Police arrest 16 in twisted gang rape of 11-year-old girl in Cleveland, Texas.

Discussion in 'In the News' started by ThePrince, Mar 11, 2011.

  1. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    So who's opinion should we place a greater value on? Your opinion, or the webmaster's opinion? I would select the webmaster because he holds a higher level of power than both of us.


    Calling a moderator an "idiot", is clearly out of line, and I still can't see how you can justify this guy's actions. Maybe we just think of things that are deemed as being offensive differently.

    Last edited: Mar 11, 2011
  2. Nico

    Nico Banned

    lol you don't have to reason as an adult to avoid something like this, it's common sense. When a 8 year old kid looks both ways before crossing the street, he's not reasoning like an adult he's just using common sense.

    This girl was 11 not 5....
  3. ThePrince

    ThePrince Active Member

    You remind me a little of myself. There are times when I stuck up for the underdog too. Nothing wrong with that at all, but for some reason I can't do it for Nico. :smt102

    Ironically, I did kind of feel bad for him during the whole confederate flag debate when everyone(well, not literally everyone)gained up on him. I kind of wanted to tell the others to lay off him, but I decided not to, thinking I would've been next. At the same time I thought he did bring it on himself.
  4. Nico

    Nico Banned

    lol don't feel sorry for me this isn't High School. I'm not here to try and be friends with everyone or fit in a crowd.
    Just posting my opinions and stuff.

    Do I feel sorry for the girl?
    of course

    Do I think it's partially her fault?

    Do I think this could happen to the average girl in the same situation?

    It's hard to imagine 16 people in the same area all willing to rape a girl, I'm guessing she had something to do with it.

    Could I be wrong?

    Should you get butthurt?

    Will getting mad at me be a waste of time?
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2011
  5. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I guess you should modify your post to say something like this.
    You would end up contradicting yourself, pretty much. You have to man up and admit that you screwed up.
  6. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    First of all..P..that a bloody brilliant post. Not much can be said other than reiterating the fact that she was 11. E-FUCKING-LEVEN.

    Nico, what you said was out of line. I'm going to leave it at that.
  7. Nico

    Nico Banned

    So if a girl was begging for something and got it, it isn't partially her fault?
    Interesting perspective...

    I never said any grown man had any legitimate reason to have sex with her.
    Where'd you pull that from?

    1. I wouldn't raise a daughter naive enough to get into a car with a 19 year old boy.

    Put it his way, if your kid crosses the street without looking and gets hit. Are you gonna be pissed at the driver for not seeing them? Yes
    But are you also gonna wonder why your kid didn't look both ways.....aren't you gonna question that?
    Or what if your kid bullies people at school then one of his victims brings a gun and shoots them?
    No matter how pissed you are, you have to acknowledge that your kid was partially to blame.

    To deny that would be..........well denial.

    I also stand 100% behind my statement that this wouldn't happen to the average girl.

    I'd be the first to castrate these guys, but I'd also be the first to ask the girl what was she thinking?
  8. sockervadd

    sockervadd New Member

    since we do not know all the facts all we can say it's not ok for 16 men to do that to a girl.

    now nico, what if this wasn't her first rape, it is known that many victims tend to become promiscuous.. they want to relive the trauma, weather that's the case or not she needs therapy, not someone to blame her for what happened
  9. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    :confused: Why are you even asking me that? Of course the webmaster's opinion is more valuable than mine.
    And if Nico wants to call someone an idiot, no matter who it is, that's his choice, like I said, you can neg rep him, dislike him, ignore him, report him, whatever. Have a blast. Still doesn't make him a troll IMO.
  10. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    You are victim blaming, and it's not OK.

    It's more troubling that there were actually a total of SIXTEEN MEN willing, ready, and able to RAPE an E-L-E-V-E-N YEAR OLD CHILD.

    Children, by very definition, are not the best examples of logic and insight. Even saying no to a stranger isn't always effective- they know the tricks- and who knows how they might have coerced her into getting into the car to hang out with them. And if she had been walking home from school, it wouldn't have been ANY different.. because she had a reasonable expectation to NOT BE RAPED.

    Why is this so hard for your brain to process??
  11. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    That's fine, do you. I'm not condoning what Nico said about the girl and I wholeheartedly disagree with him, still, on the subject of him being a troll, I still vote no. But that's just me.
  12. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Come on now ya'll. Nico is just misunderstood. It's not his fault that this forum is full of dorks, idiots, ignorant and oversensitive assholes that can't recognize someone with a clearly superior intellect and highminded opinions and values that he brings to forum.

    No babygirl, I'm not mocking you. I like you too much to do that. I am however just pointing out the fact that if this guy is what you consider an underdog, then I'm definitely scared to see what you kind of a guy you would consider to be an asshole. :smt017
  13. Nico

    Nico Banned

    Can you guys please stop acting like this is a 5 year old? She's E-L-E-V-E-N!!

    I think we all can agree that the average 11 year old wouldn't let this happen in the same exact situation.
    Thus proving the point that an 11 year old can use enough logic and insight to avoid this situation.

    You're right however, we don't know all of the facts. I'm speculating just as you guys are.
    If we don't have a solid cemented fact then there's really no point at getting upset at someone else's conclusion.
    Think about it, according to this case there were 16 men in the same town all willing to cooperate and rape an 11 year old......one that they didn't even have to forcefully get to come along.

    Obviously it's not a simple everyday case so you're gonna get a wide variety of speculations on it. Some people are gonna be scratching their hands and question some of the "evidence".

    If you don't have solid proof that the Earth is flat then don't mock someone who thinks it's round.
    You never know what they may discover about this case in the future...
  14. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    When I said he was an underdog, that was before now, so I don't know why it's being brought up now. It's new day. But, what he said in this thread, I still don't think it makes him a troll or bannable just because his opinion isn't the norm. But, that's just my opinion. If the webmaster wants to ban him, then that's his decision to make and so be it.
  15. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Nico is harmless because he's a fucking idiot.

    From now on he, blaminghomo, desreved and whoever else wants some are my little chewtoys.

  16. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    That's because everyone else saw before now that this guy was no underdog.

    The guy has the right to have his opinions as far as I'm concerned, but everyone has the right to express their opinions that they think they are fuck up as well. Freedom of speech is a two way street. If someone can't handle a majority of people disagreeing with their opinions, then it's probably not the smartest thing to want to express them in venues where they most likely wouldn't be viewed as the norm. Especially if you are going to be doing it every single time. I'd probably go hang with like minded individuals myself. But that's me and my senile way of thinking.
  17. Nico

    Nico Banned


    I need to hire a publicist to work on my image. Get my name out there in some positive light....
  18. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Good for them. :prayer:

    I agree with your senile way of thinking :)p) and I don't think I've told anyone not to express their opinions about his opinions. I'm just expressing my opinions about the opinions about his opinions and my opinions about his opinions too. :cool:
  19. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Well go ahead then with your cute self then. :cool:
  20. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    :smt036 Then okay then! :smt058

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