No one is sleeping on them. They have the second biggest economy in the world and are poised to take the number one spot with in our life time but as we become ever more globally connected why is this even a problem? It's not like they're going to attack us. It would be way too costly. Don't get it twisted The United States has the biggest military in the world. We spend more on our military budget than all the other first world countries combined. So if China is even thinking about war with us they are royally fucked and they know it. Not to mention the products they make for dirt cheap are only valuable as long as greedy Americans keep buying them at the rate that we do. The Europeans nor the South Americans spend as much as we do. We love cheap Chinese made shit.
No amount of yapping will change this shit people will always come to America illegally because you know what they do the sort of jobs some of you lazy assholes wont do and they pay taxes and contribute to the growth of the economy.Pull your hair all you want it wont stop now so LIVE WITH IT. And who would want a hot girl like ganga in her country illegal or not?
I hope you're ok with someone saying live with it next time someone talks about Ghana's AIDS problem asswipe
What has Aids got to do with it anyway check your facts before you make dense statements our Aids statistic is better than most countries in Africa why are you guys so sensitive get an education and get a job and leave the nasty stuff for the illegals cuz they are not going anywhere.
I never said they did, i just think you are being overly upset about shit you cant stop so just sniff some crack and you will be fine
You just keeping sniffing ass-crack like a good immigrant and I'm sure you'll still be a sorry muthafucker.
Actually im not an immigrant im just playing the devil's advocate cuz you are being too mean to the illegal immigrants or is it "aliens" ALIENS? cmon now.
Are they dependent on us to buy the cheap shit? Or are they dependent on our money to finance whatever they have planned? China knows they cannot defeat the USA with a full frontal assualt or long term war. But they know the USA is not invincible, al-queda proved that on 9/11. Defeating the USA is possible. In order to defeat the USA you have to go at it like a game of Chess. If you understand the fundamentals of Chess, then you understand how China is gonna kick the USA butt militarly.
RUINING THIS COUNTRY? Most of them are law abiding and go about their business you probably might have hired one unknowingly.I dont kniow what they are ruining cmon have a heart. Anyway do you know wyclef jean is the son of an illegal alien? See what America gained
Dude my parents are legal immigrants. Fuck the commercials you see about Jamaica its a third world shit hole yet they managed to come here legally. Even though many illegals are peaceful and come here to work hard they cost us a shit load in medical costs and education costs. If I'm a parent who sends their child to public school is it fair that their quality of education goes down drastically because anchor babies and illegals are being allowed to go there too. If you're here illegally you aren't paying property taxes or federal taxes that contribute to our public school system so you're kids are going to a school they didn't pay for. Everytime an undocumented worker gets hurt or everytime the women have kids who do you think pays for that? Definitely not the individual who doesn't have an address or real ID. Not to mention the shit load of money they cost us in hit and runs because they can't get car insurance. Whether it's intentional or not it's still happening and we have every right to be pissed about it. They are literally stealing from us and we should just say its ok?
None of those illegals would want the Countries they come from to allow mass illegal immigration. Not a single one. Yes....Millions on unemployed...uninsured...and uneducated illegal immigrants is helping to ruin this Country. We barely have enough fresh water for the current population...let alone millions of illegals.
This also exists in Europe but the loopholes are being closed. Very often women arrived at very late stage of pregnancy with no health records. It then gave the parents right of residency in the E.U.
Maybe, but there has always been a lot of migration in Europe, Spanish and Portuguese to France etc Not necessarily illegal.
LoL, all these foreigners telling us that we should keep our door open, America is land of immigrants, blah, blah,blah BS. If you have not spent 2 years in America, do not know the history of this country well, do not understand the socio-economic infrastructure of America, the business of Race, or does not have a legal back ground-your post does not really hold any water... you're just being emotional not practical.
:smt023 Those same foreigners would shit a brick if their home countries opened it's borders to millions of illegals.