Not that this concept is new, but this article appearing today online speaks to the radically different way that men and women view themselves as they age. According to the article, men feel old in their late 50's while women start to feel old in their late 20's. It's interesting for me, only because I would never have guessed the gap in age at which the genders feel old.
Dang, this is bad news. Everyone should feel old by the time they've reached near retirement age, which is around 50 years old.
according to the soc. security administration retirement begins at age receive full retirement you must work until you are 67...there is a another level of benefits at age 70... this is of course for the working class...the independently wealthy can retire anytime they wish :smt024
That was my question as well? I assume by the state of bewilderment expressed in your icon that you didn't feel that way at 29. Thank you for alerting Mike to the fact that life won't be over at 50, and that the average American will be working until full retirement based on a lack of savings, investments and the ever increasing cost of living.
I don't know about where you live but over here when you are a woman and you are 28, 29 no man and no kids, you begin to get pressured and you want to get hooked up before the dreaded age of 30 when people will be looking at you sideways and making you feel old so it is possible lippy:smt028
that's because everything starts to sag at 30:smt120 as for retirement sucks that you literally have to work until you get very old or die on the job unless you're loaded like lippy said, and can simply retire with 20 million in the bank when ur 40
In a nutshell, longevity only runs on my dad's side of the family whereas my mom's side of the family...not so much. Many of them don't live past 68 and that's the biggest problem. Furthermore, while I do look more like my dad, I think my mom's genetics and genotype are slightly more dominant. I don't have any diseases at all, not even diabetes. But I figure that death will come to me at an early age, even if I keep myself in good health.
You're days have already been numbered and determined. Not by you or your family by someone higher authority. You should enjoy and don't worry. Be happy.
I just have a strong hunch here. Maybe it's paranoia or something else. I think it's just the idea that longevity from one side of the family and no longevity on the other side could be "balanced" or tipped to where the genetics would be more shortened. There's no god, nor master plan Jordan. It's just genetics and perhaps unexpected circumstances which may come into play in the near future. Death is inevitable, but that's just life. No one lives forever.