Dating those who differ politically

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Max Mosley, Mar 11, 2011.

  1. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    *high five*!
  2. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

  3. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    ...I may have actually done that... :-o
  4. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You're next.
  5. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I find nothing wrong with dating someone who thinks differently than myself. In fact, it's rather invigorating. You get to have intelligent conversations/debates with a person you care about, you get to see views from a whole different perspective and maybe figure out that what you think may not be the best way. AND you get to see the dawning on the other person's face when you get them thinking about THEIR views and how maybe their views aren't the greatest.

    It's win-win to me, as long as both parties can put their differences aside when they aren't talking politics. :smt023
  6. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    If they are somewhat opposite on some issues, okay, but polar opposites?/ Forget it
  7. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    It was kind of hard for me to buy into the fiction of trickle down economics. The only thing that was accomplished was an incredibly higher deficit that will be paid on the back of middle income earners. These administrations also reduced or eliminated so much oversight in financial and environmental areas. The lack of oversight made it a lot easier to set the stage for the meltdown that occurred, and yet they are held in such high regard...
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Truth be told neither side really like blacks just one side is more blatant about it. Democrats use u for votes but let a bm try to date their daughters and those fuckers show their true colors. Its cool for us all to be free and equal just don't do it in my neighborhood mentality.
    There are some who really don't care but the majority either think they're better or are afraid of what the close minded might think about them and truthfully black people are no better we just don't get to hide and blend.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Both sides had a hand it. The democrats are suppose to be crusaders of the social era but cave to republicans every single time.
  10. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    May?? eh? LOL.. I had to do it:D
  11. naija4real

    naija4real New Member

    The interesting thing is after all said and done, racial division is a reality.The more interesting fact is human distinctions exist in all societies, black or white. It just happens that in America these distinctive features are more pronounced on skin/colour lines.

    Most African societies have ethnic strife, and little thought is given to the humanity and decency in other people with different cultural roots, or with different cultural perspectives.Yet where we fail is the inability to grasp the idea that culture on another level is the conventions on how we deal with the reality of where we have found ourselves.The myths and the stories about ourselves are mostly fiction, created to nurture to life our aspirations.

    While in America, folks are comfortable with racial division, in Africa, folks are comfortable with ethnic division. These divisions highlight the nature of the human person, and what we attach to perceptions that have nothing to do with reality, but more to do with value orientation, traditions and conventions that people grew up in. And what they would do to preserve the status quo.

    On values is where I find the market system interesting, it allows for self renewal. Whether it is market crisis, financial crisis, economic boom, or economic depression, it is creative destruction! It renews values, how we perceive reality, and reestablishes new fiction about ourselves.

    The market has the tendency to break down barriers. It has the tendency to renew social contracts , and further more, it serves the needs and realities of the times. Capital is most times allocated in the market like a lottery in the hands best able to utilize it. I think this is key in checking power mongers and reining in people with unbridled ambition that hardly helps society on the long run.

    Imagine this, Oprah exists in America. Will Smith cleans out at the box office. Michael Jackson at a point was more popular than the president of the United States. This examples speak to the lottery of the market, and how it allocates capital according to the needs of the people.

    Now imagine this, give some racist, or some tribal fellow the power to allocate rights and privileges in society, or tamper with the market, I think this is where you will have problems. It is the problem I have with extreme liberal ideology.

    The discussion is too nuanced to be dissected along black or white lines. I think it speaks more to the growth of the human person and how we continue to evolve as we develop on the best society that serves our needs. The folks doing damage are both conservatives and liberals. Both have something in common - they want to preserve tradition and conventions of the past.

    While the many conservatives want to preserve entitlements in the form of corporate welfare, and family acquisition over generations, many liberals want to expand entitlements that reduces the ability of the market to enable itself serve the needs and adapt to the realities of the times. Some liberals also equally want to equally preserve the old order of poverty.

    I guess here is where I have to stop. This issue needs more treatment beyond threads like this. I hope I am able to write a book someday to explain myself lucidly on this matter in a way that it will benefit Africans to enable us design a way to organize our societies.

  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Racial tension and ethnic divide is just a way for the rich to confuse and occupy the poor. The mythos of race and ethnicity are such bs. We are capable of being self aware and we took even the slightest moment we would all realize we're all being fucked.
  13. naija4real

    naija4real New Member

    You hit at the crux of the issue.

    It is an illusion and people get sold on it, all the time.

    The rich keep getting paid like bandits. And the poor end up like religious zealots hoping to make heaven with many virgins waiting.

  14. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    It never used to matter to me when I was young, but now it does bother me somewhat.

    I would never Vote Liberal Democrat (their policies are so unattainable and just don't work) this whole coalition with them in it, is a joke over here IMO.

    I Have never voted Conservative, I grew up under a conservative government and believe me and my Mum when we say everything was much harder then.

    I'm a Labour voter and definitely left wing, I don't agree with all there policies but 80% yes, I'm waiting to see what my Judgement on Ed Miliband will be, I personally preferred his brother David Miliband who had a slightly more traditional Labour view and was a Union supporter.

    Would it affect me if someone was a conservative voter, yep it would bother me, but I would definitely try to show them the error of there ways :D
  15. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    Hence the reason I said "I know theres an agenda on both sides."

    We can sit all day and pick apart flaws on either side. They are a plenty. But I just cant buy the notion that one side doesnt have more of a history of intolerance over the last 40 years. Lets also not combine the motives of political strategists with the every day man or woman. A strategist's/ politician's motive is completely different and doesnt reflect where a typical Republican voter's mind state lies.

    For the British folks on the forum. You guys get heated in debate but you have the luxury of not having the poisonous history that America has. Your dirt was done elsewhere. ;) It subliminally infiltrates our politics which leads to many voting against their own interests on both sides. I.E. Identity politics. Of course with the influx of Muslim people in Britain, that will or maybe has already started to change.

    So I dont get misunderstood... Im not opposed to all Republican view points and admire many of them. Especially regarding the size of government. Its the human element that gets in the way. A political party is not immune to being hijacked by corruption & intolerance...and therefore attracting those elements to its party. Its those elements that I speak of.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  16. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    I really don't think politics should matter when it comes to a relationship and if it is an issue for the other person, he/she is not worth your time.
  17. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    Would you ask out a woman whos a known active member of the Tea Party?
  18. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Yes i would as long as she is cool being with me i would not define anyone by his or her political beliefs
  19. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    Youre a better man than I :D
  20. sockervadd

    sockervadd New Member

    That's just stupid.. I wud never ever date a man who was against my voting right.. I want someone to respect me AND other persons and politics is a part of the person not something u switch off and on, if someones politic is racist then there is a pretty good chance this someone actually IS racist


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