Steve Nash Double Swirling Gone Wrong!!

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by nobledruali, Mar 18, 2011.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah no kidding. Kind of weird
  2. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

  3. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    Wow. I am surprised at your comments. "Rant"?

    Some people on this thread stated many false claims by claiming that a "one drop" reality has been imposed on them to claiming that "black" people can look like anything

    I just posted links showing clearly where White Americans and White American media personalities refer to the children of Black people as white

    Ive never heard of this "one drop" thing except from people who call themselves "black"

    and African ethnic groups in Africa dont come out looking like anything

    The same way TamStrong thinks she knows what a white man or white woman looks like, many African ethnic groups have distinct looks and know what they look like too.

    I am not trying to convince anybody of anything. I am just dispeling myths that some people who call themselves "black" have cloaked themselves in. It is false to claim this one drop illusion that I keep hearing over and over again

    you dont have to accept it
  4. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    What is wierd? The things some people keep repeating out here is blatant falsehood that exists because they have imprisoned themselves with that line of thought and I called them out on it.

    I wonder what you constitute as "wierd"?
  5. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted


    I am also surprised you said I escaped from from a heavily medicated place.

    Could that be because I dont subscribe to an ignorant white supremacist meme from a hundred years ago?

    thats quite surprising for you to say that
  6. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    That one drop rule is bullshit.
  7. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    I was just pointing that out. That thing is one of the biggest load of horse crap I have ever heard.

    There is no "one-drop" reality. Such a thing does not exist. And its only people who call themselves Black that keep talking about it

    Tamstrong, Inner Beauty and many of the white women on this website could easily be part of the tens of Millions of White Americans who have Black ancestors. That does not change the fact that they are white women.
    Infact if you want I could post videos from most of the main American news stations and white anchors refering to the biological children of black people as white

    reality states that if Nichole Ritche or Wenworth Miller or Ryan Giggs commited a crime in America or got pulled over by the police, they would be identified as white.

    If white people are asked to describe them, they would all be called white

    If they are in Europe, they would be seen as white

    I dont get where this "one drop reality" comes from
  8. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    Would any white woman on here consider dating this man as dating a "black" man?

    He is 1/4 black by the way


    would you consider this an "interracial relationship" with his white wife?


    Last edited: Mar 26, 2011
  9. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I can understand feeling strongly about a topic & being passionate in discussing it, BUT you've gone beyond that. All of your posts may as well be in CAPS with tons of exclamation points, because it comes across like you're screaming your views/opinions at everyone while trying to cram them down their throats.

    I don't know where you've been that you've never heard "the 'one drop' thing" from people other than those "who call themselves 'black'". I heard this crap all my life & I usually heard it from WHITE PEOPLE. To many people in America that is the reality, because that is how the American society looks at people who have any (even one drop) black blood in them. This entire line of fucked up thinking was of course established & enforced by white people, & even after all these years there has been little change to the mentality behind it.

    As individuals we can decide for ourselves what category we or our children fit into. We can also have an opinion about other people. This doesn't mean we have any right to tell people of mixed heritage who identify with one race over the other that they are wrong because they don't fit our personal definition of said race. You may think people who don't look like you have no business calling themselves black, but it's not really up to you because what others call themselves is not your business.

    I have a biracial son, but I see my son as black. Society also sees my son as black based on the fact that he looks black & he has black blood flowing through his veins. Many of these people you don't see as black, fit into the same category as my son because that is the overall consensus of the American society. You're right about folks not having to accept it, but it has to be their choice. It's almost as though you see it as an insult for someone who doesn't fit your definition of black to be proud to call themselves black when you'd prefer that they call themselves white...people don't have to accept that either.

    That's my smart ass sense of humor & it is what it is. Don't take it personally.
  10. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    I understand where you are coming from. And I am not screaming at anybody at all

    There is no such thing as a "one drop" concensus. I dont know where you get that from

    I was with all my white collegues when this news about the white and black couple having a white and black twin twice came out

    They all refered to the white kid as white without hesistation. they were the ones talking about how cool it would be to be a white person with a biological black twin and a black parent

    They actually thought it was the cutest thing around. Would make their family awesome they felt

    NBC, CBS, MSNBC, ABC and the white anchors all refered to the white baby as a white baby with a black parent

    Infact if you click on the Huffingtonpost link that I posted, all the white people acknowledged the story as it is

    it was only the people on the forum that called themselves "black" that were agitating over it and insisting on a "one drop" rule
  11. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    Well stately, and I completely agree with you Tami.
  12. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted


    Did you even realize that your post is basically conveying the idea that the term "black" is meaningless

    Since you are suggesting that "black" should not even represent a description of a person from a physical standpoint, I hope you realize that "black" is not an indication of a similar culture, heritage, tradition, history, language, experiences or any other commonality that I can think of.

