article number one from dead spin:!5782677/espn-jalen-rose-and-the-manufactured-uncle-tom-controversy article where coach K responds: commentary on the uncle tom statements ----------------------------------------------------------------------- what does it mean be to be black ?
This really doesn't have to do with black but class and understanding. He realized it after amturing a bit.
I think he is regretting what he said because the intellectuals are taking him to task. he looking like a deer in head lights
technically what he is saying is right but he chose the wrong words. Duke isn't going to select people like him(from mid class to poor class) over the rich class(assuming same g.p.a. and what not). It doesn't help with people trying to go up in class. Paraphrasing will smith: when you are broke they won't give you anything but when you are rich they will give you everything.
I will say this something blacks have been talking about for years and arguing about for years. alot dont know what it means to be black (?) and pretty much are scared of who they are or hate who they are. what does it means to be an uncle tom ? what does it mean to be black ?
the Fraud Five were a bunch of cheaters that didnt win shit. Grant Hill & Duke win championships. And its idiots like Jalen Rose(who got a DUI right before the documentary aired lol) that keep making the black community look backwards & idiotic. He is trying to put down educated black males that are well spoken, educated & come from good homes. Complete bullshit
yeah complete class war fare . the cosby show rebuff where people would state bp arent like that doctors and lawyers and talk like that ect... what about BP with good education ? I wonder what Fred douglas would say to negroes of today in response to "black folks dont act like the cosbys"
Coach K has and does recruit Black athletes from less than affluent backgrounds. It's Duke for GOd's sake!! Coach K's number 1 priority besides winning championships is finding athletes who can academically qualify and handle the course load at the university. Jalen is sooo full of it because his own kids by definition are going to be those well bred 'Toms' he's so quick to slam. Having coin in your pocket or both parents with advanced degrees doesn't forfeit your 'Black card'.:smt066 CHris Webber easily could have been a Dookie and was recruited by Coach K.:smt103