1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Never said that people didn't do anything bad in other countries I was wondering if all the cheating that seems to be common practice here is the same everywhere. We are a very selfish and individualistic culture. We are the only industrialized country that refuses to give universal healthcare to its citizen. We consume more and waste more than other nation. Americans are first in selfishness which has a lot to do with cheating so I don't think its that far of a deductive leap to wonder if other people cheat as much as we do.
  2. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I don't think those reasons mean anything in terms of cheating.

    Humans are humans. If they want to cheat, they're going to cheat. It doesn't matter what country they're from.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    False. Monogamy also hangs on cultural norms like the middle east where the men are very unlikely to cheat. Where as here the sense of familial obligation is lacking. Instant gratification for the self is way more important here and in other countries the well being of all is the bigger concern.
  4. satyr

    satyr New Member

    When were you in the Middle East, and how much time did you spend cataloging social norms and cultural practices?

  5. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    So then, how about you just worry about what you're doing instead of what or who everyone else is doing and live your life as an example? ;)

    I don't see much point in debating the reasons why people cheat. Personally, I think it has always been around. Humans aren't wired for monogamy, no matter what the bullshit religions of the world try to cram down our throats- the presence of public bath houses in history are a great example of this phenomenon. If you don't like cheating then don't do it... if you want an open relationship, spell it out, including which rules you want to implement... and then just do your thing. To hell with everyone else...

    Ornery DB, OUT. :)
  6. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    So you stole someone's man and you still have an ocean between you?

    Well, it can be tough when you are from different countries, I know I've been there- but I wouldn't be chalking that one up on the scoreboard JUST yet.

    Lots of silly generalisations on this thread. Some people will cheat, some won't. Some thought they never would, then did. Some swore that a piece on the side was the way to go, then met the person of their dreams and changed, some always have and always will, some marriages survive it, some don't.
  7. sockervadd

    sockervadd New Member

    and it doesn't change u just dipped a whore.. haha now what does that make u?
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Actually I did four years of political science and studied middle eastern customs. Good try thouugh asshole.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Db this is just a lively discussion not a guide to live life by but the lack of honesty and out right selfishness does interest me. There was a time when we governed ourselves with honor and morality. I can't help but think when did it all change.
  10. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    I don't think thats true, MF. This sort of thing always went on, but it just wasn't appropriate to discuss it. For example, incidents of teen pregnancy were higher in the 50's than any other time in history...but we have this mistaken idea that everyone was pure and honest and good. In the Renaissance more people died of syphilis than everything else except the Plague. That doesn't exactly sound like perfection. It was considered to be proper for wealthy men to have a Mistress regardless of how their wives felt about it, too. How is that conducting oneself with more honor and dignity?

    We have all of these illusions about the past, but the reality is that not much changes but the clothes. :)
  11. satyr

    satyr New Member

    I did several years of political science as well (UCLA), and cannot recall any source material on Middle Eastern social norms which bolsters your claim?

  12. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    and BTW, MF. I apologize. Reading that post from last night over again, it sounds far more wenchy than I actually intended.
  13. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    He's stupid.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It seemed like people actually believed in honor they actually died over it back then now people wouldn't take a hard pinch for shit they shit supposedly believe in. But you may be correct.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dude I graduated undergrad almost 6 years ago look it up I'm sure its out there. But let's use some deductive reasoning if Middle Eastern countries are strict Islamic States that follow the Qaran which demands strict guidelines for procreation and marriage. So what would you deduce?
  16. Tirkah

    Tirkah Active Member

    I haven't read the entire thread but this sounds like - "I'm not an expert on Middle East customs but I did stay at Holiday Inn last night".
  17. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    No it means I've taken multiple classes on the subject and I'm not speaking out of ignorance like you and Satyr are trying to suggest. I don't need to live in India to know people are starving to death in large numbers. Shit thousands of people just died in Japan do either one of you dummies need to be their to know it happened and that those people are in for a tough recovery.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  20. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    This is the internet where everybody is perfect and their shit smells like houte couture perfume and you honestly think a lot of people will jump in and say yess i am a cheating asshole?

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