March 15, 2011 While the Southwest grew in overall population, New Mexico saw a shift in the composition of its population as Hispanics became the largest population in New Mexico, according to 2010 Census data released today. The number of Hispanics in New Mexico surged to become the largest group in the state, making up 46.3 percent of the population. Whites now make up 40.5 percent of the state. This is a stark change since 2000 when 44.7 percent of the state's population consisted of whites. At that time, Hispanics made up only 42.1 percent of the population. While neither race can claim it comprises the majority of the population, part of this leapfrogging can be credited to the faster pace at which Hispanics grew. The Hispanic population increased by 24.6 percent in New Mexico since 2000 while whites grew at only a 2.5 percent rate. Overall, the state of New Mexico experienced a boom as it expanded by 13.2 percent with its three largest cities - Albuquerque, Las Cruces, and Rio Rancho - growing substantially at 21.7 percent, 31.4 percent, and 69.1 percent, respectively. Source: ABC News
I'm not surprised either. Unlike black women who have been aborting at 5,000 babies a week for the past 10 years, Hispanic women have not been sucessfully sold on that lie and are not as likely to kill their unborn children. Thus, their population will surge over the next few decades. No shortage of men today for them or for their future daughters. ...OH running for cover.:axe:
It takes a lot to be an intellectually respectable woman, but only a handful of words to be a worthless cunt. Guess what category you fall under?
I know...but the truth hurts. BW should never complain about the shortage of black males if they are not willing to stop what's actually causing it. If they think there's a shortage now, just wait until their daughters who are now a year old, grow up to be young women...looking for a BM to marry. Abortion are taking a toll on blacks, but for the most part they continue to embrace it. Hispanics have not bought into this crap and that's why they surpassed blacks in becoming the largest minority about 20 years or so ago...and one day they will surpass...oh well. ...OH takes off again:axe:
There is no imbalance in the birthrates between males and females in the black community. If you weren't so fucking stupid, you'd know that. Higher rates of abortion among black women are attributable to higher rates of unintended pregnancy, not some conspiracy. link
Did I say anything about a conspiracy...just do the math. Abortion is a woman's right. But it is also something that the black community just simply cannot afford at the rate of over 5,000 black babies thrown in the dumpster each week, especially when they have AIDS, homicides, and the prison system to deal with too...sorry. Cuss me all you want. Doesn't bother me none. BTW, more black males are born than black females. Thus, more black males are being aborted than their female counterparts. As far as the balance you declare for the future, right now yall are outnumbered 3 to 1. So how is it going to get to an even point in the future from the present angle. NOW who's the stupid one? The truth is just the truth...don't shoot the messenger. Please don't feel dissed. It's simply something for you to be concerned about. If you're not, no worry, you're in good company. Most blacks feel exactly as you do...why be ain't me...right? April 2004 Quote: "there were more abortions of black babies than deaths of all already-born black people from all causes in the U.S. during that same time period. More black babies were aborted than the total number of all black people who died from cancer, heart disease, homicide, AIDS, diabetes, combat injuries, etc - all put together. And, based on these numbers, in a five day period, the number of black unborn babies whose lives are terminated through abortion (4,023) is greater than the total number of U.S. troops who have died in the Iraq War (4,012) as of this writing." This was report April 2004...the numbers are even worse now.!F3D4C1BC1D8B0D91!539.entry?wa=wsignin1.0&sa=822799436 ...OH taking off again :axe: She won't be posting anymore on this particular thread...the boogie men might get her.:smt062
Funny you didn't mention WW and their abortion rates. You are truly suspect. The white population is declining across the WORLD. This is more about illegal immigration than it is about abortion..which is huge in the latino community as well....quiet as it's kept.
And how much does illegal immigration have to do with this??? The way they use the word "hispanic" you'd think there was an equal blend of cubans...mexicans...puerto ricans...el slavadorans...and venezuelans migrating across the land. As we all know...that is not the case.
I've been suspect from day 1, but that will not stop me from speaking my mind as you so freely do with your mind. BW are having abortions at 3 times the rate of WW. Now...I mention WW...feel better now dear?
Bitch please... Black Americans are the YOUNGEST,fastest growing NATIVE BORN population in America. The white birthrate WORLDWIDE is ZERO or NEGATIVE population growth. You better save your speech for your white sisters.:smt039
If you had the brain of a human being rather than a dung beetle you know that (globally) it is typical for more males to be born than females. In the black community, the current rate is north of 1,036 males per 1,000 females, a number that has risen (as in, not fallen) since 1983. Do your fucking homework before you debate me, because there is absolutely nothing I love more than to expose a person's sheer stupidity. You didn't even have the foresight to look at a fertility table. Stupid bitch.
lol this will cause further paranoia for the neo nazis, where i used to live white people bred like fuckin rabbits
View what's bolded. You shouldn't be talking about this here, perhaps a different site is a more conducive environment for you. Do you not support multiculturalism in this country, or do you prefer if other races date outside of their race except BMs? Do you really think it's appropriate for BM only to limit themselves to BW just to satisfy the desires pf people like you, or do you say this because you think in the future, there would be an increase in only BW who are single? I already concluded this several times about you before, you are just here to prevent BM from liking WW, and it doesn't matter what your race is. We know why you are here.
