Police arrest 16 in twisted gang rape of 11-year-old girl in Cleveland, Texas.

Discussion in 'In the News' started by ThePrince, Mar 11, 2011.

  1. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Yeah I be ghetto like that some times. Sue me..:rolleyes:
  2. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Ghetto-like-that-sometimes-ass, :p what are we gonna do with you?
  3. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Excellent points, Sockervadd.

    Something is obviously wrong in the girl's home IMO. The question that no one seems to be asking is WHERE THE HELL HAS THE PARENTAL SUPERVISION BEEN FOR THIS CHILD? Why was there no one looking after this child's welfare?
  4. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    You may wonder whether she was of "average" intellect, whether her "begging" for it makes her partly responsible, whether people will wonder about the "evidence" or even whether she was naive. No matter what you might assume or attribute to this victim would matter in fact.

    This is not the first minor to have been involved in a scenario of having sex with older minors or adults. Statutory rape laws have been long recognized, since the 13th century in England. So, historically, laws has recognized that minors of young ages are not like adults, that the concept of an "average" minor has not meaning, and so they must be protected and afforded a different status for the purposes of sex.

    It doesn't matter one bit, nor should it. The plain fact is that minors of her are deemed unable to give consent to have sex, whether because of naivety, ignorance, thoughtlessness, mental incompetence, carelessness, promiscuity, or whatever, period. It doesn't matter if she took off her clothes and begged them. It doesn't matter if she presented a false ID.

    Assailants have used all kinds of defenses for decades to avoid prosecution when they had sex with minors. At the end of the day only three things matter, was the person a minor under the definition of Statutory rape, did a sexual act take place and was the perpetrator a person of sufficient age as required by the statute. If those conditions can be satisfied then there guilt has been established and it's only a matter of determining the sentence for the crime.

    If it makes you feel any better a different set of laws also prevent that not so naive son or daughter who's a minor from taking your credit card, charging it to the limit, and making you responsible for paying the bills. I'll bet you don't have a problem with considering them a minor at that point.
  5. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

  6. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    See that is the thing, you have to know what you want and go for it with unshakable self confidence. You speak for yourself, not allow others to define you as a person.

    I give respect to others in order to get respect, because I wouldn't want someone judging me merely by race without any idea of my individual personality.

    I realize there is always going to be ignorance in the world, the only thing we can control is how we deal with it. As the old maxim goes, actions speak louder than words, because you are the one that has to attain your personal happiness through your choices in life. Just live your life bro.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  7. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I think if we were on an even ground with whites, financially, socio-economically, and academically, then perhaps the ignorance we see would be a little less prevalent in society.
  8. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    The operative word is ignorance, and racism doesn't have a rational basis.
    Perhaps sad, but I believe that ignorance, like death and taxes will be with us always. The ebb and flow of ignorance seems to change with the status of the economy. During times when the economy cycles downwardly, there will be those ignorant people looking to blame others for their personal woes. It's been noted that since the election of President Obama there has been a rise in "hate groups" of more than 50%. There are those who have stated when polled that Obama lacks the "mental" abilities" to be president.

    If you believe that you will be viewed differently because you attain a modicum of success, you may be setting yourself up for disappointment. As GQ mentioned, better you maintain confidence in yourself and not worry about what others think. Live your life with confident pursuing the educational and occupation goals and romance that you want, without reservation or apprehension.

    Perseverance is the one quality that I believe African Americans have learned through their struggles and experiences in American society. So, use those lessons from the past to help build your future. I have a sense that any of the women you desire will be much more attracted to this quality than the timidity of self- doubt.
  9. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I don't necessarily think I'd be viewed differently if I'd be successful. I think that depends largely on who I'm around, so perhaps that's an unknown variable. Some people would view it positively, some would view it negatively. You are also completely correct about the characteristic of perseverance that we have. Personally, I'm a hard working guy, I'm not lazy at all.

    When you mentioned about hate groups, here's an article on CNN I found about it. It's a bit disturbing and makes you wonder what the future would be like, if American society is more tolerant to us or not.



    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  10. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Very poignantly stated. A lot of the folks who went through the Civil Rights struggles were very educated and mannered individuals who endured all kinds of abuse just for being black. However they saw the bigger picture in the long run, a means to an end.

    We've all at some point seen the Civil Rights Era clips. Imagine sitting at a lunch counter at a sit-in and a white person comes up to you, spits on you, calls you nigger and they all start to punch you just because you are black. As a black person to tolerate that treatment as a tactic that could achieve your wider goal of equal rights took a lot of inner strength.
  11. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Having exposed myself to different cultures I recognize there will always be those kind of elements in a given society.

    You can find it across cultures, the planet over. I believe its a human condition of intolerance born out of discomfort, ignorance and stereotypes.

    What I can appreciate in the USA in 2011 is that unlike prior generations an individual today is not able to as easily get away with what we saw in the Southern states during segregation where a black person could be killed and no one held to account for it.

    Shame has been brought on such folks and the arms of justice has realized what these folks were terrorists and murderers.

    The problem was in much of the past this nation spoke with a voice that differed from reality. As long as we apply the tenants of the Constitution to all Americans then those folks don't have to like me, but respect my rights outlined as an American is what I require. :)
  12. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it's all good GQ Brotha. I guess you could think of dating WW as a means of pissing off the people in the hate groups, political parties that promote white nationalism, and white supremacists/white supremacy. Especially for those kind of people, the statement that I had put in bold indicates who exactly you're referring to. Thefireyphoenix said something along the lines of that in a different thread.
  13. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    I agree with you. Yeah these boys and men should of exercised better judgement but lets stop pretending that girl didn't ask for it. No sympathy from me.
  14. ThePrince

    ThePrince Active Member

    :smt011 Dude, not cool.
  15. ThePrince

    ThePrince Active Member

    I never said you did. I just don't get what is so wrong about calling him out on his bullshit. Whether I or anyone else called him a troll or not.

    What is your definition of a troll anyway? Just curious.
  16. Nico

    Nico Banned

    Last edited: Mar 14, 2011
  17. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    No surprise. After all, she got no sympathy from the adults who raped her either. One can only wonder how many men there are who justify raping 11 year old girls using bullshit reasons like this. :confused:
  18. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    While I agree with you, public polls suggest that the lack of sympathy isn't confined to just men. It's so unbelievable, and to hear this kind of comment from someone charged with educating our youth is unfortunate.
  19. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    That's horrible. Unfortunate as you said. I guess it's the times in which we live in. The girl's parents are also partially to blame for this terrible incident. This child is scarred for life. It's going to take a serious support system to be there with her because of the pain and shame she will endure for a lifetime.
  20. Nico

    Nico Banned


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