Pretty much nothing left. Haunting. (Scroll over the pictures to see the before and after)
Interesting question, if it happened in China. The wall isn't very tall though (up to 26feet high, tops), and its in a mountainous region. (3000+ ft above SEA level.) *** Stunningly, Kashima in Minamisoma, which is the 8th pic, went from lush green farmLAND, to brown-dead-land, what isn't now undersea.
*Sighs* No Nico,it would not have. The Chinese built it to protect from threats from the NORTH,you know what that means genius? It means it's a horizontal wall,it goes from east to west,like the horizon. For it to have stopped the tsunami in the way you're thinking,it would have had to have been a vertical wall,going north and south. Even if it was a vertical wall,it STILL wouldn't have been able to stop the tsunami.
I think he was expecting it to stop the water,with just a enough going over the top for the people to celebrate.
Haha Can you imagine if it was built vertically? The wall stretches some 8,000+ km and The International Space Station being about 324 km away from Earth, it would have, at some point, collided with the wall. Or tower in this case, I guess. Maybe they would have figured something else about it. Shoot, that'd would have been something else though - it would beat Toronto's CN Tower, The Sears Tower, The Empire State building, Dubai's Burj Khalifa combined being the tallest erected man-made structure. But I don't know if Japan could have been spared from such a disaster even if they had built (horizontally or even vertically) a wall something like The Great Wall of China but going North to South....
Look at us,we're no better than he is. My mom said 1 bad apple spoils the bunch and she was right. He starts talking about a landmark in another country being able to stop a natural disaster,and we fell in to it. This thread went from being about Japan to being about China after that dunce opened his mouth. We need to end this here.
Ok, got it. I think it's maybe because I live in a 3D world or maybe it's my perception or frame-of-reference, I'd call anything parallel to the Earth's surface horizontal unless it's erected upright and perpendicular to the Earth's surface. But I get what you're saying.
Jesus Christ are you people that clueless? I'm saying, if water with the force of a Tsunami hit the wall, would it remain standing or would it crumble? I have no idea what directions have to do with anything.
Well, the wall itself is built in sections contructed by different dynasties (and engineers) so its not hard to determine how affective it would stand a 8.9 earth quake + tsunami. The strongest parts of the wall could possibly still stand after it gets hit, but i doubt the rest will stand. You can do some physics calculation if you like. Its simple newton law of motion # 3