Not as disturbing as allowing millions of illegals to buy homes...become licensed to carry weapons...and start businesses with the same fake documents they buy off the streets. It's felony to use a fake SS#...Americans don't even know that.
I'm pretty sure by "we" she meant America as a whole. You when someone says "we are at war right now" less then 1% of the country is actually fighting but you speak for the country as a whole. Not that bright are you kid?
I think there are a lot of things to be annoyed at. My bf is Venezuelan. She came here legally and became a citizen. She went to college here then onto work, marriage and kids. She is an honest citizen. Her family followed and eventually everyone but her dad became citizens. Her dad is Swiss and can't speak a word of English. He is in his 80's and too frail to ever apply. Her mom has never worked a day in this country. They get Medicaid and it annoys the crap out of me. They owned a condo in Miami then moved here and bought a home cash for $150,000. So how in the world does that work?? I mean I know I shouldn't be annoyed about it but they never worked in this country but know how to "work it" so they get their medical paid for. Steps off soap box and feels bad for bashing the parents of a good friend.
Some of these foreigners get free medical and housing and a lot of other stuff. There's a small Russian community who are on Welfare and who live in NICE Section 8 housing. It's sad. I have a friend in Canada who tried to get citizenship here and all he could get was a work Visa. He's college educated and hardworking. Just look at some things we can't get as American citizens that some foreigners get. It's not fair.
Foreigners can suck off the welfare tit without shame because they'll never get called out...the reason being...The face on the welfare label is a Black face. They'd be riots if more people knew what illegals from mexico get away with on the regular.
Unbelievable if we are a country with-out borders and a sucker, with infinite resources to accommodate the world.......Great piece West Coast...
What amuses me is the reward the government put up for information that leads to the capture of the person or people who killed the 32 year old INS agent. The U.S. has ponied up $5 million with the Mexican government placing an additional 10 million pesos in the mix. The INS has to be one of the least effective agencies of the U.S. government. Its rate of failure is off the charts, so I don't know why they're funded in the first place?
Its human nature so it is perfectly normal to want to go to the other side where the grass is greener so i don't blame the Mexicans after all USA is a nation of immigrants
What country are you living in? The lazy fucks in this country will keep taking it up the ass as long as twitter and fb are intact and if there were riots it won't be home grown Americans it'll be people who killed themselves to get here to find out the American Dream is dead buried and haunting us like a nightmare. We're a nation of soft spoiled children who would rather pretend everything is ok when it's obviously not than to sacrifice just a little comfort. We're getting what we deserve.
You sound like a damn gelding or some other kind of pathetic dickless creature. If we're getting what we deserve then than goes double for those "killing themselves to get here" because they allow themselves to get fucked in ways Americans would NEVER tolerate. MOST illegals DRIVE their cars into the Country or take the BUS. That's hardly "killing themselves to get here" save that pussy ass defeated rhetoric for another damn fool like yourself. If we're lazy then the ones that allow themselves to be used as scabs despite coming from some of richest countries in the world must be down right comatose. They don't even have the balls to demand their fair share from their own Countries..they'd rather come here and ride me that is LAZY. We can't be too soft..we created a middle class and a lifestyle others are TOO SORRY to attain in their own shit-bombed countries.
This. The U.S. was made by taking land from the Indians. Who are we to deny someone entry? Like I said, good for these people. I'm happy they could get what they wanted.
Why can't they get what they want from their own Country? The US isn't the only ones that took land from the Indians...Mexico did who are they to deny people illegal entry into their country?? If you're going to be a damn fool at least be consistent.
That's easy for you to say. You'd shit a brick if Ghana opened it's borders to any tom,dick,and julio that staggered illegally into that mofo by the countless millions. You wouldn't like that shit. Ask the average illegal immigrant if they think mexico should stop enforcing immigration laws and let in millions of poor...uninsured...uneducated...unemployed... people from their southern border. Ask them. You'll find that they are just as hypocritical as you are:smt039
The economy and many successful capitalist enterprises profit very handsomely in the US from the labor of "illegal" (I use the " " because I am not familiar enough with US immigration law to know the technicalities of illegality... but would say the word is bandied too freely) immigrants and marginalised people. This has been long covertly allowed to continue in the way frameworks of immigration and labour laws interact. *waits to be flamed by flaming hetero*
True, there are greedy private companies that use dirt cheap labor, but the illegals and their kids get free housings, healthcare, education, loans, get driving license in finger snap, drive uninsured, just too many problems. And this is not a California, Arizona and Texas problem, it is a nation wide problem & it is not going to get better.
Obviously whatever it is they want they can't get from their own country or else they wouldn't be doing this. Mexico has nothing to do with this conversation. Why would you stoop so low and call me a "damn fool"? Didn't I just beat you already in this thread? After which you resorted to calling me a "bitter troll". Not to mention I never displayed any bitterness in this thread. I was happy for these people, you were the one who seemed to be bitter about "Wall Street and politicians". Next time you try and insult me use a little more brain power ok?