    If it is not even a physical description then what is it?
  13. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    and if your post was true, it would contradict what most people on this thread have been saying which is that if people look white and identify as white then they are denying their heritage if they have "one drop" (for eg people in Pueto Rico and South Americans)
  14. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted


    what if Tamstrong or many of the white women here have a black ancestor

    Does Tamstrong stop being a white woman?

    Do many of the white women here stop being white women?
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Anyone with a brain knows it inaccurate but you're fighting with a zeal that would lead one to believe that you find either being considered black when you have an out shameful or trying to convince a group of people who have already agreed that race doesn't matter personally and is ridiculous practice or that what ever you like is what your considered despite what your parents look like? Either way all moot points because like I said anyone with half brain knows its bullshit.
  16. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    Not true at all

    I was watching the Halle Berry thread grow more than 60 pages with people repeating falsehood on it and I never bothered to comment

    The irony of it was that people who where insisting on somebody being "black" can not even give a coherent definition of what "black" means
    But people argued over 60 pages on a meaningless description all based on white supremacist ideology

    The only reason I commented on this thread was that people repeated the same claim of false hood over and over again

    The only zeal I see is that of people repeating false and imaginary statements like "black people" can look like just about anything and people insisting that so and so is "black" because they have "one drop" of "black"

    Those statements are not true and is just an American invention

    i dont see why people have 100 pages of comments based on their subscribing to a white supremaist ideology
  17. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    Tami, you are so right in that it seems to be society, and in particular whites, who confer racial identity upon people, precisely as White America perceives you. The operative point though is that the one drop rule comes into play because, as soon as they have "proof" that the person has Black blood, they will be "re-classified" as Black. The crystallizing event for me occurred in college. I was assisting a student in the computer center of the college. When she left, a white professor, who was talking with another administrator actually asked me, "is she white or black". I was first shocked but immediately answered that she was black. In other words they were looking for confirmation, despite her appearance. That could have taken place if they had seen her father or mother, both of whom were Black, or it could come from an external source, like my confirming her race. In either case it would satisfy the "one drop" rule and the person would be considered Black.

    Obviously, you know about this history in the states, and even the categories that were created so that whites would know the racial identity of Blacks, and not just consider their appearance. Mulattoes, 1/2 Black blood, quadroons, 1/4 Black blood and octroons, 1/8 Black blood. So, indeed there are Americans who would consider the marriage of a 1/4 Black man and a white woman as an interracial marriage.
  18. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    I would not even have commented on this thread at all either

    But people started to insist that the girl in this thread was "black" and that so and so is "black"

    All their insistence was based on statements that are not true at all so I just felt like calling them out this time

    Its ridiculous to claim and insist that so and so is this if the only basis you have for it is a white supremacist claim

    My goal was to show how stupid these types of arguments about who is "black" that keeps poping up are
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Whether it's an American invention or not its how are lives are here in America. It's part of our local customs just like in the Dominican Republic if a woman has soft(not nappy) dark hair she's considered a blonde. It's all meaningless. The idea of seperate races within the homosexual sapien family is ridiculous, there are countless studies showing that what we consider to make racial differences are meaningless yet we cling to this horseshit. And I'll say it again THIS IS ALL A DIVISIVE TACTIC BY THE RICH TO KEEP THE POOR FIGHTING AMONGST THEMSELVES but unfortunately people are too preoccupied with twitter and facebook to pay attention.
  20. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    Who are those Americans?

    I can show you that even American media refers to the children of a black person as white if they look white

    If you want I can post examples of many various sources of this happening

    In real life too it has been the same

    White people talking about biological white and black siblings

    Maybe people on websites like SF but then again people who hang out there are kooks

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