;cbsnewsLeadStoriesHeadlines (AP) LAKEWOOD, Colo. - The mother of an 8-year-old boy pepper-sprayed by suburban Denver police as he threw a violent tantrum at his elementary school said Wednesday that she wishes authorities had chosen to talk him down instead. Police in Lakewood say they pepper-sprayed 8-year-old Aidan Elliott twice Feb. 22 at Glennon Heights Elementary School after he refused to drop a piece of wooden wall trim that he was trying to stab them with. "I wanted to make something sharp, like if they came out, 'cause I was so mad at them," the boy said on NBC's "Today" show. "I was going to try to whack them with it." His mother, Mandy, said she wants police in Lakewood to get special training in dealing with children. She said her son has a history of behavioral problems and has responded to rationalization in previous outbursts. "I don't think a child should get pepper sprayed," the woman said. Asked on ABC's "Good Morning America" whether he meant it when he told police he wanted to kill them, the boy responded: "A little." Police say pepper-spraying the boy was the safest option. "I kind of deserved it," Aidan conceded to "Today." The mother said her son was in a special program for children with behavioral problems. He has since transferred to another school.
CO (corrections officer) coworker of mine told me they pepper-spray all the new-jacks at the academy for training. mothafuckas losin they minds out here
LOL. ooohhh sheeeet. I was laughing at the mom in the vid....she was like they could have done something else. I was like darn gurl the kid had everyone hemmed up in another need to take a hint [YOUTUBE]4iwK2jwqFfk[/YOUTUBE]
:smt095 is she going to sue the city or what you know how this country is...always trying to fuck over someone that's just doing their job
Im not sure...She would have a tuff time getting a jury to side with her. she and the son didnt come across to me as victims
I think it's sad grown men and women couldn't man handle and 8 yr old child and had to resort to such a tatic. If the mom would have done mess like that to her own child she would be behind bars and the state would have took her kid. If this is how they treat violent non disabled children then how do they treat disabled ones where these sorts of out burst happen more regularly.
She probably shoud be grateful A) They didn't shoot him instead of mace him B) it wasn't in the ciy of Denver because they probably would have shot him. A few years ago in Denver there was a teen who was mentally retarded and having a violent outburst. His family called the police to help with him and they came and instead of subduing him they killed him. Found the article:
that family sued the city and won an undisclosed amount of money...we have had police officers fired here left and right for excessive force recently
[HDYT]0mcZxMKHcrk[/HDYT] I have a do yall think the police should have handled this? I have been throwing this around in my head. The mace action is wrong, but how do YOU think it should have been handled?
really armchair cops stay hatin yet no one is being constructive and giving alternatives to the pepper spray STFU
Bitch please.. If you think pepper spraying an 8 y/o is an option then you really are a sad sack. Cops can do no wrong to you military gun-monkeys.