7 Black Men Killed by Po-Po in Miami Over 8 Months

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Kid Rasta, Mar 22, 2011.

  1. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

    I can confirm that Miami has some of the most racist monkeys in blue suits that I've ever encountered. Racial profiling is a part of policy in Miami. The chief (ghost of L.A.'s Darryl Gates) needs to get kicked to the curb.


    The Kid Rasta
  2. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Its called ethnic cleansing
  3. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    There's a lot of racism there, but I can honestly say that I found it to be less pronounced than St. Louis and Chicago, where I grew up before moving to Florida.
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    mothafuckas making room for new condos and Cubans

  5. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    I shouldn't be laughin at that but unfortunately I did.
  6. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    That was cold, Petty.
  7. DenzBenz

    DenzBenz Well-Known Member

    White Cubans are bring their racism with them from Cuba to Miami or it's being passed down from generation to generation. Read the following about Racism in Cuba from Wikipedia:

    According to anthropologists dispatched by the European Union, racism in Cuban is systemic and institutional. Black people are systematically excluded from positions that tourism related jobs, where they could earn tips in hard currencies. According to the EU study, black people are relegated to poor housing, complained of the longest waits for healthcare, were excluded from managerial positions, received the lowest remittances from relatives abroad, and were five times more likely to be imprisoned.

  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    this aint news, dawg

    this called living in the US of A

  9. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

    "Community leaders also expressed outrage that a 12-year veteran of the city’s gang unit, Ricardo Martinez, shot and killed two men within nine days last August. Officer Martinez returned to his job six days after fatally shooting one man, then shot and killed another three days later. Before the shootings, he was under investigation for allegedly selling seized phones."

    Wow ...
  10. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Dade County has a pretty high level of official corruption. Elected officials with hookers and drugs, kickback schemes, even an official buying a BMW on the public payroll. Florida is an extremely beautiful state, but it comes with its own slimy side as well.
  11. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    True but there are good officials. The mayor of Miami has been fighting the chief over this(the shootings) for a while. Most of the folks on here don't even know that though. I was laughing real hard at commisioner alvaerz. How the hell do you raises property taxes and then give yourself rasies at the same time under one of the worse economical periods? Of course, everyone will be voting your butt out.
  12. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

    No...it's pure slaughter by the Miami po-po.:smt067

    The Kid Rasta
  13. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

    That low-life cocksucka in a blue monkey suit should be fired and prosecuted for cold-blooded murder:smt067

    The Kid Rasta
  14. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

    One fundamental problem with Miami (as well as Dade Co), is that it's basically controlled by Cubans (the families of those who fled Castro in the late-'50s).

    The Kid Rasta
  15. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    And I think County Mayor Alvarez's last day is this Friday, no? The recall effort lead by Norman Braman removed both he and Natacha Seijas (in my opinion one of the worst county commissioners in Dade County history). I think Alvarez's term in office was marked by more missteps and dumb choices (staff raises in particular) than actual outright corruption. The same cannot be said of Commissioner Seijas, who is known for use of her public office to intimidate opponents and feather her own nest.
  16. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

  17. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Local politics in the Cuban community have as much to do with a candidate's position on the Cuban embargo as they do with basic mundane municipal functions like development and trash pickup. In general, because of proximity, most problems within Caribbean and South American countries have a disproportionate impact on the local political environment. The exile community has a strong right-wing bent that is not supported by the broader South Florida community (much less so among later Cuban arrivals, esp post-Mariel and who tend to be much more diverse racially). This is evident in the less-than stellar representation they have sent to Washington D.C.:

    the Diaz-Balart brothers - whose family ties to anti-Castro elites drive much of their politics, as they are the nephews of Fidel's wealthy first ex-wife;

    Ileana Ros-Lehtinen;

    Much of the Cuban elite initially supported Fidel (before he announced a communist economic plan) largely because they were against the government of the mixed-race Fulgencio Batista, corrupt though he undoubtedly was, and wanted a return to white-only government. When they realized their extensive land and property holdings were on their way to expropriation, they headed for Havana airport as fast as they could. I did find much better racial attitudes among the 45 and under crowd, though. Each year the pro-embargo advocates circle gets smaller and smaller. The Cuban right wing continues to support it, because the people who are suffering as a result are largely black and mixed-race Cubans (now a full 70-80% of the population).
  18. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Don't forget he voted to spend tax payer money to build the dolphins' standium. The people who own the dolphins are millionaires. Let them pay for it. That was just disgusting. I am glad that I lived in broward. It wasn't enough though they tried to get our commissioners to pay them money as well. We declined(should have sent them an F U decline). It is the miami dolphins and not the Broward dolphins.
  19. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Basically if you want to win an office in miami, you should probably mention you want a free cuba.:smt081
  20. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    You're right about that stadium. Talk about egregious! I've had my fill of public financing of dubious 'economic development' projects, especially sports stadiums for the benefit of millionaires, that rarely deliver the promised benefits and don't want to be held accountable for those promises. I have been strongly considering Broward or Palm Beach Counties or Tampa for relocation, assuming the career will allow that.

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