I just want to point out that I was on to Openheart from jump but everyone ran to defend her against big bad Andrae. Next time just trust I'm smarter than some you people lol. Real talk she needs to go. She's a loser and sucks at life.
I love who he is as the full persona of mankind. None can surpass him. He is in touch with his inner being more so than any other race of man. He is the 8th dimension of life and the beginning thereof. All others have come from his loins. The energy that radiates from him brings comfort to me when I am stressed or sad. When he speaks, the winds cease and my heart take notes on linen paper. The gait in his walk is uniquely different from all other men. No woman can ignore it. With every step, the ground beneath his feet rumbles. His voice comes from deeps that are beyond words. Wisdom builds her home on his lips and grows with him in life. Thus, when he speaks...we all listen. His commitment to his family is rarely recognized yet I commit myself to helping him fight the demons of media whores in the world today who seek to destroy his image. His strength and determination in the face of those who despise him, secretly becomes his oppressor's inward reverence. Yet, with his bleeding scars...he heals me. Without arrogance, I say that he truly is God's gift to the world. He is a whirlwind increasing and flowing in the midst of me. I behold him always for he is truly my king. Yes, I love him and always will love him The broad fetishist brush painted black men with -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."Margaret Sanger's December 19, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, 255 Adams Street, Milton, Massachusetts. Original source: Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, North Hampton, Massachusetts. Also described in Linda Gordon's Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America. New York: Grossman Publishers, 1976. Well as I told MrFantastic, that he wouldn't believe it if I told him, I repeat the same to you guys. At this point, it is so embedded into the black culture that it can't be eradicted anyway. But there are some blacks who are trying to stop the daily mass killings of black babies and they reveal what Planned Parenthood's agenda is, but no one is listening to them hardly. At this point, it's too late anyway. It's just a sad situation. Read more about the white elitist and Margaret's plan that is working powerfully to this day. I don't care that you two don't believe because we are not being destroyed by this. Even though we far outnumber black women, they are having way more abortions than we are. Click Here Yes Margaret, encouraged abortion for other groups and the retarded, but she had a horrendous hatred for black people that you wouldn't believe. Check out the link below. Then let's get back on topic because this is way off, dwelling on something that very few people are aware of anyway. This is my last post of this issue. We are off topic Agenda I sat before my keyboard without words when I read this about an hour ago. I had to leave because I was too moved to respond. Just when I think that I have learned of the worse horrors of slavery, I come upon something else. Oh God...forgive us. Fan, I will never forget this as long as I live. Every time I hear someone call a person a motherfucker, I will remember what you've shared here about that term. Oh God! Words are beyond me at this point. I remember 2 years ago when I read about how black babies were quietly removed from a sleeping mother's arms at night and used as gator bait, I cried. I can not comprehend how my ancestors were so very wicked as to give a gator a live screaming human baby, just so they could catch the gator. I am sorry and so very ashamed of what my ancestors did and what they continued to do well after slavery. The lynchings that took place all the way up into the 60s were horrendous and many of the whites who committed these horrendous slayings are living today as free men. They were never tried in a court of law and those who were, were simply found not guilty by a jury of their 'peers' who were at the lynching themselves. Yet, America refuses as a nation to apologize for the horrendous pain and suffering it allowed to happen to her fellow citizens because of their skin color. Black people have suffered horrendous pain and who are we to try and swish it away by telling you that that is the the past...get over it. You would greatly dishonor your ancestors by putting what happened to them on a back burner somewhere. They should always be honored, spoken of and branded into the minds and hearts of your children because you would not enjoy the freedom that you do have today if it were not for their suffering. "Being enslaved for cultural differences or religious ideologies can never compare with being enslaved because of race. Your culture and ideology can be changed but your skin tone is obvious and can't be hidden." This statment became a billboard in my heart when I read it. Fan, this is why I wrote so deeply about why I love black men, the first day I got here. I have many black men as friends whom I have never been intimate with. I know them by their character. I will tell any woman that if all she knows about a black man is his body parts, then you have only touched the surface because what is inside is much greater than that which is outside. Though I will most likely never see you, I will add you and GQBrother to my journal of special friends because when I read both of your responses I knew right away that you were worthy of such in my heart. What sane person speaks like this? She's a nut