Yep, another fest of hopy change and yes we can empty slogan from one of the best smooth politician this country has ever seen, didn't see any change that arrived to shore of America except more division among races. Anyhoo, the thug Reps or the independent don't have any better candidate either, sad. Are we doomed as Americans?
Yea, I will be amazed if barack doesn't get a second term. I have yet to see any real competition except for a former indiana governor.
If you're talking about Mitch Daniels, he's still the Governor of Indiana. And even if he did ran, he would have a hard time getting social conservatives because of his "truce on social issues." He's a stern and reasonable politician, but I think beyond financial means, he's lacking the authoritative presence to really command the people.
I heard clinton does not want to come back as SS, is that coz she is tired of politics and want to explore other things, or does she consider Obama as a failure and not want to be assoicated with him? Damn, the Clintons hve been associated with American politics since the 80's, I am sure Chelesa will be getting in the game sometime in the future.
I hope you reconsider your stance about Obama eventually, Unchosen One. Have more faith in him, he is the best we've got, and things are improving under his leadership. Before the end of this decade, we won't be in a recession. Obama needs to win in 2012 and another Democrat needs to win in 2016 to make it happen.
It's merely speculation at the moment that Clinton wish to step away from her position. Yet, it could be true because it's a tiring position and right now, things are too convoluted even for her. She's standing at 67% approval now and that's higher than President Obama or even VP Joe Biden. She doesn't consider Obama to be a failure at all. Knowing her, she realizes that it's a team effort and she acknowledges that he's doing the best he can. If anything, you could say that she can relate to when her husband was undergoing some problems in the political world, minus the infidelity. She'll still support him and give him the credit he deserves. Chelsea Clinton isn't all that big into politics, but who knows. One day we could see her coming in as Senator.
zzzzzzzz .... ive been really disappointed in the President for the most part. I have alot of authority in saying that as I attended rallies, volunteered for him, attended a few fundraisers (actually got to meet him a couple times when he came down to Florida, back when I was still living down there), donated to his campaign and of course voted for the man. Hell, I would have killed my wife if that is what it took - okay, i'm just kidding about that last part:rock:, but u get my point. After 8 years of abysmal leadership under George W. Bush, a president so terribly I left the GOP partly because of him, I thought (with some caution of course) that we could get a fresh leader full of innovative ideas and a visionary. I wept on the night he was elected like no other; my twins were only about a year and a half old and I tried to imagine a country in which they could achieve everything I did and then some more. I even attended the President's inauguration on that cold January morning with my family. To say that he has fallen short of my expectations would be akin to saying humans sleep when they get tired at night. From Gitmo, the stimulus, healthcare and financial "reform", the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan and a host of other issues, this President has largely failed to lead. Now before some of you think I'm some idealistic clown who anointed him the second coming of Christ, not quite. I didn't think he was going to turn water into wine, but I certainly think the President would become this politically weak. He seems to have been convinced in the last 27 months that every failed GOP idea from taxes to foreign policy is somehow the way forward. I'm not some hippy liberal - i'm more of a social/domestic moderate and a foreign policy realist - but some of his (non) stances simply don't make any sense. You can't be for transparency, and then lock up a US veteran in solitary confinement and violate every single of his constitutional rights. You can't claim to want to half the deficit and then give rich millionaires and billionaires a big fat tax cut. How one earth can you want to cut "wasteful spending" in the Pentagon when you escalate the single biggest wasteful project - the Afghan war? See my drift? I hope it's not too late, and that the President can recapture some of his mojo. But to do that, the economy has to improve. And he has to finally stand up to the GOP and be the strong executive. Enough of having Boehner and the rest of the Republican twits lecture him on his job, he should be lecturing them as he's the President of the United States. Say what you want about George Bush, but when he wanted something, he got it. Obama needs to develop a pair, and be combative. It did a great deal for Clinton's re-election prospects in 1996. If he does all of that, I'm his man.:smt020
There really isn't anybody out there on the Republican side who can beat Obama now so he will win again. But that Aaron Schock guy has a bright future he could be President in 2020 or beyond
His approval rating is still in great shape. 46% approve of his performance and 53% disapprove. He's doing better than George Bush did at this point. He's the best we've got and he'll win re-election.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm sorry, but I know how much GOP wants to make him a only one term president this year, but I know how much they wants to repeals health care law, but our beloved president is here to stay for four more years. I do see him reelected. End of discussion.
I wouldn't be shocked one bit if we ended up with these two "real Americans" in the White House after 2012.