Celebrity Republicans

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Morning Star, Feb 14, 2011.


    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    i strongly disagree with both parties

    i support black ppl first, and working class ppl in general.
  2. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Having been a former registered Republican, the decision to switch to becoming an Independent was the best political decision I ever made. Frankly, there are very few politicians in either of the major parties that even possess a drop of decency and gusto running through their veins. Its funny, unlike most black American voters, I don't think all Republicans are a bunch of Bible-thumping, gay bashing Klansmen and I also don't think Obama walks on water. So there, call me any name you want to.

    I don't think the political labels today make much sense with regards to the discourse of fundamental issues as they're two sides of the same evil coin. Just my opinion.
  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    First and foremost, welcome back.

    And secondly, I think a lot of people may share your views on the whole two sides of the same coin. However, I would espouse that the more libertarian style Republicans were kicked out of the GOP in favor of all you which named in your post. This is very evident given the recent situations at hand and of course, the TEA Party coming out of the woodworks. Think about the elections and saw the shift in sway and influence? Crazy politicians came out in droves and many of them, still stiff on principle rather than practical means to get things done.


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