a "victim" because many of us have far more control than we realize. We don't live in third world countries where men have absolute power over women and even in those places things are beginning to change.
You can't prove attempted murder in a case like this. Ladies help me out a little to understand where you're coming from. Does the idea of powerelessness freak you out more than the situation itself? Because more than five years for an assault charge seems excessive. You get 8 for manslaughter.
I would agree that a lot of abused women do end up going for the same kind of men over and over and should be seeking professional help, but I also feel that anyone who is abusive in a relationship hasn't got a leg to stand on. A bully is a bully is a bully. And tbh, no-one starts a relationship being abusive, it's easy to get into an abusive relationship because you're already in it when it becomes abusive. And you're right about men not having absolute power over women, but it's not just men who are abusive and generally the point is that they're(the abuser not men) emotionally abusive in a controlling/manipulative way, so it's often a case of the abused not actually recognising the relationship is abusive(as you mentioned, it's often insecure people who end up in abusive relationships and the abusive person will play on those insecurities). @Your other post, if it was an isolated incident, I'd expect him to get the same sentence as he would for doing it anywhere else+a little extra for being dumb enough to do it in that place at that time. The point for me is that anyone who would blow up in an environment like that is indicating that they have extreme difficulty controlling their temper. It's not that he attacked someone, it's that he couldn't control himself not to even when he knew he'd be in big trouble for it which makes me think he can't in other situations. Men=not scary, people with anger management issues=scary.