1. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I'm bummed out. MY STUPID FUCKING NEPHEW...fuck....went fucking AWOL from the Army for almost two years. Got pulled over for speeding. In a time of war. They had better keep in locked up. A "SIMS" AWOL?!?!?!?!?!?!? I'm so fucking angry right now. So embarrassed. FUCK! Embarrassed for my family, my sister and brother in-law, and my uniform.

    OVER SOME FUCKING PUSSY YALL...OVER SOME PUSSY! 1st off. This lil punk bitch scores in the TOP 15% of the nation in his SATS. Harvard College FUCKING HARVARD, offered him a full ride scholarship but they wanted him to attend on year of Junior college. His bitch ass says "No...I can't take my girl with me. "I want to go to a real school, I don't want to go to Harvard College, I want to go to Harvard University"

    HUH?!?!? And his bitch ass father talking about "He gotta make his own way" FUCK!

    So he tries to join the Marine corps...quit in boot camp (fucking pussy)

    Oh did I mention the little mother fucker damn near scored a perfect score on the military test. Then he goes to the Army, they put him in the Army's new hacker program (Cyber Security). He graduates boot camp goes to his advance school. POPS FOR WEED....man we don't smoke weed. He's telling these mother fuckers he's one of the biggest drug dealers in Baltimore. BITCH YOU LIVED IN HOWARD FUCKING COUNTY.

    So he tells us he got put out. General discharge.....Ok not so bad, he can upgrade after six months. Says he going back to college. Gets the lil nappy headed bitch pregnant. Bitch calls my sister and says "I know yall gonna take care of the baby right"

    And excuse me, two words I never say BITCH and NIGGER...but this lil Nigger bitch talking about "My baby shouldn't do without, I hope you all will help" BITCH..fuck!

    Come to find out he left...and they picked his ass up for speeding. FUCK MAN. My brothers and sisters and I grew up rough, and we promised our kid's wouldn't have to. This lil bitch had everything. Yall have no idea how pissed of I am.........thanks for letting me vent!

    This is the one time I'm glad my father.
    USMC COL (Ret) is not alive to see this. This would kill him.
  2. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    I totally get why you're pissed, Ymra. I would be, too.

    Just be glad he's not your kid!
  3. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Dude, you should seriously consider switching to decaf.
  4. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Upsetting. Maybe he has been given too much?? Maybe he needs to be allowed to grow up/fall on his ass.
  5. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

  6. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    Uh huh.
  7. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Sounds like he needs life to bite him in the ass. Some people have to learn the hard way by hitting bottom & dragging themselves up all on their own. I'm sorry your family is going through this (I'm not sorry for him though because he brought it on himself). Maybe now that shit is getting real for him, he'll hopefully grow up.
  8. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    well you can't get much closer to the bottom than a military prison.
  9. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah, I know. My neighbor's wife & a friend of hers (both are in the Army) just got busted for being AWOL. I don't understand how somebody could be that stupid. It makes no sense because it's not worth it.
  10. RRoyce55

    RRoyce55 Active Member

    Yeah, This

    I gotta think the kid just doesn't understand the blessings he has. I never got into Harvard, but would have liked to. I also would have loved to have graduated from a military academy (West Point, Annapolis, USAFA) at the top of the class as an Officer. That would have been great in hindsite. However, at 18 I didn't believe in the idea of joining the armed forces. Sorry you gotta go through such dissapointment dude, but you can't live your life through your family members actions, that's mistake #1.

    It's very common I know, but if you worry that much about what your families legacy will be, your probably not living to enjoy your own life enough.
  11. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    gum shoe psychology...I can tell you this is not true. I think you probably don't understand the importance of ones family name. And the concern for that name doesn't mean I'm not enjoy my life, on the contrary. Because of those who came before me I am enjoying my life. I grew up hard but still with dignity and an understanding of the history my family has created. If you don't understand that its probably because your family doesn't have a tangible legacy for you to be concerned about.

    (not meant as an insult, just means you don't have the perspective)

    That you words suggest "Ahh...don't be that concerned about it" or "So what...its just a name" You don't have the perspective.

    If you havn't been in uniform, you simply can not understand the gravity of being AWOL. Its not just a punchline.
  12. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I don't get it.....I don't. Its not worth it, and this is a crime like murder. You can go for YEARS not getting caught. Get a parking ticket one day and POOF prison.
  13. Melemele

    Melemele Restricted

    everyone lives their own life and it shouldn't ne your business what nephew doing ...
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    man I dont even know what to say. He is gonna get into prison and he is gonna be like..what the fuck was I thinking.

    dont worry about family name ? really ?
  15. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Dude you are a military man keep your temper in check before you go "fort hood" on us lol
  16. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    If you're so concerned about your family's name, then why are you going to great lenghts putting family business out in the street like this?:confused:
  17. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  18. RRoyce55

    RRoyce55 Active Member

    I understand how serious it is to get jailed for being AWOL. It's quite dishonorable for a marine, and it would be shameful to any people who served in the same family before him. From a military standpoint, this I understand.

    Yes, I'm dead serious. I don't give a rats ass about my family or any legacy my offspring may leave. You know why??? Cause I'll be fuckin DEAD that's why. Hard to worry about such things when you aren't even on this astral plain anymore. Well I will be, but I'll be dust. Like I'm really gonna be looking down on people shaking my head from wherever? Even if that's possible, I wouldn't be doing that. It's a waste of time and I'm sure I could find some more productive things to be doing in the next realm. This is all hypothetical of course as we are speaking of the unknown.

    My family has done many great things in the past and I may be proud of many of these facts, but I don't shout them from the rooftops like it's a bragging right of some sort. Although my Surname is not as common as a lot of "slave" names such as Jackson, Washington, Smith and the likes, we have had about 100 years of serious reproductive activity, so the last thing we will ever have to do is worry about dying off. So call it "gumshoe psychology" all you want. I don't take offense to anything you say or think. I just consider it irrational thought.
  19. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    lets be hypothetical. You and your boys are watching porn ( for starters thats a bad move anyway...watching porn with another dude ..yuck) and you see your mom double dick clutching ..... would you

    a) turn the Tv off because you dont want your boys watching your mom being a squirrel gathering nuts or you wouldnt care and tuff it out and catch the next scene (hoping your mom is not in the next one).

    b) go to another state hoping your mom will not find you

    c) be her manager and get her a couple of more gigs slanging pussy on screen
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2011
  20. RRoyce55

    RRoyce55 Active Member

    There are many pornstars in the world, past, present, and future talent.

    Many of them have had or will have children.

    I have never seen 1 photo of a pornstars child. I don't think I'll count Kendra Wilkinson's kid, though I have seen her porn tape. Fuck it, so be it. So I've seen 1.

    I really don't give a fuck.... still.

    I guess this is hard for you to understand that a person can look past this part of society where people are constantly in fear of being perceived negatively, but I have. You really either get it or you don't. There are more important things for me in the world. #1 is making sure I'm happy in life, and worrying about people seeing my mom tugging a dick would really hinder this great quest of happiness for me.

    You know what, I'm pretty sure everyone's mom tugged a dick at some point or another (even your's!!!), so why all the fear and shame anyway?

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