Maybe she's the reason why the brotha's game has taken an UPSWING :shock: here lately. :wink: Here's a link:,RNWE:2005-13,RNWE:en&sa=N PS>Check out some mo' of Jennifer in the Men's Locker Room Fourm. :wink:
Well, find a regular dude who looks like him on the South Side of Chicago right ... have him drive up to the North Shore to some white, suburban neighborhood and then tell me just how "light skin" he is when the cops pull his ass over
I don't know. If I was walking past that guy on the street I think I could easily mistake him for being white. Or maybe just being tan. If anything I think he could pass easier as an Arab than black. She's a good catch regardless. But that guy is definitely not what comes to my mind when I think of a BM/WW couple.
WATCH OUT FAM!!! Watch out, fam, before that dude Iykeg comes over to this thread and wages another war of attrition about how light-skinned or multiracial are just as white as a white guy and should be accepted as such if that's the way they want to identify. Laydeezman Chris, that was too damned funny. I'm with LA on this one: BOOM!
.. Hi Jase. Welcome to the forum. You didn't offend anyone. We step on each others toes sometimes with our differing opinions. Some get a little more perturbed than others but it's all good. Don't be shy about expressing you. When I first saw the photo, I knew right away he was mixed. However, I am of the opinion that if the seed came from the loin of a black man that child is black. He/She is a black man's child. But this subject can get so complicated because of all the what ifs. This is what make this such a touchy subject for some. But to tell the truth the genes of a black man is dominant. That of whites is recessive. This is why I hold the opinion that I do...but then again, what do I know. Science was not my best subject. Thus, I am not about to debate anyone on this. I will just sit back and learn.