Is NCAA Football akin to slavery?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by subtlenote, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. subtlenote

    subtlenote Active Member

    The only business where lots of folks make millions while the athletes make zero and that too at great cost. The graduation percentages for these student athletes hover around 38%; so they really arent gaining a higher education. The only workplace where those that are the workers get paid zero...
  2. AlmostThere

    AlmostThere Active Member

    No one is forcing the players to play.
  3. subtlenote

    subtlenote Active Member

    I think economically most of these kids dont have any choice. It's like the boosters who adopt black kids to take advantage of their future potential.
  4. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    The horror.... giving people the freedom to go to college and become physicist, scientist, engineers, and be educated. That's exactly like SLAVERY!

  5. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    If your only choice is to go to college, then I have been lied to. Most children in bad economical environments do not even go to college. Those in the ncaa are given chances that most slaves would never have and that most people in the usa will not have in modern time. They shouldn't blow that chance.
  6. subtlenote

    subtlenote Active Member

    Hehehehe. I am not arguing with opportunity or lack there of, but rather the simple fact that billions are made of these athletes where they work and dont get paid. I dont know what else to call such a system other than indentured labor. Shouldnt they be paid?
  7. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Some of these athletes are paid! They get scholarships in most cases.

    You can not compare it to slavery as George Washington's slaves did not have freedom. If they did, they wouldn't be slaves. lol NCAA students have the freedom to choose at any time.
  8. subtlenote

    subtlenote Active Member

    “Can you imagine working on becoming a doctor or a lawyer at the age of 10? And you just know your going to become one so all you do is put all your time into that craft? … Trust me, it’s that intense if you allow it to be,” Jones writes on his blog My Adventures and Beliefs While in Italy.

    Let’s say you’re lucky enough to use that craft you been working on to get a free education and go to college. You should be thankful right? You should, but at the same time what you sign up for is having other people telling you what you going to do from the moment you wake up till about 6-7pm at night … If for some reason you don’t perform like our coaches think you should … they just want to get rid of you. … Sounds like modern-day slavery if you ask me. It also sounds like a job but you don’t get paid for it even though you’re making the institution a shit load of money.

    Jones is not the first person to charge that big-money D1 athletes are being exploited. A test case that could lead to some form of payment for college athletes got filed this July by former UCLA hoopster Ed O’Bannon. The class-action suit focuses on royalty payments for using players’ likenesses in video games, but could extend to other areas where colleges make money of off players.

    All those Washington #10 football jerseys fans (and their kids) wear? You don’t see Jake Locker’s name on the back, but that number’s popularity has way more to do with him than with some city-wide deca-obsession. And Locker won’t see a penny of the money Nike and the UW are making from his talent–or from the physical or emotional sacrifices he makes as a D1 athlete.

    After the Huskies’ overtime loss to Notre Dame two weeks ago, Locker refused to make himself available to reporters after the game. “I didn’t feel like I was in the best emotional state to answer questions,” Locker said later. “I felt like it was in my best interest and the team’s best interest to take some time to cool down.”

    Locker was probably wise to stay away from the media that day, but the hyper-emotional state that goes along with high-stakes D1 athletics isn’t going to fly if Locker ever tries to use the degree he’ll (hopefully) earn–after, in Bobby Jones’ words, UW treated him like a slave.
  9. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I can't ever recall a person signing up to be a slave. This sports caster is not in touch with realty. Only someone who had never been a slave could ever compare an ncaa student to a slave. If you didn't perform for a slave master, they would whip the fudge out of you and not tell you go back home and do whatever you may like to do with you life which includes being the president of the united states to a physicist or a chemist to a billionaire. slaves don't have that option.
  10. subtlenote

    subtlenote Active Member

    The language is not from the sports caster, but the athletes; no, slavery can take on many forms, it doesn't have to be the narrow definition that you are trying to confine it to. These athletes are being taken advantage of, used up and tossed out; how many professions are there where the workers dont get paid??? Is a scholarship adequate compensation especially where one is risking their health and could easily be tossed out if you tear a cartiledge or blow out your knee?
  11. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Huh? Tell me what athletes are making zero dollars? Certainly not pro and if you are referring to college that's still not true because of football scholarships and grants. Slavery is forced labor. No one is forcing these young men to play football or any other sport. They play because they love the game or did you not know that?
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    if you're good enough to make a D1-A team, chances are you are on some sort of scholarship and sleep at the football player's dorm. End of thread.
  13. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    A good portion of the athletes who play in the NCAA (or any college sports in general) often get a stipend or a scholarship to attend those universities. Plus there are other "perks" which can be unspoken of, so the opportunities are pretty vast. Sadly, when it comes to these athletes, as archangel points out, the graduation rate is abysmal. However, that's mainly for the males. Female college sports player, on the other hand have incredibly high graduation rates, most universities with 100% of female sports players graduating on time.

    Why the stark contrast, you ask? It's fairly simple. For men and sports, the lack of emphasis on education. The coaches tend to fixate on sports careers as opposed to the players going there for academics. That, combined with a bit of "single-mindedness", concentration on the very thing seems lost, thus they lose focus thinking that they can win a spot in the NFL or some other sports organization.
  14. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Athletes get paid in the form of scholarship (full ride if you are good), living expense, free tutors, easy access to good campus jobs if you want to make side money. Heck, when big name schools recruit outstanding athletes, they wine and dine them and even send their best looking cheerleaders to dinner with them. It aint slavery, mofos are getting paid and some, plus getting grade A quality pussy.

    If you disagree with college sports, then petition to get rid all of them from every campus. Then kids who want to pursue athletics for living should go to minor league and play there and hone their skill b4 going pro. But you & I know this will never happen, why? coz college sports are all about money.

    Edit- do the math- free ride in a big name school which a tuition can run up to 30 to 40 Gs/yr, living expense, free athletics gear that they can use off the field, free tutors, etc... mofos are taking home > 60 Gs/year. So you tell me any job that guarntees 60 Gs/year to kids right out of high school while prepping them for next level (pro sport) and also giving them access to obtain great education and in the process earn a degree from a solid school? c'mon bruh.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2011
  15. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  16. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    LOL...True that.​
  17. subtlenote

    subtlenote Active Member

    So the athletes should have no access to the billions being generated off them huh? Glad that they get a dorm room and free pussy; i am sure slaves back in the day got their fking cabin and runted too.
  18. z

    z Well-Known Member

  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    no use arguing, kid


    athletes at big-time programs like PSU, that generate tons of revenue each year, are getting scholarships, room and board, access to world-class training facilities and trainers, etc, etc

    trust me..they feel NOTHING like slaves

    they get to do something they LOVE for 4-years, while earning a degree that regular ass mothafuckas like subtle will end up in debt for
  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    LOL. yeah but its more than possible that the player didnt have time to study unless he is 4th string

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